• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Trading Thread; Old&New Cards, English, Japanese, Etc.


Aspiring Trainer
Country: United States
Trading: Only in the US.

I'm not trading overseas. Even if it's awesome. I don't have a job and I don't have a lot of money, deal with it.

If I say NTY it means NTY. -_-

My Refs.

Updates~! Read this for full updates!
7/28~ Mewtwo Strikes Back, Pikachu's Vacation, and Episode cards added.
7/29~ Added YGO, Sailor Moon, CardCaptor Sakura, Digimon, and Yu Yu Hakusho
8/5~ I don't want my other language cards. I'll be trading them now. I don't know if I got the right names/ series for each of them. If you need pictures, PM me for it. I may get rid of my Promos, EX Dragon, EX Delta Species, Ex Crystal Guardians, EX Dragon Frontiers, EX Power Keepers, Neo Revelation, Neo Genesis, Neo Destiny, Neo Discovery, and Ruby And Sapphire. Though they are staying in my haves list. I really want good offers for those, so don't disappoint me. :D
8/10~ Added D/P cards to my haves site and trading.
8/20~ Added All D/P Cards, EX Dragon, Ruby & Sapphire, EX Delta Species, EX Power Keepers, Ex Crystal Guardians, EX Dragon Frontiers, Neo Discovery, Neo Revelations, and Promo cards. Added YuGiOh.
10/10~Added Mysterious Treasures
10/11 Added Mysterious Treasures and Dragon Frontiers.
10/14 Added Gym Heros, Gym Challenges, Neo Discovery, Neo Gensis, and Neo Revalations.
10/21~ Added Mysterious Treasures, Power Keepers, and Diamond&Pearl Player Trainer Kit Cards
10/25~ Added Mysterious Treasures
10/26~ Added Mysterious Treasures
11/1~Added Mysterious Treasures
11/09~ Mysterious Treasures, Power Keepers Added.
11/13~ Mysterious Treasures Added, Wants Updated.
11/27~ Mysterious Treasures and Secret Wonders Added, Wants Updated.
12/14~ Added Mysterious Treasures and Secret Wonders.
8/20~ Reupdated everything!:D
8/22~ Reupdated and updated
8/23~ Added LA
8/24 Added LA
11/23 Updated.
10/20/09 I'm back~. Reupdated. Added cards.

***All cards are in almost mint condition ask about specific cards

***From now on only Holos will be put in card covers. But everything will be put between two pieces of cardboard

**Mewtwo Strikes Back, Pikachu's Vacation, and Episode cards can be put into your envelope when we trade if you want them.

Sailor Moon

Card Captor Sakura


Yu Yu Hakusho

** I'm willing to trade all of these with pokemon on my wanted list.

** Bolded cards means that they are not in mint/decent condition. Willing to take scans of cards.

Out of 102

Most has edge-Whitening.

8~ Machamp ~ 1st Edition
9~ Magneton

18~ Dragonair

24~ Charmeleon
26~ Dratini
28~ Growlithe

29~ Haunter x3
30~ Ivysaur
31~ Jynx
32~ Kadabra
33~ Kakuna
36~ Magmar
42~ Wartortle x2
82~ Full Heal
85~ Pokemon Center
88~ Professor Oak
90~ Super Potion x2
96~ Double Colorless Energy x3

43~ Abra
44~ Bulbasaur x2
47~ Diglett x2
49~ Drowzee
50~ Gastly
51~ Koffing x3
52~ Machop
53~ Magnemite
54~ Metapod
56~ Onix
58~ Pikachu
60~ Ponyta x4
61~ Rattata
63~ Squirtle
64~ Starmie
68~ Vulpix x2
69~ Weedle
91~ Trainer~ Bill x2
92~ Trainer~ Energy Removal
93~ Trainer~ Gust of Wing
94~ Trainer~ Potion x3
95~ Trainer~ Switch x2

Base 2
Out of 130

19~ Wigglytuff

25~ Electrode
30~ Snorlax x2
106~ Trainer~ Pokemon Trader
107~ Trainer~ Scoop Up

35~ Charmeleon
112~ Trainer~ Maintenance x2
124~ Energy- Double Colorless Energy x2

88~ Poliwag
91~ Sandshrew
92~ Spearow
121~ Trainer~ Poke Ball
123~ Trainer~ Switch

Burger King
Out of 130
93~ Piplup, RH

Diamond & Pearl
Out of 130

47~ Dusclops
49~ Grotle
52~ Luxio
54~ Magneton
68~ Unown D
109~ Trainer- PlusPower
113~ Supporter- Rival

