Transformers,movie toys,comics

RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

Look here.

And I'm geting this one
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

If I get the game because I do want the wii one but if I like the way this one sound i'll get it and then we could battle?.If that is a fuction
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

I hope it is wifi battle not stuff like only item trade or anything in that area
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

I have seen the origanl transfomer,some of beast war(my favorite),all of armada through cybertron(the latest)
and I read the big encyclopedia of transfomer and I can't wait to see the movie.
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

eevee said:
I have seen the origanl transfomer,some of beast war(my favorite),all of armada through cybertron(the latest)
and I read the big encyclopedia of transfomer and I can't wait to see the movie.

Well then I dub you this
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

Cool I just going to buy the movie fiqure to start again and work my way to what ever the new transformer series is unless the toys are simple because Ratchet took me about 2 try for my to build it without the instution
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

Well I haven't opened mine yet (And it dosen't have Unicron's head) I have been plaing with him.
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

What's also nice is you can turn his head while he's in his T-Rex form so he can be looking at you while you walk past him.:D:D:D
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

That sound cool but I can't see it i'm sad but I look online for how that work
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

Well I didn't get the game for the DS today but I'll get it tomrrow.
Thhough it really buged me that none of the places(2) I went to had it and I don't know why I thought Toy's R Us would have it(they do have a VG section and all the Transfomers from the movie exept for Megatron) but when I went there they didn'y have it and they wouldn't let me leave(they forgot to unlock the exit doors).
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

I got so mad just now because of this
Made think soundwave and shockwave look like this if they will be in the next movie but there just fan art
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

They look okay but hopefully they will be made better since they arn't finalized.

Also I was unable to get the game today but I will get it.
RE: Transformers,movie,toys,comic if you have I don't

randomman29 said:
They look okay but hopefully they will be made better since they arn't finalized.

Also I was unable to get the game today but I will get it.

Oh I saw them today when I when to target but I had no money so I was not able to buy anything but monday I might get one of the fiqures I want but if I get don't see any I want i'll get the game