• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Dark Aero

Aspiring Trainer

3 : Typhlosion (Prime), Promo-109
2 : Quilava, GS-49
2 : Ninetales, GS-7
3 : Cyndaquil, GS-61
2 : Vulpix, UL-68
1 : Tyrogue, CL-36
4 : Reshiram, BW-113
2 : Cleffa, Promo-112

3 : PlusPower, BW-96
1 : Energy Retrieval, BW-92
4 : Pokemon Communication, BW-99
1 : Revive, BW-102
3 : Pokemon Reversal, GS-99
2 : Rare Candy, UL-82
4 : Junk Arm, TM-87
1 : Switch, DF-83
2 : Engineer's Adjustments, UL-75
4 : Professor Oak's New Theory, GS-101
3 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97

13 : Fire Energy

Basic strategy try and get ninetails set up T2, possibly Typhlosion prime and start using blue flare either T2 or T3 to take prizes faster than they can.
-3 Fire
+2 Rescue
+1 Professor Juniper

-2 Engineer's Adjustment (not needed - Ninetales does it without using a supporter for the turn)
+2 Rare Candy (increase the odds of a T2 or T3 Typhlosion and thus increasing deck speed)

-1 Energy Retrieval (Don't need it with Typhlosion)
-1 Revive (Rescue Energy does this better)
+2 Sage's Training for better draw support and feeding your junk arms
Chad the DragonLord said:
-3 Fire
+2 Rescue
+1 Professor Juniper

-2 Engineer's Adjustment (not needed - Ninetales does it without using a supporter for the turn)
+2 Rare Candy (increase the odds of a T2 or T3 Typhlosion and thus increasing deck speed)

-1 Energy Retrieval (Don't need it with Typhlosion)
-1 Revive (Rescue Energy does this better)
+2 Sage's Training for better draw support and feeding your junk arms
Explain why just 10 fire energies perhaps? 13 is the minimum i recommend to use along with 2 rescues. :D

Well Sage and candy change is okay, but i would remove switch, tyrogue and 1 cleffa instead of 3 fire energies for those 2 rescues and 1 juniper. You don't need more than one baby or you'll suffer from yanmega or have baby donk start more often...

~This is the word of one that has 2 month experience with TyRam and very rarely loses to others than ReshiBoar or mirror.~
Chad the DragonLord said:
-3 Fire
+2 Rescue
+1 Professor Juniper

-2 Engineer's Adjustment (not needed - Ninetales does it without using a supporter for the turn)
+2 Rare Candy (increase the odds of a T2 or T3 Typhlosion and thus increasing deck speed)

-1 Energy Retrieval (Don't need it with Typhlosion)
-1 Revive (Rescue Energy does this better)
+2 Sage's Training for better draw support and feeding your junk arms
I do like it better with rescues instead of the revive, and a retrieval, and I haven't gotten around to testing sages yet, but I cannot bring myself to dropping fire energy down to 10
Zhaituki said:
Explain why just 10 fire energies perhaps? 13 is the minimum i recommend to use along with 2 rescues. :D

Well Sage and candy change is okay, but i would remove switch, tyrogue and 1 cleffa instead of 3 fire energies for those 2 rescues and 1 juniper. You don't need more than one baby or you'll suffer from yanmega or have baby donk start more often...

~This is the word of one that has 2 month experience with TyRam and very rarely loses to others than ReshiBoar or mirror.~

I'm dropping my cleffa down to 1, possibly 0, but I think tyrouge is needed as a one of in most decks just for that T1 donk in a clutch match where they start lone cleffa, I know it is risky, but it also has great reward to it. I appreciate it though, I will update my list soon and am always open for criticism !
The odds of you getting donked with a lone tyrogue are probably just the same as you donking somebody else. Why leave it to chance if the deck wins on its own? I say drop tyrogue and cleffa all together. I use a single Stantler as my starter pokemon.
Chad the DragonLord said:
The odds of you getting donked with a lone tyrogue are probably just the same as you donking somebody else. Why leave it to chance if the deck wins on its own? I say drop tyrogue and cleffa all together. I use a single Stantler as my starter pokemon.


Many players are hip the the trend and have lower their baby count as well. Tyrogue is only as good as the meta will allow him to be. AND he's an easy target for Yanmega's otherwise.

I wouldn't worry about the T1 donk and try to make your deck as consistent as possible, all while lowering your baby counts so Yanmega doesn't Pew Pew them on the bench.