77~ Clefairy
91~ Misdreavus x2
93~ Piplup x2– Holo{From Tin}, and Normal
95~ Rhyhorn
100~ Sneasel
101~ Starly
102~ Stunky x2
119~ Trainer- Switch

EX Crystal Guardians
Out of 100

28~ Venusaur

42~ Wartortle
83~ Trainer- PokeNav

57~ Mudkip
61~ Spearow
63~ Squirtle
67~ Treecko
86~ Trainer- Energy Search

EX Delta Series
Out of 113

36~ Ditto {Bulbasaur}
42~ Dragonair

64~ Ditto {Squirtle}
76~ Marill
80~ Porygon
81~ Ralts
88~ Zubat

EX Dragon
Out of 97

13~ Crawdaunt

33~ Horsea

55~ Geodude
64~ Mareep
65~ Mudkip

EX Dragon Frontiers
Out of 101

25~ Xatu

29~ Electrabuzz
39~ Smeargle
40~ Swellow
87~ Energy- Boost Energy

48~ Elekid
51~ Larvitar
56~ Nidoran{F}
58~ Pupitar
64~ Smoochum
65~ Swablu
69~ Trapinch
71~ Wooper x2

EX Power Keepers
Out of 108

5~ Blaziken
7~ Cradily
104~ Energy- Fire
105~ Energy- Water

14~ Dusclops

26~ Anorith
27~ Cacturne
33~ Machoke x2
35~ Metang
74~ Trainer- Energy Removal 2
75~ Trainer- Energy Switch
81~ Trainer- Scott
91~ Energy- Warp Energy

43~ Bagon
47~ Carvanha
48~ Charmander x2
49~ Chinchou x2
50~ Duskull x2
55~ Meditite x3
60~ Seedot
62~ Skitty
63~ Slakoth x2
65~ Spheal
68~ Trapinch
85~ Trainer- Mysterious Fossil

EX Ruby & Sapphire
Out of 109

83~ Trainer- Lady Outing x2

90~ Trainer- Energy Search x2
91~ Trainer- Potion x2

Out of 62

2~ Articuno
10~ Lapras
15~ Zapdos

18~ Ditto x2
19~ Dragonite x2

31~ Arbok x3
33~ Gastly x2
35~ Golduck
36~ Golem
37~ Graveler
38~ Kingler x3
39~ Magmar x5
40~ Omastar x3
42~ Seadra x3
43~ Slowbro x2
44~ Tentacruel x3, 1 1st Edition
45~ Weezing

46~ Ekans
47~ Geodude x3
48~ Grimer x2, 1 1st Edition
49~ Horsea x7
50~ Kabuto x4, 1 1st Edition
51~ Krabby x7
52~ Omanyte x2
53~ Psyduck x3
54~ Shellder x3
55~ Slowpoke x4, 1 1st Edition
56~ Tentacool x2
57~ Zubat x3
59~ Trainer- Energy Search x3
60~ Trainer- Gambler
61~ Trainer- Recycle x3
62~ Trainer- Mysterious Fossil x2

Out of 64

8~ Pidgeot
12~ Vaporeon x2

33~ Butterfree
35~ Exeggutor x2
36~ Fearow
37~ Gloom
38~ Lickitung x2
39~ Marowak
40~ Nidorina
41~ Parasect x2
42~ Persian
43~ Primeape x2
46~ Seaking x2
48~ Weepinbell

49~ Bellsprout x4
50~ Cubone x3
51~ Eevee
52~ Exeggcute x4
53~ Goldeen x2
54~ Jigglypuff x3
55~ Mankey x2
56~ Meowth x4
57~ Nidoran{F} x4
58~ Oddish
59~ Paras x5
60~ Pikachu
61~ Rhyhorn x4
62~ Spearow x3
63~ Venonat x3
64~ Trainer- Poke Ball x3

Legends Awakened
Out of 146

Lvl X
144~ Mewtwo
145~ Rhyperior

2~ Dragonite
3~ Froslass
6~ Heatran- RH
7~ Kingdra x2
8~ Luxray
9~ Mamoswine
10~ Metagross- RH
11~ Mewtwo- RH
13~ Probopass- RH

