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ty-tar comback tyranitar prime rogue


Aspiring Trainer

4x Larvitar
2x Pupitar
4x Tyranitar Prime
1x zekrom
1x reshiram
1x tornadus
1x pichu
1x cleffa


3x Sage’s Training
4x Pokémon Collector
2x Twins
3x Professor Juniper
3x Pokémon Communication
4x Rare Candy
4x Max Potion
4x Junk Arm
2x Pokémon Catcher
1x switch
1x super rod
2x N


4x Special Darkness
4x Basic Darkness
4x dce

getting up ty-tar witch darkness howl,ty-tar cant be ohko by any pokemon we can use max potion to heal him he only needs 1 energy 8
You'll need a second attacker, and a faster, non Stage2 one, at that. IE, Mewtwo EX. Also, Elekid isn't that great, try Cleffa of Pichu or if you go really rouge…Igglybuff
dont think i needsec attacker caus i have tytar witch 1 energy and dont forget i heal him witch max potion you cant ohko ty-tar
cronos said:
don't think i needsec attacker caus i have tytar witch 1 energy and don't forget i heal him witch max potion you cant ohko ty-tar

you can ohko t tar.

landorus, terrakion...
You're ripped apart by Terrakion, you're going to need something like Mandibuzz because it is fighting resistant, or Tornadus.
i made some changes

i added a


instead of smeargle and igglybuff

and a few trainers like adding

super rod and switch

of energy i droped 2 normal dark for 2 more dce
-1 sage's (to make room)
-1 juniper (to make room)

+2 N (so you don't have to discard)

I think kyurem would also be good.