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Expanded Trainers Be GONE! (Exeggutor/Vileplume/Ninetales)


Aspiring Trainer
What a interesting card, in a supporter heavy format.

Here is the decklist...
4-Exeggcute (Propagation)
4-Exeggutor (It's already up there)
2 Vileplume (The one paired with Decidueye before forest was banned)
2-Ninetales (Primal Clash)
4-Alter of the Moone
4-Professor Sycamore
1-Hex Maniac
1-Team Flare Grunt
4-Ultra Ball
4-Crushing Hammer
4-VS Seeker
1-Field Blower (Could add a few more, if not one)
1-Dowsing Machine
4-Choice Band
Energy-9 (I could take some out)
9-Darkness Energy

Attack with Exeggutor for the whole game. (Get him out early)
Later set up Ninetales and Maybe Vileplume.
Use supporters to get the cards you need eventually ko all of their pokemon!
This is just a fun deck but if it could be competitive, or better in general, please tell me how!
Id take out 3 energy and throw in some hand dirsuption, either Red card, judge or team skull gunt. Dur to 4 vs seeker, probably could take out 1 skyla and add 2nd field blower.
If it's a plume deck you have allot of items that you won't be able to use once it comes down. I recommend 4 AZ it's the best card in plume decks. Maximize your energy disruption supporters dont use hex and and also your gonna be doing very little damage to anything so prepare to tie often
Right, you might want to add win conditon of deck out, could throw in Team rockets handiwork and also a Bunnelby (PRC) to help mill the deck late game