18~ Armaldo
19~ Azelf
23~ Delcatty
24~ Deoxys- Attack Form
25~ Deoxys- Defense Form x2~ Both RH
26~ Deoxys- Speed Form
28~ Forretress- RH
29~ Groudon- RH
34~ Mesprit- RH
35~ Poliwrath
36~ Regice
38~ Regirock
39~ Registeel
41~ Torkoal
45~ Vileplume

46~ Anorith x3
47~ Camerupt
49~ Castform- Rain Form
50~ Castform- Snow-Cloud Form
51~ Castform- Sunny Form
52~ Dragonair
53~ Drifblim- RH
54~ Exeggutor x2
56~ Grumpig x2, 1 RH
57~ Houndoom x2
58~ Lanturn x2
59~ Lanturn x2, 1 RH
60~ Ledian
61~ Lucario x3
63~ Marowak x3, 1 RH
64~ Metang x2
66~ Mightyena x2
67~ Ninjask x3
69~ Piloswine
70~ Seadra
71~ Starmie x2
74~ Tauros x2
76~ Unown J x4
77~ Unown R
78~ Unown U
80~ Unown W x2
81~ Unown Y x2
129~ Trainer- Bubble Coat x4, 1 RH
130~ Supporter- Buck's Training x4
131~ Supporter- Cynthia's Feelings x2
132~ Trainer-Energy Pickup
134~ Stadium- Snowpoint Temple
135~ Stadium- Stark Mountain, RH
136~ Trainer- Technical Machine TS-1 x2, 1 RH

83~ Beldum x2
84~ Beldum x2, 1 RH
85~ Bellsprout x2
86~ Buneary x3
87~ Chinchou x3
88~ Chinchou x3
89~ Corphish x2
90~ Cubone x3
91~ Dratini
92~ Drifloon x2
93~ Exeggcute x3
94~ Gligar
95~ Gligar x2
96~ Gloom
97~ Gloom
98~ Gulpin x3
100~ Hitmonlee x3
101~ Hitmontop
102~ Horsea x3
103~ Houndour
104~ Ledyba
105~ Lileep
106~ Meowth
107~ Misdreavus
108~ Nincada x3
110~ Numel x3
111~ Oddish x4
112~ Oddish
113~ Pineco x2- RH
114~ Poliwag x3
115~ Poliwhirl, RH
116~ Poochyena x4
117~ Riolu x3
118~ Shinx x2
119~ Skitty x3
121~ Spoink x3
122~ Staryu x3
123~ Swinub x2
124~ Taillow x3
125~ Tentacool
126~ Tyrogue x2
127~ Weepinbell x4
138~ Trainer- Claw Fossil x3, 1 RH
139~ Trainer- Root Fossil x2

Gym Challenges
Out of 132

7~ Giovanni's Nidoking
10~ Koga's Ditto

27~ Koga’s Pidgeotto
30~ Sabrina's Golduck
100~ Trainer- Blaine
107~ Trainer- Lt. Surge’s Secret Plan

31~ Blaine’s Charmeleon x2
32~ Blaine’s Dodrio
33~ Blaine’s Rapidash
37~ Brock’s Vulpix x2
41~ Erika's Ivysaur
45~ Giovanni’s Nidorino
48~ Koga’s Koffing
50~ Koga's Weezing
51~ Lt. Surge’s Eevee
53~ Lt. Surge's Raticate
55~ Sabrina's Haunter
58~ Sabrina’s Kadabra
113~ Trainer- Cinnabar City Gym
114~ Trainer- Fuchsia City Gym
117~ Trainer- Max Revive
119~ Trainer- Rocket’s Minefield Gym
123~ Trainer- Viridian City Gym

60~ Blaine’s Charmander x2
61~ Blaine's Doduo
62~ Blaine’s Growlithe
63~ Blaine’s Mankey
64~ Blaine’s Ponyta
66~ Blaine’s Vulpix
68~ Brock’s Geodude
69~ Erika’s Jigglypuff x2
71~ Erika’s Paras
74~ Giovanni's Meowth
75~ Giovanni’s Nidoran {F}
76~ Giovanni’s Nidoran {M}
80~ Koga’s Pidgey
82~ Koga’s Weedle
83~ Koga’s Zubat
85~ Lt. Surge's Rattata
86~ Lt. Surge’s Voltorb
98~ Sabrina’s Porygon x2
99~ Sabrina’s Psyduck
125~ Trainer- Transparent Walls
126~ Trainer- Warp Point

