In both Pokemon Amber & Topaz:
U live in the region of Paleow(Pae-Lee-Oh), an ancient land with Swamps,Deserts, Jungles & ice-capped Mountains. There are 8 Towns & 3 Cites, 8 of wich have their own gyms. The Pokemon are Prehistoric, Many of which have been extinct for thousands of years. The local Pokepaleontologist, Prof. Cypress has created a portable reving Machine he calls the Pokelife and has astablished them all across the region. The Hero resides in the same town has the Prof. and is ready to Start his journey, & arrives at the Lab to pick his starter, only to arrive at an attemped robbery of the prototype of the Prof's newest invention, so a member of Team Futra(Phuoo-trah) see u & challenges to a battle af the u turn down the offer to run away, u grab the starter, if u win the Member drops a potion when fleeing, if u lose the Police barge in & save u & the Prof, for ur courage in Battle the Prof, give u the honor of completing an erand for him to pick up a part for his invention. U return only to find ur sibling there as well, & the prof ask for the Part & adds it to both devices & reveles the to be New Pokedex's...witha new attachment called the Fossildex, kinda like the Unwondex from is where the Explanaition starts:
The Fossildex, is an attachement that shows which Pokemon can be revived from one of 10 types of fossil, Some Pokemon can only be revived for 1 of the 10 fossil types, the max is A Pokemon can be revied from 3 different types of fossil.
(Let's see if u can guess what animals some of these pokemon are based of off,some are straight up giveaways)
10 fossil types:
Helix Fossil(uncommon)
Dome Fossil(rare)
Root Fossil(common)
Claw Fossil(uncommon)
Skull Fossil(common)
Armor Fossil(common)
Horn Fossil(rare)
Wing Fossil(common)
Tooth Fossil(uncommon)
Footprint Fossil(rare)
Amber:Can also be revived, mostly encases bug-type pokemon fossils:
Old Amber(rare)
Topaz:Can also be revived, mostly encases rock-type pokemon fossils:
Tough Topaz(rare)
The are 3 ways to obtain fossils:
1. Dig, using Tools from a Pokekit, full of different digging tools: Pick,Shovel, Hammer & Brush. Like the Underground of Sinnoh there are desingaited spots in Paleow where u can Dig, Using the move Dig in a Dark spot in the sand is a garenteed fossil obtained, but only once, & there are only 2 dark spots in each Dig Location, The fossil u find in a dark spot is random. All other spots in the Dig spot may or may not harbor fossils, the fossils found are random as well. Paleow has remained the same, beside human colonizaition for thousands of years so the Pokemon found will only be indeginous to some areas. U won't discover the Pokemon u've dug up until u revive it.
2. U buy the fossil, The Game Corner has a few, but u need to be lucky at the slots to purchase 1. A Better source would be the Fossil Maniac who sells a number of fossils for a decent price,.
3. u find them, this requires no digging, some fossils can be found on the surface just siting there.walk by & pick them up.
Other Pokemon:
Most Pokemon aren't fossilized in the ground, many are "Living Fossils" & have remained unchanged, & Prehistoric, such as Relicanth, & are found in the grass,trees river,lakes & seas.
Once a Pokemon has been Revived it is registered in the Pokedex, with the location its species is most common in,& data. The Fossildex already has all the Pokemon revivable in the game registered in it but, only where it can be found in which dig sites & which fossils it can be revived from.
