HypnoticLuxray said:Which pokemon has inspired the username of two Pokebeach members through the use of its signature move?
(Dark Void and Darkvoid57)
Scoreboard said:Storm Blade - 26
Xdogking - 22
Spidy - 20
dmaster - 19
HypnoticLuxray - 18
the aura is with me8 - 17
Hatman - 16
Teal - 15
Dark Void - 13
oyeah1988 - 11
Metalizard - 11
Chillarmy - 9
Blah237 - 9
NinjaSamurai - 9
PMJ - 7
TheGuy - 6
Peachy - 6
Arcavine185 - 6
bacon - 5
Superpokemon67 - 5
ISB - 5
The Yoshi - 5
swain - 5
Loveshy - 4
TDL - 4
Glaceon - 4
ESP - 4
LuckyPokeGirl - 3
Blue Thunder - 3
Nengeni - 3
blargh257 - 3
SoulWind - 3
Riskbreakers - 2
alexmf2 - 2
Afro-G - 2
Zorua - 1
mpain0 - 1
Hazz - 1
Gale - 1
hipoke - 1