Gym Heroes
Out of 132

14~ Sabrina's Gengar
19~ Trainer- The Rocket’s Trap

21~ Brock’s Onix
25~ Erika's Clefairy
100~ Trainer- Erika
102~ Trainer- Misty

39~ Brock’s Golbat
44~ Erika’s Exeggutor
45~ Erika’s Gloom x2
46~ Erika’s Gloom
48~ Erika’s Weepinbell
49~ Erika’s Weepinbell x2
54~ Misty's Psyduck
60~ Sabrina’s Slowbro
105~ Trainer- Blaine’s Last Resort
107~ Trainer- Celadon City Gym
108~ Trainer- Cerulean City Gym
110~ Trainer- Erika’s Perfume
111~ Trainer- Good Manners
112~ Trainer- Lt. Surge’s Treaty
114~ Trainer- Misty’s Wrath
117~ Trainer- Sabrina’s ESP x2
118~ Trainer~ Secret Mission

62~ Blaine’s Growlithe x2
65~ Blaine’s Vulpix x2
66~ Brock’s Geodude
69~ Brock’s Onix x2
70~ Brock’s Rhyhorn x2
71~ Brock’s Sandshrew x2
72~ Brock’s Sandshrew x2
74~ Brock’s Zubat x2
76~ Erika's Bellsprout
77~ Erika’s Exeggcute x2
78~ Erika’s Oddish
79~ Erika’s Tangela x2
81~ Lt. Surge’s Pikachu
84~ Lt. Surge’s Voltorb x2
86~ Misty’s Horsea
88~ Misty's Seel
89~ Misty’s Shellder
90~ Misty’s Staryu x3
92~ Sabrina’s Drowzee
93~ Sabrina’s Gastly
95~ Sabrina’s Slowpoke x2
123~ Trainer- Misty’s Duel
124~ Trainer- Narrow Gym x2
125~ Trainer- Sabrina’s Gaze x2

Neo Destiny
Out of 105

19~ Dark Omastar
23~ Light Lanturn
25~ Light Machamp

41~ Heracross
42~ Hitmonlee x2
45~ Light Dewgong x2
49~ Light Machoke x3
50~ Light Ninetales
60~ Unown Z
98~ Trainer- Energy Amplifier

61~ Cyndaquil
63~ Dratini
66~ Girafarig
67~ Gligar x4
70~ Larvitar
72~ Light Sunflora
73~ Machop x4
74~ Mantine
76~ Phanpy
81~ Seel x4
82~ Slugma
89~ Unown V
90~ Venonat
104~ Trainer- Heal Powder x3
105~ Trainer- Mail from Bill

Neo Discovery
Out of 75

44~ Poliwhirl

Neo Gensis
Out of 111

24~ Murkrow
105~ Energy- Recycle Energy 1st Edition

27~ Ariados
40~ Magmar x2, 1 1st Edition
48~ Seadra 1st Edition
49~ Skiploom x2, Both 1st Edition
91~ Trainer- Bill’s Teleporter, 1st Edition
98~ Trainer- Super Scoop Up, 1st Edition

56~ Cyndaquil
57~ Cyndaquil
58~ Girafarig, 1st Edition
61~ Hoppip x2
66~ Marill x5
67~ Natu 1st Edition
68~ Oddish 1st Edition
74~ Snubbull 1st Edition
75~ Spinarak 1st Edition
76~ Stantler 1st Edition
78~ Sunkern 1st Edition
81~ Totodile 1st Edition
82~ Wooper 1st Edition
99~ Trainer- Berry x5, 1st Edition
100~ Trainer- Double Gust 1st Edition
101~ Trainer- Moo-Moo Milk 1st Edition

Neo Revelation
Out of 64

15~ Aerodactyl
16~ Celebi

28~ Flaaffy
30~ Graveler
32~ Lanturn
33~ Magcargo
60~ Trainer- Balloon Berry
62~ Trainer- Pokemon Breeder Fields x2
63~ Trainer- Rocket’s Hideout

41~ Aipom
42~ Chinchou
43~ Farfetch’d
46~ Murkrow
47~ Paras
51~ Shuckle
53~ Slugma
54~ Smoochum
58~ Unown K
59~ Zubat
64~ Old Rod x2

Secret Wonders
Out of 132

21~ Absol
28~ Golduck
38~ Sunflora
43~ Wormadam

49~ Farfetch’d
52~ Kecleon
54~ Lombre
57~ Nidorino
58~ Pidgeotto x2, 1 RH
60~ Quagsire
61~ Raticate
67~ Smoochum
69~ Unown N x3
73~ Venomoth x2
120~ Trainer- Night Maintenance x2, 1 RH
123~ Supporter- Professor Rowan

