Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

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RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Eight | Finish the Above Member's- Gingerbread Cookies

she has always been a good girl.

(Jesus wasn't actually born on the 25th but whatever.)

Christmas sales were invented by...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Eight | Finish the Above Member's- Gingerbread Cookies

my toaster.

I'm afraid of...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Eight | Finish the Above Member's- Gingerbread Cookies

stars, they are so creepy. Seriously, why are those on Christmas trees?

I wish I could eat...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Eight | Finish the Above Member's- Gingerbread Cookies

-some cake right now, because i'm hungry.

I'd like a -
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Eight | Finish the Above Member's- Gingerbread Cookies

compliment. Okay then, I'll try to give you one.

Raichulover11 is the best...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Eight | Finish the Above Member's- Gingerbread Cookies

- at evolving Pikachu!

This game is now done! If you'd like to discuss it more, feel free to use the General Discussion thread. The next game will be live shortly.
Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member

On the ninth day of YPPY my true love gave to me:
Nine Meloettas Rename Dancing
Eight Miltanks Finishing a-milking,
Seven Swannas Holiday Songs a-swimming,
Six Zangoose Naughty/Nice a-Listing,
Four Calling Crush a Wish Pidgeys,
Three Kalos Take Or Pass Combuskens,
Two Tirtouga Bad Holiday Jokes Pidove(s),
and The Ban Game in a Lum Tree.​

Welcome to the ninth game of the Twelve Days of YPPY, an event that is running up until Christmas Eve. You can find more details about it here. Today's game may need a better name...

When you post in this game, you must give the above member a new username. The new username should relate to the above member in some way, and should try to incorporate something related to the holidays.

Ice Espeon (the above member is me) said:
Creator of OPs

As with all other Twelve Days of YPPY games, the YPPY rule applies to this game. You must wait for two other people to post after your previous post before you may post again.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member

RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member

Vom-it. I know it's an obvious one :(
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member


Would probably be too many characters though. :p
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member

pikachulover. The 11 kinda bugs me XD
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member

Giga Mac
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