Finished Type The Above Username With Your Elbow II [YPPY]

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R: scattered mind
L: scattered mind
RT: swcattyerrer m ind
LT: crtrfewrdeewds miunb dd
N: scarrweewd minf
F: sac z\ffsdssxx jk xc

On the last one I somehow changed tabs, closed chrome and made the screen turn off without knowing it. Glad the site saves your post as you go along!
L: thresce[ptiulemastgert
R: tgnhdeesxxcxdep;gtiklledm mszgtefr

I am not surprised how this turned out lol Next person has it easy, my name is short :3
R: double o squirtle
I did it!
L: dsiyuvbvke o squuiurtlee
...Not as good.
N: douhle obs27956tle
Oh god, that was bad. XD
R: double o squirtle
L: double o bsquirtle
N: double o squirtle
C: xcklj ,.d l xajkfdfg,.d

Nose is the easiest for me, and my chin got an offset downward as a whole due to not being able to see while typing...
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