Hi! I'm Tyma, 19, from Poland. I'm a hobbyist digital artist, I also try to paint watercolours, rarely draw with coloured pencils, etc. The software I use is Paint tool SAI and Photoshop.
I'd like to know your opinion about my artworks, feel free to comment, critique and give some tips. I appreciate every feedback!
If you're interested, here's my art tumblr: http://crystal-chima.tumblr.com/
and my DA gallery http://xtyma.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/
Now let me show you some of my drawings and paintings:
(open to see more)
Oops, I hope it's not too much^ ^
I'd like to know your opinion about my artworks, feel free to comment, critique and give some tips. I appreciate every feedback!
If you're interested, here's my art tumblr: http://crystal-chima.tumblr.com/
and my DA gallery http://xtyma.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/
Now let me show you some of my drawings and paintings:

(open to see more)
