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Standard Turbo Primarina-GX

I know, I just maybe thought it could be maybe used to attach to ninetales or super clutch attachments to lele or something...
No, don’t fall into the trap of putting Special Energy in acceleration decks.

I really don’t think this deck has much potential. I don’t mean to sound rude or dismissive by saying that, but what I will say is that Darkrai-EX BKP is Basic and has a MORE powerful attack. This deck is really slow I’m afraid by nature of the fact that it uses a Stage 2. You can’t even take advantage of Max Elixir very effectively because you have to dump multiple energy on a 70 HP Popplio. If you want to carry on with this deck I would be keen to see how you do with it, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
No, don’t fall into the trap of putting Special Energy in acceleration decks.

I really don’t think this deck has much potential. I don’t mean to sound rude or dismissive by saying that, but what I will say is that Darkrai-EX BKP is Basic and has a MORE powerful attack. This deck is really slow I’m afraid by nature of the fact that it uses a Stage 2. You can’t even take advantage of Max Elixir very effectively because you have to dump multiple energy on a 70 HP Popplio. If you want to carry on with this deck I would be keen to see how you do with it, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
You can put the energy on a tapu lele or onto manaphy EX