79~ Burmy {Sandy Cloak} x2
81~ Carvanha x3
82~ Charmander
86~ Duskull
87~ Electrabuzz RH
94~ Mareep x3
95~ Murkrow
100~ Psyduck
102~ Ralts
103~ Rattata x2
105~ Shellder
106~ Shellos {East Sea} x2
107~ Shellos {West Sea} x2
108~ Shroomish
110~ Shuppet x3
113~ Stantler x2
116~ Venonat x2
127~ Trainer- Potion
128~ Trainer- Switch

Mysterious Treasures
Out of 123

122~ Lucario

3~ Ambipom
4~ Azelf x2, 1 RH
7~ Celebi x2
9~ Garchomp
11~ Lumineon RH
12~ Magmortar
17~ Tyranitar
18~ Uxie RH

27~ Kricketune x2, 1 RH
30~ Mr. Mime
33~ Rampardos RH
34~ Slaking
36~ Toxicroak x2
37~ Unown I x2
38~ Ursaring
39~ Walrein x4, 1 RH
40~ Whiscash x4, 1 RH
118~ Energy- MultiEnergy x2

41~ Bayleef x2
42~ Chingling x2, 1 RH
43~ Cranidos
44~ Croconaw x4, 1 RH
45~ Dewgong x4, 1 RH
46~ Dodrio x5
47~ Dunsparce
48~ Gabite
49~ Giragarig
50~ Golbat x2
51~ Graveler x4
52~ Happiny x6, 1 RH
53~ Lairon x3, 1 RH
54~ Magmar x5
55~ Masquerain x3
56~ Nidorina x3
58~ Parasect x4
59~ Pupitar x2, 1 RH
60~ Quilava x2, 1RH
61~ Sandslash x6, 1 RH
62~ Sealeo x3
63~ Shieldon x3
64~ Tropius x3
65~ Unown E x4
66~ Unown M x2
67~ Unown T
68~ Vigoroth RH
109~ Supporter- Bebe’s Search x3, 1 RH
110~ Trainer- Dusk Ball x3
111~ Supporter- Fossil Excavator
112- Stadium- Lake Boundary x2
113- Trainer- Night Maintenance x3
114~ Trainer- Quick Ball
115~ Supporter- Team Galactic’s Wager
119~ Energy- Darkness Energy x5, 1 RH
120~ Energy- Metal Energy x2

69~Abra x5, 2 RH
70~ Aipom x2, 1 RH
71~ Aron x4
72~ Barboach x8
73~ Bidoof x5
74~ Bronzor x6
75~ Buizel x3, 1 RH
76~ Chansey x2
77~ Chikorita x6
78~ Croagunk x3
79~ Cyndaquil x3
80~ Doduo x4
81~ Electrike x3
82~ Exeggcute x3, 1 RH
83~ Finneon x7
84~ Geodude x5, 1 RH
85~ Gible x2
86~ Kricketot x5, 1 RH
87~ Larvitar x5
88~ Magby
89~ Magikarp x5, 1 RH
90~ Murkrow
91~ Nidoran {F} x6
92~ Paras x6, 1 RH
93~ Pichu x4
95~ Remoraid x2
96~ Sandshrew x3
97~ Seel x4, 1 RH
98~ Shinx
99~ Slakoth x7
100~ Snorunt x5
101~ Snover x6
102~ Spheal x3
103~ Spinarak x4
104~ Surskit x2
105~ Teddiursa x7
106~ Totodile x3
107~ Vulpix x2
108~ Zubat x4
116~ Trainer- Armor Fossil x7, 1 RH
117~ Trainer- Skull Fossil x3

Team Rocket
Out of 82

27~ Dark Machamp

32~ Dark Charmeleon
43~ Dark Primeape
44~ Dark Rapidash x2
46~ Dark Wartortle
73~ Trainer- The Boss’ Way
74~ Trainer- Challenge!
75~ Trainer- Digger 1st Edition
77~ Trainer- Nightly Garbage Run x3
81~ Energy- Full Heal Energy x3
82~ Energy- Potion Energy x2

49~ Abra x2, 1 1st Edition
50~ Charmander x3
52~ Diglett
53~ Dratini x2
54~ Drowzee x2
55~ Eevee x3
56~ Ekans x2
57~ Grimer x5, 1 1st Edition
58~ Koffing x2
60~ Magnemite
61~ Mankey
62~ Meowth x2
63~ Oddish x3
64~ Ponyta x2
65~ Psyduck x3, 1 1st Edition
66~ Rattata x3, 1 1st Edition
67~ Slowpoke
68~ Squirtle x3, 1 1st Edition
69~ Voltorb
70~ Zubat x2
78~ Trainer- Goop Gas Attack x2
79~ Trainer- Sleep! X3 1 1st Edition

