Transformers or Harry Potter order of Pheonix



[/size][size=medium]Which was better

Transformers (2007)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (2007)

I haven't seen Harry Potter, but Transformers is by far the best movie I have ever seen. (Other than some Pokemon movies, lol)
TorterraKing said:
I haven't seen Harry Potter, but Transformers is by far the best movie I have ever seen. (Other than some Pokemon movies, lol)

Then go see Harry Potter
I saw it at Midnight right when it came out.
It's really good but theres something that Transformers doesn't have that Harry Potter has.
You just have to see it its awesome!:)
Transformers is a great Movie.
I guess just because Ive always been a huge Harry Potter fan.
And never a Transformers fan ( never liked the Cartoon ). But the movie was awesome.
it wasn't really like the others at all.
No quidditch.
No normal Classes.
mainly it was about preparing to fight Voldemort
and alot more things.
Lucario4ever said:
it wasn't really like the others at all.
No quidditch.
No normal Classes.
mainly it was about preparing to fight Voldemort
and alot more things.

Apart from that, the story has been dragging, so sometimes I find it a bit boring although I enjoy the movie:p but I still think Transformers is better...
Lucario4ever said:
it wasn't really like the others at all.
No quidditch.
No normal Classes.
mainly it was about preparing to fight Voldemort
and alot more things.

I know I think the first 3 mainly stuck to the school but then the 4th which I think was the best had more Vultmore in it then the 5th. And I think Transformers has a better Storyline to it