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Trade place! Many great cards here!

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I am out of smash codes.
So, I got some obvious rules, and I do not tolerate scammers/rippers. I got ripped before, and it wasn't pretty...

I would seriously read the rules!

1. I won't be on all the time, but I will be active on weekends!

2. No rippers

3. I will CYL, if I can

4. All pokebeach rules apply

5. I go by the rep rule

7. No world champions/Fakes

8. Unless asked about the condition, I assume you dont care

9. Not an exact rule, but these cards are directly in front of me.

10. Unless stated, NO reverses


Holos: Celebi (Mysterious Treasures, 7/123)
Fraxure (Dragon vault, 14/20)
Leavanny (Noble Victories, 3/101)
Korean slaking (Dragon blade, 43/50) [It is like the Dragons exalted one, only different holo design)
Korean Wailord (Dragon blast, 12/50)
Zebstrika ( Boundaries crossed, 57/149)
Magnezone (Stormfront, 5/100)
Dragonair (Dragon vault, 4/20)
Bellosom (Undaunted, 1/90)
Wailord (Dragons Exalted, 26/124)
Haxorus (Dragon vault, 16/20)
Roserade ( Secret Wonders, 17/132)
Zoroark (Black & White base set, 71/114)
Aggron (Dragons Exalted, 80/124)
First Ticket [x2]( Dragon vault, 19/20)
Braviary (Emerging powers, 88/98)
Heracross (EX dragon frontiers, 3/101)
Landorus (Noble victories, 74/101)
Metagross POP promo (POP 1, 2/17)
Virizion (Noble Victories, 13/101)
Korean Aggron (Dragon blast, 37/50)
Dark Charizard (Team rocket, shadow, 4/82)
Conkeldurr (Noble Victories, 64/101)
Houndoom (Call of legends, 10/95)
Dratini (Dragon vault, 1/20)
Rampardos (Platinum, 13/127)
Victini (BW32)
Salamence (Dragon vault, 8/20)
Torterra (Stormfront, 11/100)
Shelgon (Dragon Vault, 7/20)
Garbodor [Garbotoxin] (Dragons exalted, 54/124)
Dusknoir (Stormfront, 1/100)
Zekrom (Black and white base set, 47.114)

Ultra rares: Korean Terrakion EX (Dragon blast, non full art, 32/50)
Landorus full art (Not ultra rare, but I count it, BW43)
Tornadus full art (Emerging powers, 98/98)
Claydol ex (EX power keepers, 93/108)
Ninetails ex (EX hidden legends, 96/101)
Lugia legend, top half (Heartgold and Soulsilver base set, 113/123)
Celebi prime (Triumphant, 92/102)
Raikou and Suicune legend, top half ( Unleased, 92/95)
Pikachu (Black and white base set, 115/114)
Typloshion prime (Heartgold Soulsilver base set, 110/123)
Charamander reprint (Stormfront, 101/100)
Celebi ex (Old school tin promo, 17/17 holo)
Dusknoir Lv. X (Stormfront, 96/100)
Reshiram full art (Black and white base set, 113/114)
Kyurem EX full art (Next destinies, 96/99)
Groudon EX (Dark explorers, 54/108)
Palkia G LV. X (Platinum, 125/127)
Mew EX full art (Dragons exalted, 120/124)
Shiny voltorb (Storm front, SH3)
Wash rotom (Rising Rivals, RT5)

Finally, my wants!

Wants!: Boundaries crossed: Dusknoir holo (63/149)
Cresslia EX (67/149)
Scolipede holo (74/149)
Gliscor ( 81/149)
Landorus EX (89/149)
Scizor holo (94/149)
Skarmory (96/149)
Flygon holo (99/149)
Crystal wall Ace spec (139/149)
Keldeo EX full art ( 142/149)
Cresslia EX full art (143/149)
Landorus EX full art (144/149)
Black Kyurem EX full art (145/149)
Bianca full art (147/149)
Skyla full art (149/149)
Shiny Golurk (150/149)
Shiny Terrakion (151/149)
Shiny Altaria (152/149)
Shiny Rocky helmet (153/149)

Any team plasma card, as long as it has a blue border, I want it! Japanese, korean, english, reverses, any!

Any old school ex's.

Any shining card (Neo sets)

Any gold stars

Any sealed product

Code cards

Any EX full art

Approved, but please remove the disclaimers by certain cards saying that they are "tough to get."

Hey I have a bunch of Team Plasma cards, could you CML for some for your Charmander reprint from Stormfront? Thanks!
ddbargardi123, I am getting cresslia now. Sorry! exdarkai01 beat you to it!

zrahman456, how about the Victory piece and maybe a reverse plasma card?
Ah sorry I must have forgotten to update my list, I traded away the Victory Piece already haha. Interested in something else?
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