Team Rocket Returns
Out of 109

20~ Dark Tyranitar

7~ Dark Marowak

29~ Dark Arbok
40~ Dark Pupitar x2
47~ Rocket’s Wobbuffet
49~ Skiploom
86~ Trainer~ Pokemon Retriever
88~ Trainer~ Rocket’s Mission x2

51~ Cubone x4
55~ Ekans x2
56- Grimer x2
57~ Hoppip x3
63~ Larvitar x3
75~ Sentret x2

World Championships 2006

Holon’s Electrode x2
Holon’s Magneton x3
Pidgeot x2
Lugia ex x2
Blastoise ex x3
Steelix ex

Trainer- Copycat x2
Trainer- Celio’s Network x3
Trainer- Professor Elm’s Training Method
Trainer- Rocket’s Admin. X4
Trainer- Pokemon Retriever x2
Trainer- Power Tree x3
Trainer- Warp Point
Trainer- Steven’s Advice x2
Trainer- Rare Candy x4
Plusle x3
Wartortle x2

Pidgey x2
Squirtle x3

Water x11

French Cards

Golem~ Fossil
Gravler~ Fossil

Trainer~ Energy Search~ Fossil
Grimer~ Fossil
Kabuto~ Fossil
Trainer~ Mysterious Fossil~ Fossil
Omanyte~ Fossil
Psyduck~ Fossil
Tentacool~ Fossil

Japanese Cards
Bayleef- No. 153, Neo Genesis

Dark Weezing~ Team Rocket

Poliwag- Neo Discovery
Piloswine- Neo Genesis
Dark Vaporeon~ Team Rocket
Dark Gloom~ Team Rocket
Dark Jolteon~ Team Rocket
Koga's Kakuna~ Gym Challenge
Trainer - Team Rocket's Evil Deeds~ Neo Destiny

Swinub~ Neo Destiny
Girafarig~ Neo Genesis
Omanyte~ Neo Discovery
Natu- Neo Discovery
Caterpie~ Neo Discovery
Erika's Tangela~ Gym Challenge
Clefairy~ Neo Genesis
Weedle~ Neo Discovery
Diglett~ Team Rocket
Dark Rapidash~ Team Rocket
Grimer~ Team Rocket
Machop~ Team Rocket
Slowpoke~ Team Rocket
Trainer~ Goop Gas Attack - Team Rocket
Trainer~ Misty's Duel~ Gym Heroes
Full Heal Energy

Fighting Energy
Fire Energy
Lightning Energy
Leaf Energy
Water Energy

Spanish Cards

Trainer~ Pokemon Breeder~ Base

Machoke~ Base
Kadabra~ Base
Trainer~ Pokedex~ Base

Poliwag~ Base
Magnemite~ Base
Bulbasaur~ Base
Pidgey~ Base
Trainer~ Bill~ Base

Fire Energy~ Base
Physic Energy~ Base

Dragonite – Kids WB Presents Pokemon The First Movie, #5
Entei- Reverse Holo #34
Mew- #8
Shieldon- Holo, DP08
Trainer- Rare Candy ~ Pop8 10/17
Turtwig~ Pop8 17/17

Diamond & Pearl 2 Player Trainer Kit
Manaphy Set~
Out of 12

1~ Buizel x3
2~ Floatzel
3~ Goldeen x3
4~ Manaphy- Holo
5~ Piplup x2
6~ Prinplup
7~ Seaking
8~ Totodile
9~ Trainer- Dusk Ball
10~ Trainer- Energy Search
11~ Trainer- Potion x2
12~ Energy- Water x12

Lucario Set~
Out of 11

1~Geodude x3
2~ Graveler
3~ Lucario- Holo
4~ Machoke
5~ Machop x3
6~ Riolu Misprint, 61/11
7~ Starly x2
8~ Trainer- Energy Search x2
9~ Trainer- Potion
10~ Trainer- Quick Ball
11~ Energy- Fighting x12