The Cities/Town + Gym Leader of Paleow:
1.Turain Town
3.Flowest Town(Ace){Flying}
4.Eastvilla City(Elen){Electric}
5.Rivera Town(Walter){Water}
6.Dewdrop Town(Serena){Psychic}
7.Chasmis Town
8.Southbridge Town(Derek){Dark}
9.Everlast City(Barbara){Poison}
10.Northlook Town(Trevor){Ice}
11.Futuria City(Stella){Steel}
Elite 4:
Champion Minera{Rock}
the Gym leaders & their Bios + Rosters:
Ht:6'01"ft Wt:132lbs
TM:Aerial Ace(TM17)
Tailow Lv:11
Passowary Lv:14
#2 Elen{Electric}
Age: 32
Ht:5'04"ft Wt:167lbs
TM:Shock Wave(TM23)
Elekid Lv:14
Spinx Lv:16
#3 Walter{Water}
Ht:5'11" Wt:175
Plesagic Lv:20
Deemantle Lv:21
Damplophus Lv:22
#4 Serena{Psychic}
Ht:5'06" Wt:145lbs
Kirlia Lv:26
Kirlia Lv:26
Girafirig Lv:27
Slyon Lv:28
#5 Derek{Dark}
Ht:5'10" Wt:165lbs
TM:Feint Attack(TM26)
Zebratt Lv:30
Murkrow Lv.31
Mightyena Lv:32
Firofang Lv:33
#6 Barbara{Poison}
Ht:5'09" Wt:121lbs
TM:Gastro Acid(TM37)
Dilophacid Lv:36
Corrosafril Lv:37
Seviper Lv:36
Venimadder Lv:38
#7 Trevor{Ice}
Ht:6'01" Wt:142lbs
Glalie Lv:39
Abomasnow Lv:39
Polursas Lv:40
Avalawulf Lv:41
#8 Stella{Steel}
Ht:5'11 Wt:156lbs
TM:Metal Sound(TM24)
Mawile Lv 40
Metang Lv:40
Lucario Lv:41
Czarmory Lv:42
Aggron Lv:43
Elite 4 Bio's & their rosters:
Ht:5'06" Wt:214lbs
Quarrikat Lv:45
Donphan Lv:46
Mamoswine Lv:47
Hippowdon Lv:48
Ankylotank Lv:49
(let's see if u can guess which animal each poke is based on, some are straight up giveaways)
The Pokemon:Starters
1.Cubloom(Grass){Cub Pokemon}
2.Pandree(Grass/Fighting){Panda Pokemon}
3.Bearbroot(Grass/Fighting){Large Panda Pokemon}
4.Raptinge(Fire){Raptor Pokemon}
5.Pyroclaw(Fire/Ground){Claw Pokemon}
6.Flairaptor(Fire/Ground){Claw Pokemon}
7.Ecolopise(Water){Ecolocaition Pokemon}
8.Wholphin(Water/Psychic){Dolphin Pokemon}
9.Psyorca(Water/Psychic){ESP Pokemon}
More Pokemon 10-28:
10.Dilophacid(Poison/Dark){Spit Poison Pokemon}
11.Corrosafril(Poison/Dark){Acid Pokemon}
12.Millisheen(Bug/Steel){Many Leg Pokemon}
13.Centurede(Bug/Steel){Many Leg Pokemon}
14.Muckbill(Water/Ground){Duckbill Pokemon}
15.Platypush(Water/Ground){Duckbill Pokemon}
16.Antikiln(Fire/Bug){Burn Pokemon}
17.Smolderant(Fire/Bug){Singe Pokemon}
18.Aunteraze(Fire/Bug){Singe Pokemon}
20.Dactylcute(Electric/Flying){Wing Lizard Pokemon}
21.Shocktyl(Electric/Flying){Soaring Pokemon}
22.Ptereclek(Electric/Flying){Soaring Pokemon}
23.Thorntail(Grass/Poison){Spike Tail Pokemon}
24.Cloroplate(Grass/Poison){Leaf Plate Pokemon}
25.Ankylotank(Steel/Ground){Armor Pokemon}
26.Spinoslash(Dark/Water){Spine Pokemon}
27.Damplophus(Water/Fighting){Trumpet Pokemon}
28.Wheterhorn(Water/Fighting){Swamp Tuba Pokemon}
Even More Pokemon 29-48:
29.Cyrobou(Ice/Normal){Winter Pokemon}
30.Pleisagic(Water){Sea Snake Pokemon}
31.Elasmotide(Water/Dragon){Sea Monster Pokemon}
32.Hydraco(Water/Dragon){Sea Monster Pokemon}
33.Barchiopus(Grass/Flying){Long Stem Pokemon}
34.Parceloon(Ice/Flying){Mailbird Pokemon}
35.Lemuride(Fighting/Flying){Glide Pokemon}
36.Patagiumun(Fighting/Flying){Parachute Pokemon}
37.Lavazaur(Fire/Dragon){Heat Reptile Pokemon}
38.Ignitana(Fire/Dragon){Heat Reptile Pokemon}
39.Blazilisk(Fire/Dragon){Fire Breath Pokemon}
