Welcome everyone to my Art Gallery! Enjoy your stay and Have A Nice Dream~!!
Umbreon Tag (I failed at this And the top keeps getting cut away )
Soul Eater Tag
Zekrom and Reshiram Tag
Reshiram Tag
Zekrom Tag
Animated Version of the three tags: Link~ http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/173/5/2/zekrom_and_reshiram_tag_by_hoshi_canidae-d3jp1en.gif
Death The Kid Tag
Other version of this tag: Link~ http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/173/d/8/death_the_kid_tag_2_by_hoshi_canidae-d3jptgo.png
Death The Kid Pop-out Tag
Black☆Star Tag
Old Junk (Like, really old =P)
Edward Elric Tag (Probably my best tag ever)
Ichigo Tag (Back when I had Photoshop >< )
Hitsugaya and The Butterfly
Hitsugaya Vector
Red Death The Kid Tag
Hitsugaya Tag
Typhlosion Tag
Random, unknown character tag =P
Hiyori Tag
Okami Tag (One of my very first tags!)
Any tag is free to use all long as no one is currently using it and you give credit in your signature. Please post asking if you can use a tag or not. Thanks~ <3