So, I got some obvious rules, and I do not tolerate scammers/rippers. I got ripped before, and it wasn't pretty...
I would seriously read the rules!
1. I won't be on all the time, but I will be active on weekends!
2. No rippers
3. I will CYL, if I can
4. All pokebeach rules apply
5. I go by the rep rule
7. No world champions/Fakes
8. Unless asked about the condition, I assume you dont care
9. Not an exact rule, but these cards are directly in front of me.
10. Unless stated, NO reverses
Holos: Celebi (Mysterious Treasures, 7/123)
Fraxure (Dragon vault, 14/20)
Leavanny (Noble Victories, 3/101)
Korean slaking (Dragon blade, 43/50) [It is like the Dragons exalted one, only different holo design)
Korean Wailord (Dragon blast, 12/50)
Zebstrika ( Boundaries crossed, 57/149)
Magnezone (Stormfront, 5/100)
Dragonair (Dragon vault, 4/20)
Bellosom (Undaunted, 1/90)
Wailord (Dragons Exalted, 26/124)
Haxorus (Dragon vault, 16/20)
Roserade ( Secret Wonders, 17/132)
Zoroark (Black & White base set, 71/114)
Aggron (Dragons Exalted, 80/124)
First Ticket [x2]( Dragon vault, 19/20)
Braviary (Emerging powers, 88/98)
Heracross (EX dragon frontiers, 3/101)
Landorus (Noble victories, 74/101)
Metagross POP promo (POP 1, 2/17)
Virizion (Noble Victories, 13/101)
Korean Aggron (Dragon blast, 37/50)
Dark Charizard (Team rocket, shadow, 4/82)
Conkeldurr (Noble Victories, 64/101)
Houndoom (Call of legends, 10/95)
Dratini (Dragon vault, 1/20)
Rampardos (Platinum, 13/127)
Victini (BW32)
Salamence (Dragon vault, 8/20)
Torterra (Stormfront, 11/100)
Shelgon (Dragon Vault, 7/20)
Garbodor [Garbotoxin] (Dragons exalted, 54/124)
Dusknoir (Stormfront, 1/100)
Zekrom (Black and white base set, 47.114)
Ultra rares: Korean Terrakion EX (Dragon blast, non full art, 32/50)
Landorus full art (Not ultra rare, but I count it, BW43)
Tornadus full art (Emerging powers, 98/98)
Claydol ex (EX power keepers, 93/108)
Ninetails ex (EX hidden legends, 96/101)
Lugia legend, top half (Heartgold and Soulsilver base set, 113/123)
Celebi prime (Triumphant, 92/102)
Raikou and Suicune legend, top half ( Unleased, 92/95)
Pikachu (Black and white base set, 115/114)
Typloshion prime (Heartgold Soulsilver base set, 110/123)
Charamander reprint (Stormfront, 101/100)
Celebi ex (Old school tin promo, 17/17 holo)
Dusknoir Lv. X (Stormfront, 96/100)
Reshiram full art (Black and white base set, 113/114)
Kyurem EX full art (Next destinies, 96/99)
Groudon EX (Dark explorers, 54/108)
Palkia G LV. X (Platinum, 125/127)
Mew EX full art (Dragons exalted, 120/124)
Shiny voltorb (Storm front, SH3)
Wash rotom (Rising Rivals, RT5)
Finally, my wants!
Wants!: Boundaries crossed: Dusknoir holo (63/149)
Cresslia EX (67/149)
Scolipede holo (74/149)
Gliscor ( 81/149)
Landorus EX (89/149)
Scizor holo (94/149)
Skarmory (96/149)
Flygon holo (99/149)
Crystal wall Ace spec (139/149)
Keldeo EX full art ( 142/149)
Cresslia EX full art (143/149)
Landorus EX full art (144/149)
Black Kyurem EX full art (145/149)
Bianca full art (147/149)
Skyla full art (149/149)
Shiny Golurk (150/149)
Shiny Terrakion (151/149)
Shiny Altaria (152/149)
Shiny Rocky helmet (153/149)
Any team plasma card, as long as it has a blue border, I want it! Japanese, korean, english, reverses, any!
Any old school ex's.
