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Typhlosion Reshiram Ninetails

ultimate tc

Aspiring Trainer
Just finished making my first proper deck for my first ever tournement on the weekend Im a little nervous but excited at the same time anyway heres my list

Pokemon- 18
Cyndaquil (HGSS) x4
Quilava (HGSS) x2
Typhlosion Prime (Tin Promo) x4
Reshiram (Tin Promo) x4
Vulpix (HGSS) x2
Ninetails (HGSS) x2

Trainers- 22
Rare Candy x4
Pokemon Communication x1
Switch x2
Revive x2
Bianca x1
Proffesor Juniper x2
Great Ball x2
Poke Ball x2
Energy Search x2
Super Scoop Up x2
Sages Training x3

Energy- 20
Fire x20

Ok object of the deck use Typhlosion and Reshiram together discarding the 2 energy with Blue flare and then using Typhlosions power works well together. Nine tails Roast Reveal discards Energy as well for Typhosion and give draw power. My Traininer are a little all over the place as I dont have to much to choose from. I like Sages training in there to draw 5 pick 2 pokemon I need and discard energy (if im lucky).
I highly recommend to max out your pokemon communications and get 4 pokemon collectors
Also, you dont need stuff like super scoop up and energy search.
And your energy count is too high.
I recommend doing these changes:
-2 Energy Search
-2 Poke ball
-2 Great Ball
-2 Super Scoop up
-8 Fire Energy
-1 Bianca
+2 Energy Retrieval
+3 Pokemon Communication
+4 Pokemon Collector
+1 Cleffa
+2 Proffesor Oaks New Theory
+2 Pokemon Catcher ( I Recommend more but i think you have a small budget)
+3 Junk Arm
This gives your deck more consistancy
Thanks mate will defintly look at changing it budget isnt really a problem as my Dads been playing for a long time getting the cards in time is. Thank your for your help.