Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

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RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member

RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member

RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member


The ninth day of YPPY has now drawn to a close. Expect the next one to be up shortly!

You can discuss this game and the rest of the Twelve Days of YPPY in the General Discussion Thread.
Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 10 | A Christmas Story

On the tenth day of YPPY my true love gave to me:
Ten Lord Helixes Christmas Story a-leaping
Nine Meloettas Rename Dancing
Eight Miltanks Finishing a-milking,
Seven Swannas Holiday Songs a-swimming,
Six Zangoose Naughty/Nice a-Listing,
Four Calling Crush a Wish Pidgeys,
Three Kalos Take Or Pass Combuskens,
Two Tirtouga Bad Holiday Jokes Pidove(s),
and The Ban Game in a Lum Tree.​

Welcome to the tenth game of the Twelve Days of YPPY, an event that is running up until Christmas Eve. You can find more details about it here. Today's game has nothing to do with the movie, but should be just as beloved!

When you post in this game, you must continue the story, starting exactly where the post above yours ended. Your post should have anywhere from 10 to 30 words in it.

Drohn said:
There was once an ugly barnacle. The ugly barnacle was so ugly that everyone died.
Machamp The Champion said:
After everyone died, the ugly barnacle was all alone in this world. It missed all its friends, its family.

As with all other Twelve Days of YPPY games, the YPPY rule applies to this game. You must wait for two other people to post after your previous post before you may post again.

To start I give you:

'Twas three days before Christmas, and all through the forums...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

Drohn was spamming games with lies being the nice guy he is. Nothing new there. Machamp the Champion, however,...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

decided that the moon needed to be blue. He would go about this by first recruiting other members. He recruited-
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

bbninjas and Keeper on Night. He assigned bb to get the paint, while Keeper would use his cannon (which he totally has) to shoot the moon with blue paint balls.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

That is, until bbninjas brought back black paint. Machamp the Champion was horrified, asked why, and then...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

bbninjas used sorcery to turn the black paint to red, so Machamp the Champion...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

slammed the paint can into bbninja's face. But he missed, and it hit Jax. Jax said...
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

If my face is going to be red, at least let it be from the juice of a delicious steak, not paint! Machamp the Champion laughed, but got angry very fast, he then finally got his own way by-
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

repeteidly dumping it on his friends until they bought more paint.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

And so, they started bringing Machamp The Champion paint. Surprisingly, not a single one of them brought Machamp blue paint! "Ugh" proclaimed Machamp. "Guess I better get my own..."
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

But the store was out of blue paint. So he bought some blueberries, and..
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Ten | A Christmas Story

squeezed them one by one into buckets until he had enough for his scheme. Keeper loaded his cannon, and took aim-
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