40.Polursas(Ice/Normal){Arctic Pokemon}
41.Meertunnel(Ground){Tunneling Pokemon}
42.Quarrikat(Ground){Excavate Pokemon}
43.Meowmmy(Ghost/Rock){Cat Mummy Pokemon}
44.Muskitick(Poison/Bug){Sucker Pokemon}
45.Lumineel(Electric/Water){Bioluminecent Pokemon}
46.Gigabyteel(Electric/Water){Discharge Pokemon}
47.Ragerine(Dark/Fighting){Cranky Pokemon}
48.Zebratt(Normal/Dark){Pattern Pokemon}
Even More Pokemon 49-68:
49.Friger(Fire/Dark){Little Tooth Pokemon}
50.Firofang(Fire/Dark){Large Fang Pokemon}
51.Flaretooth(Fire/Dark){Large Fang Pokemon}
52.Conduceetle(Bug/Electric){Lightingrod Pokemon}
54.Revengenoos(Normal){Cat Ferret Pokemon}
55.Venimadder(Poison){Fang Snake Pokemon}
56.Arachnab(Bug/Water){Bottom Feed Pokemon}
57.Deemantle(Water/Poison){Tentacle Pokemon}
58.Calamarine(Water/Poison){Tentacle Pokemon}
60.Skeplunder(Ghost/Water){Pirate Pokemon}
61.Macawhine(Flying){Loquaicous Pokemon}
62.Farfaraway(Normal/Flying){Evade Pokemon}
63.Chamokaze(Normal){Disguise Pokemon}
64.Mantaflew(Water/Flying){Large Kite Pokemon}
65.Slyon(Poison/Psychic){Sly Pokemon}
66.Bovinutter(Normal){Bovine Pokemon}
67.Baffelobul(Normal){Big Bull Pokemon}
68.Shimbelly(Ice/Psychic){Belly Dance Pokemon}
Even MORE Pokemon 69-101:
69.Mime Sr.(Psychic){Old Magician Pokemon}
70.Gemsbulk(Rock){Crystaline Pokemon}
71.Erocoryx(Rock){Limestone Pokemon}
72.Florafault(Grass/Ground){Burrow Pokemon}
73.Tendrill(Grass/Ground){Burrow Pokemon}
74.Artipup(Ice/Dark){Puppy Pokemon}
75.Fridgidawg(Ice/Dark){Snow Dog Pokemon}
76.Avalawolf(Ice/Dark){Snow Dog Pokemon}
77.Lapriferi(Ice/Water){Vessal Pokemon}
78.Czarmory(Steel/Flying}{Metallic Pokemon}
79.Eggdrake(Dragon/Rock){Hatchling Pokemon}
80.Oviarius(Dragon/Rock){Eggnapper Pokemon}
81.Passowary(Flying){Timid Pokemon}
82.Oddstrich(Flying){Eccentric Pokemon}
83.Excitemyu(Flying){Excited Pokemon}
84.Wurmgea(Bug/Ground){Decompose Pokemon}
85.Whurmuss(Bug/Ground){Compost Pokemon}
86.Atackejara(Fire/Flying){Sky Hunter Pokemon}
87.Steeleon(Steel){Alloy Pokemon}
88.Toxieon(Poison){Poison Spore}
The Prexisting Fossil Pokemon 89-102:
89.Omanyte(Rock/Water){Spiral Pokemon}
90.Omastar(Rock/Water){Spiral Pokemon}
91.Kabuto(Rock/Water){Shellfish Pokemon}
92.Kabutops(Rock/Water){Shellfish Pokemon}
93.Aerodactyl(Rock/Flying){Fossil Pokemon}
94.Lileep(Rock/Grass){Sea Lily Pokemon}
95.Cradily(Rock/Grass){Barnacle Pokemon}
96.Anorith(Rock/Bug){Old Shrimp Pokemon}
97.Armaldo(Rock/Bug){Plate Pokemon}
98.Relicanth(Rock/Water){Longevity Pokemon}
99.Cranidos(Rock){Headbutt Pokemon}
100.Rampard(Rock){Headbutt Pokemon}
101.Shieldon(Rock/Steel){Shield Pokemon}
102.Bastiodon(Rock/Steel){Sheild Pokemon}
The Final Nine Pokemon 103-201:
103.Ancidown(Dragon/Flying){Old Feather Pokemon}
104.Dralonjet(Dragon/Flying){Old Wing Pokemon}
105.Dracopteryx(Dragon/Flying){Old Wing Pokemon}
106.Cerafroze(Rock/Ice){Icicle Pokemon}
107.Brawntone(Rock/Grass){Strong Bark Pokemon}
108.Turbonerex(Rock/Fire){Tyrannt Pokemon}
109.Liobilade(Water/Steel)(Past Pokemon}
200.Domaribot(Electric/Steel){Future Pokemon}
201.Lil'feet(Normal){Lost Link Pokemon}
Keep checking back for Updates!!!!