Mewtwo Strikes Back {Some have creased sides, but mint ones will go first}
0- Super Psychic Pokemon~ Holo, Sealed
1- Legends x4
2- Awakenings x5, 2 Holos
3- Conciousness and Congratulations x7
4- Leaving the Nest x3, 1 Holo
5- The Proposition x2
6- Mechanical Mewtwo x4
7- Trying Out The New Toy x5
8- Rebellion x2
9- Ash And Company x4
10- Battle Before Lunch x2
11- Donfan x5
12- The Nefarious Team Rocket x5, 2 Holos
13- The Invitation x3, 1 Smooth holo
14- Marina in Chaos x6, 1 Holo
15- The Tempest- A Bad Omen x2
16- A Call to Arms x4
17- Underwater Adventure- Holo
18- The Temple of Mewtwo x3
19- The Stairwell x4
20- The Best of the Best x3
21- Introductions x2
22- The Trainer's Failure x2
23- Meowth Times Two x5
24- The Story of Mewtwo x7, 2 Smooth Holos
25- The Battle of the Champions x8, 1 Holo
26- Round One Equals Defeat x4, 1 Smooth Holo
27- Stealing Pokemon x8, 1 Holo
28- The Chase for Pikachu x3
29- Clones!!! x6, 1 Smooth Holo
30- Rescuing Pikachu x3
31- Reunited! x2
32- The Battle Renewed x6, 1 Smooth Holo, 1 Bumpy
33- Pyshic Showdown x5, 2 Holos
34- The Ultimate Match x7, 1 Smooth Holo
35- The Fight Rages x2
36- Ash's Sacrifice x4, 1 Smooth Holo
37- The Tears of Pokemon x4, 1 Smooth Holo
38- The Rebirth of Ash x5
39- Farewell x2
40- Like it Never Happened x3
41- The Future Looks Bright x7, 1 Smooth Holo, 1 Bumpy Holo

Pikachu's Vacation
42- Pikachu's Vacation x2
43- Don't Cry, Togepi! x2
44- Looks Like Trouble... x3
45- Togepi in Trouble x2
46- Peacemaker Pikachu x6, 2 Holos
47- The Water Race is On! x6
48- Racing Cheek to Cheek x2
49- Rest and Relaxtion at Last x5
50- The "Tail" End of the Race x4
51- Trapped Charizard x5
52- Everyone...Pull!!! x2
53- C'mon, We Need Help x3, 1 Smooth Holo
54- Teamwork x2
55- Success x2
56- Better Than Ever x2
57- Playtime x6
58- A Great Day x5, 1 Smooth Holo, 1 Bumpy Holo
59- New Friends and Farewells x5, 1 Holo

Episode Cards
EP1 x2, 1 Holo
EP3 x2
EP7 Holo
EP9 x2, 1 Holo
EP11 x3, 1 Holo
EP16 x2, 1 Holo
EP19 x2

My Wants
Holo~ Zapdos {16/102}
Rare~ Beedrill {17/102}
Common~ Charmander {46/102]
~Rare~ Clefairy Doll {70/102}, Devolution Spray {72/102}, Pokemon Breeder {76/102}, Scoop Up {78/102}
~ Uncommon~ Maintenance {83/102}

Holo~ Flareon {3/64}, Jolteon {4/64}, Nidoqueen {7/64}, Venomoth {13/64}, Victreebell {14/64}, Vileplume {15/64}, Wigglytuff {16/64}
Rare~ Vaporeon {28/64}, Vileplume {31/64}

Holo~ Gengar {5/62}, Hitmonlee {7/62}, Hypno {8/62}, Moltres {12/62}
Rare~ Aerodactyl {16/62}, Haunter {21/62}, Hypno {23/62}, Kabutops {24/62}, Lapras {25/62}, Magneton {26/62}, Muk {28/62}, Raichu {29/62}

Team Rocket
Holo~ Dark Alakazam {1/82}, Dark Blastoise {3/82}, Dark Dragonite {5/82}, Dark Dugtrio {6/82}, Dark Gyarados {8/82}, Dark Hypno {9/82}, Dark Vileplume {13/82}, Dark Weezing {14/82}, Rocket's Sneak Attack {16/82},
Rare~ Dark Arbok {19/82}, Dark Blastoise {20/82}, Dark Dragonite {22/82}, Dark Gyrados {25/ 82}, Dark Hypno {26/82}, Dark Weezing {31/82}
Uncommon~ Dark Kadabra {39/82}, Magikarp {47/82}, Porygon {48/82}
~Rare~ Here Comes Team Rocket! {71/82}, Rocket's Sneak Attack {72/82}
~Uncommon~ Imposter Oak's Revenge {76/82}
~Rare~ Rainbow Energy {80/82}

Ultra Rare Holo ~ Dark Raichu {83/82}

I'm only looking for these cards, anything else will most likely be a NTY.