Any shining card (Neo sets)
Any gold stars
Any sealed product
Code cards
Any EX full art
I would seriously read the rules!
1. I won't be on all the time, but I will be active on weekends!
2. No rippers
3. I will CYL, if I can
4. All pokebeach rules apply
5. I go by the rep rule
7. No world champions/Fakes
8. Unless asked about the condition, I assume you dont care
9. Not an exact rule, but these cards are directly in front of me.
10. Unless stated, NO reverses
Holos: Celebi (Mysterious Treasures, 7/123)
Fraxure (Dragon vault, 14/20)
Leavanny (Noble Victories, 3/101)
Korean slaking (Dragon blade, 43/50) [It is like the Dragons exalted one, only different holo design)
Korean Wailord (Dragon blast, 12/50)
Zebstrika ( Boundaries crossed, 57/149)
Magnezone (Stormfront, 5/100)
Dragonair (Dragon vault, 4/20)
Bellosom (Undaunted, 1/90)
Wailord (Dragons Exalted, 26/124)
Haxorus (Dragon vault, 16/20)
Roserade ( Secret Wonders, 17/132)
Zoroark (Black & White base set, 71/114)
Aggron (Dragons Exalted, 80/124)
First Ticket [x2]( Dragon vault, 19/20)
Braviary (Emerging powers, 88/98)
Heracross (EX dragon frontiers, 3/101)
Landorus (Noble victories, 74/101)
Metagross POP promo (POP 1, 2/17)
Virizion (Noble Victories, 13/101)
Korean Aggron (Dragon blast, 37/50)
Dark Charizard (Team rocket, shadow, 4/82)
Conkeldurr (Noble Victories, 64/101)
Houndoom (Call of legends, 10/95)
Dratini (Dragon vault, 1/20)
Rampardos (Platinum, 13/127)
Victini (BW32)
Salamence (Dragon vault, 8/20)
Torterra (Stormfront, 11/100)
Shelgon (Dragon Vault, 7/20)
Garbodor [Garbotoxin] (Dragons exalted, 54/124)
Dusknoir (Stormfront, 1/100)
Zekrom (Black and white base set, 47.114)
Ultra rares: Korean Terrakion EX (Dragon blast, non full art, 32/50)
Landorus full art (Not ultra rare, but I count it, BW43)
Tornadus full art (Emerging powers, 98/98)
Claydol ex (EX power keepers, 93/108)
Ninetails ex (EX hidden legends, 96/101)
Lugia legend, top half (Heartgold and Soulsilver base set, 113/123)
Celebi prime (Triumphant, 92/102)
Raikou and Suicune legend, top half ( Unleased, 92/95)
Pikachu (Black and white base set, 115/114)
Typloshion prime (Heartgold Soulsilver base set, 110/123)
Charamander reprint (Stormfront, 101/100)
Celebi ex (Old school tin promo, 17/17 holo)
Dusknoir Lv. X (Stormfront, 96/100)
Reshiram full art (Black and white base set, 113/114)
Kyurem EX full art (Next destinies, 96/99)
Groudon EX (Dark explorers, 54/108)
Palkia G LV. X (Platinum, 125/127)
Mew EX full art (Dragons exalted, 120/124)
Shiny voltorb (Storm front, SH3)
Wash rotom (Rising Rivals, RT5)
Finally, my wants!
Wants!: Boundaries crossed: Dusknoir holo (63/149)
Cresslia EX (67/149)
Scolipede holo (74/149)
Gliscor ( 81/149)
Landorus EX (89/149)
Scizor holo (94/149)
Skarmory (96/149)
Flygon holo (99/149)
Crystal wall Ace spec (139/149)
Keldeo EX full art ( 142/149)
Cresslia EX full art (143/149)
Landorus EX full art (144/149)
Black Kyurem EX full art (145/149)
Bianca full art (147/149)
Skyla full art (149/149)
Shiny Golurk (150/149)
Shiny Terrakion (151/149)
Shiny Altaria (152/149)
Shiny Rocky helmet (153/149)
Any team plasma card, as long as it has a blue border, I want it! Japanese, korean, english, reverses, any!
Any old school ex's.
Any shining card (Neo sets)
Any gold stars
Any sealed product
Code cards
Any EX full art