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Trades, Trades, Amore! NeedGengar Prime! Updated with Call of Legends

RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Now I have tons of Arceus cards! The set, not the Pokemon, although I do have some of those, too!
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

Dialga G X
Lucario X (pack)
Arceus Lv.X (Psychic Bolt)
Tangrowth (AR)
Kabutops (AR)
Gliscor RH (#5 LA)
Machamp (SF) (Machoke also)

I like these

1x Landmin X
Aromatherapy Shaymin PT
2 GE Sceptile, and Grovyle, 1 Treecko (GE)
Reprint Charizard

i have these
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

i have the aromatherapy shaymin HOLO, i'm interested in your 2 crobat g's (including the RH one) do you by any chance have a night maintenance for trade as well?
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

How about my Surfing Pikachu for your Water, Steel, and Fighting Arcues cards?
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

x2 Damage Aid 1RH
x1 Scepetile GE RH/H
x1 Grovyle SF RH
x1 Torterra Leafstorm

x1 Arceus LV. X
x1 Kabutops

RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

I need a Shaymin LF X! If you have one tell me! I will get you an awesome deal if you trade it to me!
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

You pm'ed me so heres my offer

Landmin Lv. X
Aggron EX

Arceus Lv. X
Lucario Lv. X (non-tin)
Flygon RR RH
Water Arceus
Steel Arceus
Fight Arceus
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!


Shaymin Lv.X Land


Arceus Lv.X (Psychic Bolt)

LMK or Counter. =]
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

Water Arceus
Fighting Arceus
Steel Arceus
Arceus Lv.X (Psychic Bolt)
lucario lvx

rr flying pikachu
magnorter lvx
RE: Trades, Trades, Amore!

My deck wants are almost filled! Thanks, members, and act while you can to get an amazing deal!