If you want me to look at your list if you don't have any of these I will.
CML for
109~ Supporter- Bebe’s Search x1, RH
113- Trainer- Night Maintenance x3
115~ Supporter- Team Galactic’s Wager

From your wants I have:
~Rare~ Clefairy Doll {70/102}, Devolution Spray {72/102}Haunter {21/62}Dark Blastoise {??/??}
I have

Pokemon Breeder (76/102)
Clefairy Doll (70/102)
Rocket's Sneak Attack (72/82)
Here Comes Team Rocket (71/82)
Vaporeon (28/64)
Dark Hypno (26/82)

I am Interested in your

Buck's Training x4 LA
Night Maintenance x1 SW RH
Bebe's Search x1 MT RH
I have:
zapdos base holo
haunter fossil holo
Rocket's sneak attack (possibly, have to check)
Here Comes team rocket
Rainbow energy

I'm interested in:
Mewtwo Lv X

lmk please
Thank you Anthony. :)

SrSpoony~ I didn't really see anything else that Caught my attention. :eek:
the crippler 18~ Are they in Mint-Condition?
crm103top08~ How many would you be willing to trade for Mewtwo?
I see Pikachus. I ned any of these. I think i may have the Dark Raichu that you want and some of your other wants. LMK please.
I honestly don't have any of your wants but am interested in the
what appears to be a 2006 B-L-S World Championship deck(all 60 cards) if you still have the box and packet it came with I'd love to trade for the 60 cards,the packet and box as a set. Please CML for it.
Tobiyaki said:
Thank you Anthony. :)

SrSpoony~ I didn't really see anything else that Caught my attention. :eek:
the crippler 18~ Are they in Mint-Condition?
crm103top08~ How many would you be willing to trade for Mewtwo?
Mostly all of them. Maybe you could throw in a rare or two, but I don't have a need for my older cards, so basically, I'm willing to part with all of them.

hey would you be interested in any of these?
Fossil 16 Aerodactyl

N Genesis 1 Ampharos

Aquapolis 1 Ampharos

EX LM 83 Arcanine ex

Fossil 2 Articuno

EX DS 19 Azumarill 'Delta'

Base Set 17 Beedrill

N Discovry 18 Beedrill

Base Set 2 Blastoise

POP1 1 Blaziken

Gym Heroes 2 Brock's Rhydon

Base Set 3 Chansey

Jungle 1 Clefable

Base Set 5 Clefairy

N Destiny 1 Dark Ampharos

Team Rockt 2 Dark Arbok

Team Rockt 20 Dark Blastoise

N Destiny 2 Dark Crobat

N Destiny 5 Dark Feraligtr

Team Rockt 7 Dark Golbat

Team Rockt 8 Dark Gyarados

Team Rockt 9 Dark Hypno

N Destiny 10 Dark Typhlosion

N Genesis 104 Darkness Energy

Base Set 72 Devolution Spray

Fossil 18 Ditto

Base Set 18 Dragonair

Fossil 19 Dragonite

EX Dragon 90 Dragonite ex

Blck Promo 2 Electabuzz (Lv 20) - WB Foil Stamp

TMvsTA 91 Entei ex

Gym Heroes 5 Erika's Vileplume

EX LM 87 Flygon ex

Gym Chllng 5 Giovanni's Gyarados

Gym Chllng 6 Giovanni's Machamp

Gym Chllng 7 Giovanni's Nidoking

Gym Chllng 8 Giovanni's Persian

Base Set 6 Gyarados

Fossil 6 Haunter

N Genesis 6 Heracross

Base Set 7 Hitmonchan

N Revelatn 8 Houndoom

N Discovry 5 Houndour

Fossil 8 Hypno

Jungle 4 Jolteon

Jungle 5 Kangaskhan

Fossil 10 Lapras

Nintendo 14 Latias

EX-DF 95 Latias ex 'Delta'

Gym Heroes 6 Lt. Surge's Electabuzz (Lv 28
Very interested in your LA Mewtwo LvX.
I have TONS of older (classic) cards.

PM me or post on my thread if you are interested, thanks!
i've got all the cards you need. what are you willing to give for them? im intereted in all your neos and all your x's. also, your MT rares and holos and your LA Rares, RH, and holos. let me know what you can do and i'll counter or agree