U live in the region of Paleow(Pae-Lee-Oh), an ancient land with Swamps,Deserts, Jungles & ice-capped Mountains. There are 8 Towns & 3 Cites, 8 of wich have their own gyms. The Pokemon are Prehistoric, Many of which have been extinct for thousands of years. The local Pokepaleontologist, Prof. Cypress has created a portable reving Machine he calls the Pokelife and has astablished them all across the region. The Hero resides in the same town has the Prof. and is ready to Start his journey, & arrives at the Lab to pick his starter, only to arrive at an attemped robbery of the prototype of the Prof's newest invention, so a member of Team Futra(Phuoo-trah) see u & challenges to a battle af the u turn down the offer to run away, u grab the starter, if u win the Member drops a potion when fleeing, if u lose the Police barge in & save u & the Prof, for ur courage in Battle the Prof, give u the honor of completing an erand for him to pick up a part for his invention. U return only to find ur sibling there as well, & the prof ask for the Part & adds it to both devices & reveles the to be New Pokedex's...witha new attachment called the Fossildex, kinda like the Unwondex from is where the Explanaition starts:
The Fossildex, is an attachement that shows which Pokemon can be revived from one of 10 types of fossil, Some Pokemon can only be revived for 1 of the 10 fossil types, the max is A Pokemon can be revied from 3 different types of fossil.
(Let's see if u can guess what animals some of these pokemon are based of off,some are straight up giveaways)
10 fossil types:
Helix Fossil(uncommon)
Dome Fossil(rare)
Root Fossil(common)
Claw Fossil(uncommon)
Skull Fossil(common)
Armor Fossil(common)
Horn Fossil(rare)
Wing Fossil(common)
Tooth Fossil(uncommon)
Footprint Fossil(rare)
Amber:Can also be revived, mostly encases bug-type pokemon fossils:
Old Amber(rare)
Topaz:Can also be revived, mostly encases rock-type pokemon fossils:
Tough Topaz(rare)
The are 3 ways to obtain fossils:
1. Dig, using Tools from a Pokekit, full of different digging tools: Pick,Shovel, Hammer & Brush. Like the Underground of Sinnoh there are desingaited spots in Paleow where u can Dig, Using the move Dig in a Dark spot in the sand is a garenteed fossil obtained, but only once, & there are only 2 dark spots in each Dig Location, The fossil u find in a dark spot is random. All other spots in the Dig spot may or may not harbor fossils, the fossils found are random as well. Paleow has remained the same, beside human colonizaition for thousands of years so the Pokemon found will only be indeginous to some areas. U won't discover the Pokemon u've dug up until u revive it.
2. U buy the fossil, The Game Corner has a few, but u need to be lucky at the slots to purchase 1. A Better source would be the Fossil Maniac who sells a number of fossils for a decent price,.
3. u find them, this requires no digging, some fossils can be found on the surface just siting there.walk by & pick them up.
Other Pokemon:
Most Pokemon aren't fossilized in the ground, many are "Living Fossils" & have remained unchanged, & Prehistoric, such as Relicanth, & are found in the grass,trees river,lakes & seas.
Once a Pokemon has been Revived it is registered in the Pokedex, with the location its species is most common in,& data. The Fossildex already has all the Pokemon revivable in the game registered in it but, only where it can be found in which dig sites & which fossils it can be revived from.
