
^Hey! Your right around my times! But I just ran a 5:09, which is good because I nearly missed my race and didn't have time to warm-up or anything. I'd rather not go into why I almost missed my race :p.
My split at the invitational for the 4x100 today was 11.03. I'm finally seeing my incline training off-season helping.
Tennessee, where I live, has a very high obesity rate (I'm VERY skinny, lol) and our whole year (Sixth Grade) ran one mile, and I got 14th place out of over 200 with a time of 6:52. But looking at others' times, it made my time look bad. :p Just out of curiosity, JTE, what year are you in?
^If you mean grade, then 8th. And your times aren't that bad. My times are relatively good only since I've been running since pre-school.
Well, my mom has run many, many marathons (over 20?) so my sister and I are kinda forced into running, but it's ok because I kind of like running. :)
Today I ran 5:06 in the 1600 ^.^ . I'm so close to breaking 5 minutes this season! And I only have 3 more meets to do it...
State track meet for 4A in Oklahoma started today and ends tomorrow! I will be finishing of my high school year jumping in the Pole Vault. I am currently ranked #7 going into the meet but Im hoping to break my PR and win the title. 14' will win it for me if I get it.
Our 4x100 team broke our school record today too (Im alternate, so I didnt get to run in it though...) They booked it at right around 43 seconds, but there are 2 teams who will beat them in the finals tomorrow unless they pull something out.
I wasnt very good at the 400m and didnt even place at regionals. I ran a 53.5 and just did terrible. But I am glad I get to just focus on teh vault tomorrow.
Well, I have to get a procedure done on my foot, so I'll be missing the last meet of the season and the first couple weeks of soccer. :(
So today, I was reminiscing (however you spell that) of my freshman year (I'm a junior now) when I ran track. I ran a 5:52 mile, and got 4th. 3rd place gets points for your team, so I was mad. :< Some girl I know ran a 6:13. And she's in 8th grade. She's that close to my freshman time which got my 1 place off of earning points, and she's in 8th grade. And her dad says she's only 3rd or 4th best at the big meets. Where did all of this competition come from? Is it this hardcore where you guys live?
The Power of Three said:
So today, I was reminiscing (however you spell that) of my freshman year (I'm a junior now) when I ran track. I ran a 5:52 mile, and got 4th. 3rd place gets points for your team, so I was mad. :< Some girl I know ran a 6:13. And she's in 8th grade. She's that close to my freshman time which got my 1 place off of earning points, and she's in 8th grade. And her dad says she's only 3rd or 4th best at the big meets. Where did all of this competition come from? Is it this hardcore where you guys live?
Placing at state? Or at just a regular season meet?
A 5:30 would probably get you 6th place or so here.

pokemonjoe said:
Hey guys, is this a good 55 m hurdle time? 11.78 sec (7 grade)
55m hurdles? Thats a pretty short race. A really good girl here would probably run a 15.5 100m Hurdles.
It could be longer, I don't know. I'm in 7th grade, just saying. However, I suck at hurdles. But, then again, I suck more at shotput, high jump, and long jump.
About two weeks ago I didn't warm-up before one of my races, and I injured my leg because of it. Despite the pain, I ran through it for the past two weeks. However, the pain got too unbearable, so I went to the doctor this weekend. The doctor said I had torn muscle in my leg, and that the yellow bruise marks (the bruises went along my entire leg) were from internal bleeding going down my leg.

Even with a torn leg, I was able to manage running the 100m in about 11.4 seconds. Since I only have three meets left, I decided to skip the one on Tuesday, so that I could be healed a little more for Regionals on Friday.

On a side note, we were able to pull some people from our baseball team for a meet on Friday for our 4x100m. Everyone knew we'd break the school record, but right as we were about to run the race, thunderstorms started, and the meet got delayed and then canceled. Our last chance this year to integrate the baseball people will be Friday at Regionals. Let's hope we don't get thunderstorms again RIGHT before our race.