• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Standard Typhlosion / Octillery / Gallade


Now With Sablenite!
Pokemon: 16
  • 4 Cyndaquil BKT
  • 1 Quilava BKT
  • 4 Typhlosion BKT
  • 2 Remoraid BKT 31
  • 2 Octillery BKT
  • 2 Gallade BKT
  • 1 Shaymin EX ROS
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Level Ball
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Battle Compressor
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 1 Energy Recycler
  • 2 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 2 Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick
  • 1 Judge
  • 2 Brigette
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 2 Scorched Earth
Energy: 12
  • 12 Fire Energy

So this is just a fun deck I recently threw together. The point is to use Typhlosion Massive Eruption which deals 80 damage times the number of fire energy you discard off the top 5 cards of your deck. The purpose of Gallade and Octillery are to control the top cards of your deck as well as fill your hand with things you need. Any input is helpful and I'd love to get this all-around fun deck up and running.

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A few observations, you may/will need way(s) to:
  • Get your Lysandre'd Octillery or other energy-less, non-Typhlosion Pokemon out of the active position; so, consider incorporating a few Float Stone, Switch and/or AZ.
  • Recycle expended Fire energy; so, consider incorporating a few Energy Recycler and/or Super Rod.
  • Incorporate a few Trainer's Mail in order to facilitate a faster setup.
I hope you find these comments helpful.
This deck idea is awesome! I've recently been real behind throwing Gallade in decks everywhere, use running through Manectrics. Typhlosion also covers grass, Octillerys weakness. Hope you have luck with this list, I will copy it for a LC lol :)
I do like the idea and you didn't waste 1/2 of your deck for energies to discard. I know most decks run 4 Sycamore, but I feel this is a specific supporter line for this deck so maybe take out at least 2-4 Sycamore because you are going to be discarding 5 cards every time you attack. you want to add draw cards that shuffle you and into your deck and draw some cards. Another good addition would be super rod and sacred ash. In this kind of deck where you are constantly discarding, you want to add at least, 2 copies of one of them.
Thanks for the feedback! After testing the suggested changes, I've found that using shuffle draw supporters and Sacred Ash/Super Rod is really improving the deck's longevity. I also added in some Brigettes to improve my chances of getting a Cyndaquil and Remoraid out Turn 1.