The Cities/Town + Gym Leader of Paleow:
1.Turain Town
3.Flowest Town(Ace){Flying}
4.Eastvilla City(Elen){Electric}
5.Rivera Town(Walter){Water}
6.Dewdrop Town(Serena){Psychic}
7.Chasmis Town
8.Southbridge Town(Derek){Dark}
9.Everlast City(Barbara){Poison}
10.Northlook Town(Trevor){Ice}
11.Futuria City(Stella){Steel}
Elite 4:
Champion Minera{Rock}
the Gym leaders & their Bios + Rosters:
Ht:6'01"ft Wt:132lbs
TM:Aerial Ace(TM17)
Tailow Lv:11
Passowary Lv:14
#2 Elen{Electric}
Age: 32
Ht:5'04"ft Wt:167lbs
TM:Shock Wave(TM23)
Elekid Lv:14
Spinx Lv:16
#3 Walter{Water}
Ht:5'11" Wt:175
Plesagic Lv:20
Deemantle Lv:21
Damplophus Lv:22
#4 Serena{Psychic}
Ht:5'06" Wt:145lbs
Kirlia Lv:26
Kirlia Lv:26
Girafirig Lv:27
Slyon Lv:28
#5 Derek{Dark}
Ht:5'10" Wt:165lbs
TM:Feint Attack(TM26)
Zebratt Lv:30
Murkrow Lv.31
Mightyena Lv:32
Firofang Lv:33
#6 Barbara{Poison}
Ht:5'09" Wt:121lbs
TM:Gastro Acid(TM37)
Dilophacid Lv:36
Corrosafril Lv:37
Seviper Lv:36
Venimadder Lv:38
#7 Trevor{Ice}
Ht:6'01" Wt:142lbs
Glalie Lv:39
Abomasnow Lv:39
Polursas Lv:40
Avalawulf Lv:41
#8 Stella{Steel}
Ht:5'11 Wt:156lbs
TM:Metal Sound(TM24)
Mawile Lv 40
Metang Lv:40
Lucario Lv:41
Czarmory Lv:42
Aggron Lv:43
Elite 4 Bio's & their rosters:
Ht:5'06" Wt:214lbs
Quarrikat Lv:45
Donphan Lv:46
Mamoswine Lv:47
Hippowdon Lv:48
Ankylotank Lv:49
(let's see if u can guess which animal each poke is based on, some are straight up giveaways)
The Pokemon:Starters
1.Cubloom(Grass){Cub Pokemon}
2.Pandree(Grass/Fighting){Panda Pokemon}
3.Bearbroot(Grass/Fighting){Large Panda Pokemon}
4.Raptinge(Fire){Raptor Pokemon}
5.Pyroclaw(Fire/Ground){Claw Pokemon}
6.Flairaptor(Fire/Ground){Claw Pokemon}
7.Ecolopise(Water){Ecolocaition Pokemon}
8.Wholphin(Water/Psychic){Dolphin Pokemon}
9.Psyorca(Water/Psychic){ESP Pokemon}
More Pokemon 10-28:
10.Dilophacid(Poison/Dark){Spit Poison Pokemon}
11.Corrosafril(Poison/Dark){Acid Pokemon}
12.Millisheen(Bug/Steel){Many Leg Pokemon}
13.Centurede(Bug/Steel){Many Leg Pokemon}
14.Muckbill(Water/Ground){Duckbill Pokemon}
15.Platypush(Water/Ground){Duckbill Pokemon}
16.Antikiln(Fire/Bug){Burn Pokemon}
17.Smolderant(Fire/Bug){Singe Pokemon}
18.Aunteraze(Fire/Bug){Singe Pokemon}
20.Dactylcute(Electric/Flying){Wing Lizard Pokemon}
21.Shocktyl(Electric/Flying){Soaring Pokemon}
22.Ptereclek(Electric/Flying){Soaring Pokemon}
23.Thorntail(Grass/Poison){Spike Tail Pokemon}
24.Cloroplate(Grass/Poison){Leaf Plate Pokemon}
25.Ankylotank(Steel/Ground){Armor Pokemon}
26.Spinoslash(Dark/Water){Spine Pokemon}
27.Damplophus(Water/Fighting){Trumpet Pokemon}
28.Wheterhorn(Water/Fighting){Swamp Tuba Pokemon}
Even More Pokemon 29-48:
29.Cyrobou(Ice/Normal){Winter Pokemon}
30.Pleisagic(Water){Sea Snake Pokemon}
31.Elasmotide(Water/Dragon){Sea Monster Pokemon}
32.Hydraco(Water/Dragon){Sea Monster Pokemon}
33.Barchiopus(Grass/Flying){Long Stem Pokemon}
34.Parceloon(Ice/Flying){Mailbird Pokemon}
35.Lemuride(Fighting/Flying){Glide Pokemon}
36.Patagiumun(Fighting/Flying){Parachute Pokemon}
37.Lavazaur(Fire/Dragon){Heat Reptile Pokemon}
38.Ignitana(Fire/Dragon){Heat Reptile Pokemon}
39.Blazilisk(Fire/Dragon){Fire Breath Pokemon}
