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Standard Turbo Primarina-GX

The Last Shaymin

Hi! I am posting a Primarina-GX deck that I think will be pretty good. The main idea of this deck is to use the bubble beat attack to do tons of damage. So, lets get on with the decklist.

4-Popplio SUM-39
2-Brionne SUM-40
3-Primarina-GX SUM-42
2-Manaphy-EX BKP-116
2-Palkia-EX BKP-31
2-Aloan Vulpix GRI-21
1-Aloan Ninetales BUS-28
2-Tapu Lele-GX GRI-60

4-Professor Sycamore
1-Acerola??? <--- I'm still thinking about it

4-Aqua Patch
3-Rare Candy
3-Choice Band
2-Field Blower
2-Rescue Stretcher

10-Water Energy

Total-60 cards (duh)
Besides the amount of time it takes to setup this gets outclassed of course by Gardevoir GX as they are both stage 2's but Gardy's damage stack by x30 instead of just x20 and your opponent kind of helps stack that damage for you. However if Primarina GX is the way you want to try by all means it seems fun. I would drop the DCE's for water energies. Even if you get all 10 energies out you are still only at 210 (240 with choice band) which is nice but it is near impossible to find every energy in your deck like that. With 14 it makes it easier to not only attach each turn but also get them in the discard for your aqua patches. I would forget Palkia Ex as well. You have 12 basics and only 2 Palkia EX's so it's not very likely you will start with one. Switch them out with the Acerola and put in 3 Max Elixirs. This way you can put energy on Tapu Lele GX or even Vulpix since Primarina GX only needs energy to be on your side of the field.
I have tried playing with Primarina Gx online and it is a very difficult deck to get set up. With so many Guzma, switch, non gx-ex in most decks I don’t believe baby Ninetales is a great addition ion to this deck. If anything I would run Ninetales gx...or remove the line completely. As mentioned by @rozillaj max elixir are a much needed add to accelerate water energy as well as switching the 4dce with 4 water energy.

Most importantly you have no ultra balls, timer balls, evosoda etc...you are depending way too heavily on drawing the right cars to evolve.
I didn't even notice the fact there was no way to search out Pokémon which is by far the most criminal thing in an evolution deck
Lol I didn't notice either. I was wondering why I had 5 extra cards.
I guess the decklist WITH the ultra balls would be:

4-Popplio SUM-39
2-Brionne SUM-40
3-Primarina-GX SUM-42
1-Manaphy-EX BKP-116
2-Aloan Vulpix GRI-21
1-Aloan Ninetales BUS-28
2-Tapu Lele-GX GRI-60

4-Professor Sycamore

4-Ultra Ball
4-Max Elixir
4-Aqua Patch
3-Rare Candy
3-Choice Band
2-Field Blower
1-Super Rod

12-Water Energy

I want to keep in the Aloan Ninetales baby because it has helped me in matchups against gardy. One game came to me having a brionne and aloan ninetales in play, and my opponent having 2 prize cards left and all their full gardies in play.
I didn't notice that bubble beat counted only water energy, I thought it was all energy lol.
I added some max elixir and ultra ball, listening to your comments.
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I used DCE originally in deck but then realized they don’t count toward bubble beat attack...that’s why I think switching them water is better. Plus with 4 max elixir you have greater chance one will be in top 7 cards.
I don't think you should run Max Elixir. You're very rarely going to want to pile energy on a Popplio.
I don't think you should run Max Elixir. You're very rarely going to want to pile energy on a Popplio.

It's more to put on Tapu Lele or Manaphy if needed. That's way energy driven decks that only scale by 20 aren't really good. You need to get to get so much energy out to be good and of course max elixirs don't work on the Primarina line well
It's more to put on Tapu Lele or Manaphy if needed. That's way energy driven decks that only scale by 20 aren't really good. You need to get to get so much energy out to be good and of course max elixirs don't work on the Primarina line well
Turbo darkrai only scales by 20, and people still play it. However, primarina is a stage 2 and darkrai is basic. Quite coincidentally,(or maybe not) they both have their own types of patches.

I have been thinking about running brooklet hill, so I can get out my manaphy and popplio easier.
It's more to put on Tapu Lele or Manaphy if needed. That's way energy driven decks that only scale by 20 aren't really good. You need to get to get so much energy out to be good and of course max elixirs don't work on the Primarina line well
oh i thought primarina just did 20 for each energy on IT not all pokemon

so this is basically just a slower version of turbo dark?
the problem is that it is Gardivoir's speed plus Darkrais damage, and it lacks the features that make those decks so great (i know it has aqua patch) Gardivoir has Sylveon, and Darkrai has the GX
It has access to all the water box stuff like manaphy and *ahem* glaceon ex and baby Ninetales. However, we aren't running glaceon anyway...
plus Gardivoirs ramp is just better because your opponent can help too.

also if you look at around this time last year, guess what, Yeveltal (aka Gardivoir) was better than Darkrai (Prime ribs)
plus Gardivoirs ramp is just better because your opponent can help too.

also if you look at around this time last year, guess what, Yeveltal (aka Gardivoir) was better than Darkrai (Prime ribs)
Also, Yeveltal(gardy) has less health than Darkrai(primarina) lol so many similarities.