RE: ScreamRawr's Various Cards!
I already traded him, sorry.
please CML for 1-1 palkia G X. thanks!
I'm really not seeing anything I would want for my 1-1 Palkia G X. Perhaps you could find something else off of my list you liked?
@Azelf Master:
Donphan Prime
Palkia G
Hmm. is there anything else you'd want instead of my Donphan Prime?
CML for
Absol G lvl X SV
Absol G SV
Hmm. I'm interested in your Flygon lvl X. Make me an offer.
ScreamRawr Wrote:
@squallo: Well, I'm really looking for a Landmin lvl X right now. And I didn't see one on your list. But I am curious as to what you'd want for a RR booster.
would you do:
My RR pack x6
for your
Donphan Prime x1
Tyranitar Prime x1
Ursaring Prime x1
PM if deal or counter
Well, I have already traded Tyranitar Prime. Anything else you'd want for the 6 packs? Or are the two okay?
Do you have any Poké Turns (holo/non-holo)?
I do. What would you be willing to trade for them? They are both non-holo.
CML for:
Palkia G PL
Palkia G lvl X PL
I am interested in your Flygon lvl X, Crobat Prime, Kingdra Prime, Entei/Raiku LEGEND (Top and Bottom), DCE, Luxray GL RH, and theres more too.
Make me an offer.
@AdrianSkyline: I'm actually doin' pretty fine here at the house with the internet. Thanks you could help bro. Also, you need to text me ASAP.
@Muddy68: he was just tryin' to help, he didn't know. lol
@TO ALL: Get back at me asap, and I'll try to do the same.