Transitioning from Seniors to Masters Division

Mous Arishi

Shiro loves Kuro!
So I started playing Pokemon when I was 15, and it's left me to wonder, is it a lot easier to play in Senior's division then Master's? I just started thrown in the Master's division, and the majority of pokemon players at our hobby league are Masters. There are only a handful of Seniors, and usually they only play eachother during weekly tournaments. Is it like this everywhere else?
In my area there are a lot more Masters than Seniors and Juniors. It also can make for much stiffer competition. Overall, though, it's probably the most fun of all the age divisions imo. There are some great people in Masters.
I was in the exactly same position as you. However I think it was better starting in Masters as it instantly forces you to become a better player, because of that many grow better at the game.
Just, if you were someone who did real good in seniors and like, won tornies often, don't get all cocky and try to make yourself look like you can win easily. Master's is a lot harder, and harder then it looks.

Though if you can master a deck well, you should do fine.
Moving up from Seniors to Masters is a pain. Your performance will go down a bit for a while.

Back when I was in the senior group, I was able to win with Salamence ex. In the masters, that is just not possible.

Moving up will not be fun, but it does you a lot of good too. It forces you to be a better player as mentioned above.
I might be one of the few people that is different only because when I went up to masters I found it easier in a way. I don't know why but when I was in seniors I struggled to win a Battle Roads and yet as soon as I got into masters my premier rating after autumn Battle Roads shot all the way up to 1700. I guess something that had been helping me out during my years as a senior was that I had been playtesting with all the masters at league and never really got any testing done with people my own age/division. Hopefully this sort of thing happens for you and if it does great. If not, just do what everybody else said and try to play as much as you can with the other masters (because belive me, masters play completely different from seniors) and just try and get used to the newer metagame.
Lunar Wing said:
I might be one of the few people that is different only because when I went up to masters I found it easier in a way. I don't know why but when I was in seniors I struggled to win a Battle Roads and yet as soon as I got into masters my premier rating after autumn Battle Roads shot all the way up to 1700. I guess something that had been helping me out during my years as a senior was that I had been playtesting with all the masters at league and never really got any testing done with people my own age/division. Hopefully this sort of thing happens for you and if it does great. If not, just do what everybody else said and try to play as much as you can with the other masters (because belive me, masters play completely different from seniors) and just try and get used to the newer metagame.

Hey man :)

Well you are just extremely bright. The decks you make at league and your decision making are just flat out top notch .
Masters by far has the most players and by far the best. I started in masters about a year and a half ago and ive gotten so much better so fast thanks to playing with great players. There are some good players in seniors but no where near the same amount as there are in masters. Good luck :]
same here konter. most of my league is made of masters so i hope that the transition will go well. but beware. from what i have heard there is no "meta" for masters like there was in seniors. but from where im from there isnt a lot of great players other than pooka comes occasionally. which could be a downfall for me.
richkid50000 said:
same here konter. most of my league is made of masters so i hope that the transition will go well. but beware. from what i have heard there is no "meta" for masters like there was in seniors. but from where im from there isnt a lot of great players other than pooka comes occasionally. which could be a downfall for me.

Haha, what you're saying seem to be the complete opposite for me. In seniors it seemed like there was no real metagame and that people just played decks that USED to be meta from either the previous year or earlier from the season. Seniors also seemed to play random decks sometimes. Then when I finally got to masters everything seemed to become much more stable.
Well now I feel bad. lol
When I started playing, I was in Seniors group and it was during the ex block.
I guess I got lucking in some ways, but the senior age group was lame and weak. There were only a few players of high skill. Those of which I was never able to beat, however, all the rest of the players were beatable by rogue decks like Salamence ex.
richkid50000 said:
same here konter. most of my league is made of masters so i hope that the transition will go well. but beware. from what i have heard there is no "meta" for masters like there was in seniors. but from where im from there isnt a lot of great players other than pooka comes occasionally. which could be a downfall for me.

Yeah, in master's there's no real "meta". 'cept luxchomp at worlds, but otherwise there's no real set meta.
Most Masters at my league actually play LuxChomp. Anyway, most Seniors at my league are really good with IMO fairy high skill level. I usually try to stay away from Masters.
Had I started playing in 1999, instead of just collecting, I would have gone Jr>Sr>Mstr.

But at age 17, and just learned to play after collected for 12 years, I guess I'm stuck in Masters.