Pokemon Transform


Pokémon Trainer
How would it work when used by Mew or Smeargle? Ditto I understand because it's a squishy malleable (did I spell that right) blob, but Smeargle and Mew are actual creatures.
It is suppose to give you 5 PP of each move that the target has. After the battle, it reverts back to normal.

Mew is supposed to be the ancestor of Pokemon if memory serves correctly. I think that is why it can learn the move.
How does Smeargle use Fly, Wing Attack, and Draco Meteor? Pokemon logic, that's how.
Notice Smeargle gets everything by using the move Sketch. That means he's drawing every move he sees.
Clearly Smeargle's drawings come to life and do his bidding for him.
My reasoning...
Mew: Has DNA of all pokemon, snice it is the ancestor of all pokemon (as King Arceus had said), therefore it can be all pokemon.
Also, what if every pokemon is a mew, just transforming itself into something else? This could be why every pokemon can be tranced back to mew. And since it's been so many years that they've been in a different state (transformed), they've forgotten how to do some of their other moves forever. Thus giving us the diversity that exists in the Pokemon world.
Smeargle: Agrees with DNA. Smeargle's paintbrush tail is a magical thing.
But you can always go back to the reasoning that Ditto is a failed Mew, because it knows Transform and is pink. This couldn't work backwards because Ditto only knows Transform and can't learn any other move, unlike Mew.
It's obvious why Mew has it, it's the ancestor of all Pokemon, and if you have actually seen the movies, you know it can transform into other Pokemon to hide itself. Smeargle gets Transform because of (obviously) his move Sketch.
That's not what I mean, you guys misinterpreted my question. My question was, "How would the move Transform work on something that isn't naturally a squishy malleable blob?"
How would Transform work on something that IS a squishy malleable blob? Ditto can change its mass, chemical structure, and somehow gain knowledge of how to use the attacks of whatever it copied, which are all physically impossible.

How does Pikachu do electric attacks without being grounded? Where does the water in a Hydro Pump come from? Why does Pokémon poison have universially identical effects? Because it's a work of fiction.
Geodude6 said:
That's not what I mean, you guys misinterpreted my question. My question was, "How would the move Transform work on something that isn't naturally a squishy malleable blob?"

In this case, moved to The Pokémon World.
Likely Pokemon who can use the move Transform have a surplus of Totipotent cells, allowing them to develop whichever attributes they need to copy.
Jay said:
Likely Pokemon who can use the move Transform have a surplus of Totipotent cells, allowing them to develop whichever attributes they need to copy.
And Pokémon logic is stuck fictionalizing cells that are able to completely reverse the division made. Another theory is that part of the original cells remain that will divide amongst themselves to get back the original while the rest of the cells caused of the transformation that self-destruct after its use.

Of course, this mostly means that Ditto could potentially be cancer and blot out the sun with unfathomable amounts of replication.
The specialized cells could undergo apoptosis fairly quickly, or just be used for energy as the remaining "Stem Cells" revert back to the original Pokemon.