Here are my thoughts on this mind-blowing information, as always.
Type: Null
I see we have an artificial chimera Pokémon that now owned by an enforcer of Team Skull. While Normal is kind of a disappointing Type for it, the immunity to Ghost would do wonders, judging by the amount of Ghost Types that roam S&M. It has a rad design that I can definitely buy.
The potential Psuedo-Legendary, based from what I've heard, although I doubt that such a Pokémon would be revealed this early on before the games are even released. Then again, Goomy was leaked before X & Y's intended release dates. That aside, Jangmo-o might just have a great niche by having Chespin's Hidden Ability and Sound Proof is definitely something against a few Megas' habit of Hyper Voicing, assuming they would be returning.
The Aether Foundation
Now we're into some amazingly mysterious territory right here.
There is a plausible possibility that we may get ourselves a plot twist on who might be our actual main villains this time around, which I can buy.
Faba has the looks of a villain, in my opinion. A villain that has legitimate experience with alchemy would be more than ideal for Sun & Moon, since the Legendaries do have some ties to alchemy and space.
Wicke's friendly personality is definitely something. I think she might be that one member who has genuinely taken notes from N's actions, which would be a nice callback to the events of Unova.
And that brings me to Lusamine, who would be the first female Big Bad if her organisation is as evil as some fans make it out to be. She looks like someone that came out of a mature anime like Kill la Kill or even One Punch Man. Definitely the hottest female character we've known so far, although, I do prefer Wicke.
Zygarde Cells
This oughta be a fun sidequest and definitely worth having a powerful deity in battle once you get every Cell and Core in your grasp.
Ultra Beasts
The games are really going all out to be amazing. These ethereal deities would definitely make some formidable foes in battle if they don't count as Pokémon. UB-01 has a certain vibe to it that I certainly won't spoil for a while.