Finished Type the Above Username With Your Elbow [YPPY]

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What... what is this game? x___x

Right elbow: sfreffenjas
Left elbow: sdtyrffrmnks

I've got really big elbows! Dx I've also got a big keyboard though, so no excuse... I don't think my right elbow actually did too badly.
Left: celever

I'm beginning to think I'm left-elbowed... [is that even a thing?]

Also, sorry for accidentally making Celever a pirate with my right elbow.
Right elbow: scasrreered mind
Not bad IMO! :D
Left elbow: svcsgttgedred miumnfd

I'm beginning to think I'm left-elbowed... [is that even a thing?]
Looking at this thread I think that being left or right-elbowed must be a thing. Look, PokeBeach, we did science!

I think it's because there is a pointy part of the bone on the inner of you left elbow while the right point is a bit more awkward to land.
Right elbow: b b ninjas

I'm proud of myself! :D

Left elbow: bb ninbjasz

I'm definitely right elbowed!
R: scatterede jkminjhd
L: scattered nmind


Forehead: wed3wswfrcf23a5665GFTF4E6T43DERTFE4DN BIM8IJHNJHED

Not a good idea.


Nose: scqattered mind


Fingers: scattered mind
Right elbow: ice esdoedion
Left elbow: iuvr dredl;fkln
Oh.. oh dear.

Right foot (toes): ice espeon
Left foot (toes): icce sepeob

Apparently I can also type just fine with my right foot o_O
Oops, forgot phones have autocorrect :V
Original result: Celehdrdfer
Left: scatterred mindf
Right: zxzxxsxs caztgytefrrrfcd mki ndc

Yeah...left-elbowed for me, too.
I'll try left elbow too, since everyone seems to do it:
I think I'll stick to my right elbow ;_;
Left: VCVVFVGrowlitheguy
Right: BVGBtrlp;osw.,.lkigtnhdeb vgvjuhy

I have no idea what happened at the beginning with the VCVVFV, but at least I did well after that, right? Up until the right elbow, anyway...
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