40.Polursas(Ice/Normal){Arctic Pokemon}
41.Meertunnel(Ground){Tunneling Pokemon}
42.Quarrikat(Ground){Excavate Pokemon}
43.Meowmmy(Ghost/Rock){Cat Mummy Pokemon}
44.Muskitick(Poison/Bug){Sucker Pokemon}
45.Lumineel(Electric/Water){Bioluminecent Pokemon}
46.Gigabyteel(Electric/Water){Discharge Pokemon}
47.Ragerine(Dark/Fighting){Cranky Pokemon}
48.Zebratt(Normal/Dark){Pattern Pokemon}
Even More Pokemon 49-68:
49.Friger(Fire/Dark){Little Tooth Pokemon}
50.Firofang(Fire/Dark){Large Fang Pokemon}
51.Flaretooth(Fire/Dark){Large Fang Pokemon}
52.Conduceetle(Bug/Electric){Lightingrod Pokemon}
54.Revengenoos(Normal){Cat Ferret Pokemon}
55.Venimadder(Poison){Fang Snake Pokemon}
56.Arachnab(Bug/Water){Bottom Feed Pokemon}
57.Deemantle(Water/Poison){Tentacle Pokemon}
58.Calamarine(Water/Poison){Tentacle Pokemon}
60.Skeplunder(Ghost/Water){Pirate Pokemon}
61.Macawhine(Flying){Loquaicous Pokemon}
62.Farfaraway(Normal/Flying){Evade Pokemon}
63.Chamokaze(Normal){Disguise Pokemon}
64.Mantaflew(Water/Flying){Large Kite Pokemon}
65.Slyon(Poison/Psychic){Sly Pokemon}
66.Bovinutter(Normal){Bovine Pokemon}
67.Baffelobul(Normal){Big Bull Pokemon}
68.Shimbelly(Ice/Psychic){Belly Dance Pokemon}
Even MORE Pokemon 69-101:
69.Mime Sr.(Psychic){Old Magician Pokemon}
70.Gemsbulk(Rock){Crystaline Pokemon}
71.Erocoryx(Rock){Limestone Pokemon}
72.Florafault(Grass/Ground){Burrow Pokemon}
73.Tendrill(Grass/Ground){Burrow Pokemon}
74.Artipup(Ice/Dark){Puppy Pokemon}
75.Fridgidawg(Ice/Dark){Snow Dog Pokemon}
76.Avalawolf(Ice/Dark){Snow Dog Pokemon}
77.Lapriferi(Ice/Water){Vessal Pokemon}
78.Czarmory(Steel/Flying}{Metallic Pokemon}
79.Eggdrake(Dragon/Rock){Hatchling Pokemon}
80.Oviarius(Dragon/Rock){Eggnapper Pokemon}
81.Passowary(Flying){Timid Pokemon}
82.Oddstrich(Flying){Eccentric Pokemon}
83.Excitemyu(Flying){Excited Pokemon}
84.Wurmgea(Bug/Ground){Decompose Pokemon}
85.Whurmuss(Bug/Ground){Compost Pokemon}
86.Atackejara(Fire/Flying){Sky Hunter Pokemon}
87.Steeleon(Steel){Alloy Pokemon}
88.Toxieon(Poison){Poison Spore}
The Prexisting Fossil Pokemon 89-102:
89.Omanyte(Rock/Water){Spiral Pokemon}
90.Omastar(Rock/Water){Spiral Pokemon}
91.Kabuto(Rock/Water){Shellfish Pokemon}
92.Kabutops(Rock/Water){Shellfish Pokemon}
93.Aerodactyl(Rock/Flying){Fossil Pokemon}
94.Lileep(Rock/Grass){Sea Lily Pokemon}
95.Cradily(Rock/Grass){Barnacle Pokemon}
96.Anorith(Rock/Bug){Old Shrimp Pokemon}
97.Armaldo(Rock/Bug){Plate Pokemon}
98.Relicanth(Rock/Water){Longevity Pokemon}
99.Cranidos(Rock){Headbutt Pokemon}
100.Rampard(Rock){Headbutt Pokemon}
101.Shieldon(Rock/Steel){Shield Pokemon}
102.Bastiodon(Rock/Steel){Sheild Pokemon}
The Final Nine Pokemon 103-201:
103.Ancidown(Dragon/Flying){Old Feather Pokemon}
104.Dralonjet(Dragon/Flying){Old Wing Pokemon}
105.Dracopteryx(Dragon/Flying){Old Wing Pokemon}
106.Cerafroze(Rock/Ice){Icicle Pokemon}
107.Brawntone(Rock/Grass){Strong Bark Pokemon}
108.Turbonerex(Rock/Fire){Tyrannt Pokemon}
109.Liobilade(Water/Steel)(Past Pokemon}
200.Domaribot(Electric/Steel){Future Pokemon}
201.Lil'feet(Normal){Lost Link Pokemon}
Keep checking back for Updates!!!!