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TyRage aka Outrage: Darkness Spreads [ Tyranitar Prime & Reshiram/Zekrom]



heres the revised look

27 Pokemon
3-2-3 Tyranitar Prime *(role: damage spreader)* Larvitar is 50 and Pupitar is 38 from UL
4 Absol Prime *(mainly used as my starter, "Eye of Disaster" to spread dmg to opponents freshly benched, also a potential late attacker)*
2 Reshiram *(role: take friendly fire spread & outrage)*
2 Zekrom *(role: take friendly fire spread & outrage)*
2-2 Mandibuzz *(role: clean up man, obvious really)*
2-1-2 Reuniclus *(tech:role: move dmg counters around to increase Outrage's dmg output)*
1 - 1 Umbreon UD *(to take care of donchamp)*

20 Trainers
4-Pokemon Communication
3-Pokemon Collector
4-Rare Candy
2-Junk Arm
2-Energy Exchanger
1-Interviewer's Questions
2 - Juniper

13 Energy
4 Darkness Special
5 Darkness

23 Pokemon
3-2-3 Tyranitar Prime *(role: damage spreader)*

2 Absol Prime (mainly used as my starter, "Eye of Disaster" to spread dmg to opponents freshly benched, also a potential late attacker?)

2 Reshiram *(role: take friendly fire spread & outrage)*

2 Zekrom *(role: take friendly fire spread & outrage)*

2-2 Mandibuzz *(role: clean up man, obvious really)*

2-1-2 Reuniclus *(tech:role: move dmg counters around to increase Outrage's dmg output)*

23 Trainers
3-Pokemon Communication
3-Pokemon Collector
4-Rare Candy
2-Junk Arm
3-Energy Exchanger
3-Prof Elm
2 - Juniper

14 Energy
4 Darkness Special
6 Darkness

This is a deck I came up with myself just by thinking about how I can use Tyranitar Prime to accelerate Reshiram and Zekrom's outrage attack, crazy thing is it works I think it could use some work here and there but I love the concept and I wanna stick with it as my new deck. My nick name for this deck is TyRage.

Strat: Get Absol out as a starter spread dmg to whatever my opponent benches, try to get Tyranitar Prime up as quick as I can, load the bench with Reshiram & Zekrom use Darkness Howl to spread some damage on around 2 or 3 turns, get Reuniclus and use his poke power to move all the damage use one of my switches have Reshiram/Zekrom loaded up with enough dmg to OHKO the active pokemon (reuniclus transfer), later on have Mandibuzz clean up on the pokemon with dmg spread. Note: Reshiram and Zekrom will just use outrage, i don't care about the 2nd attack in this deck.

Other thoughts/ideas/questions:
Maybe my trainers could be better? I worry about Reuniclus, I have no psychic energy in the deck, should I add some just in case? I figure no because hes only bench tech. Maybe dropping something and adding a Zoroark tech? What do you think ? Adding Rainbow Energy maybe? I don't know. Personally I like deck a lot as far as the pokemon go its the trainers and energies im worried about but that said I will be adding Kyurem once he is released for sure.
Thank you for a very neat decklist. I can read it very clearly. :)

If you want Absol Prime to be your starter, you should be running three to four to ensure you can have it as your starter. I would consider dropping all of your Elm's, since it is really a sub-par card that is outclassed by Pokemon Communication. You can also drop a Basic Darkness(5 is enough) and a Switch, since you won't need to Switch often. So:

- 3 Professor Elm's Training Method
- 1 Switch
- 1 Basic Darkness Energy

+ 1 Pokemon Communication(you need 4 to get all the Pokemon you need)
+ 2 Absol Prime
+ 1 - 1 Umbreon UD/CoL(I advise you to try this: it helps against Donphan machups and for the most part, tears Donchamp apart)

You may want to find room for 2 Seeker/SSU, just incase you want to move all the damage to something like Reshi/Zekky, and then scoop it up and lay it back down.

Hope this helped.
When Kyurem comes out remove the zekrom and reshiram and add in some water nrg.
Kyurem provides spread too and has outrage.
Yoshidude10 said:
Thank you for a very neat decklist. I can read it very clearly. :)

If you want Absol Prime to be your starter, you should be running three to four to ensure you can have it as your starter. I would consider dropping all of your Elm's, since it is really a sub-par card that is outclassed by Pokemon Communication. You can also drop a Basic Darkness(5 is enough) and a Switch, since you won't need to Switch often. So:

- 3 Professor Elm's Training Method
- 1 Switch
- 1 Basic Darkness Energy

+ 1 Pokemon Communication(you need 4 to get all the Pokemon you need)
+ 2 Absol Prime
+ 1 - 1 Umbreon UD/CoL(I advise you to try this: it helps against Donphan machups and for the most part, tears Donchamp apart)

You may want to find room for 2 Seeker/SSU, just incase you want to move all the damage to something like Reshi/Zekky, and then scoop it up and lay it back down.

Hope this helped.

Yeah I was thinking about adding 2 seekers, I guess adding 1 or 2 absols wouldn't hurt, problem is I only have 2 oh well you make a good point guess ill use proxies for some more things until i get them.

I did think about Umbreon UD but I just didn't wanna have too many pokemon but I suppose I can find a spot for a 1-1 line.

Shaymin Lv.X said:
When Kyurem comes out remove the zekrom and reshiram and add in some water nrg.
Kyurem provides spread too and has outrage.

yeah thats why I stated ill be adding him because spread+outrage love it :) its going to be great once that card is released.
Don't worry about the amount of pokemon I run a 60 pokemon deck and never lost. [/sarcasm]
But with certain decks (this one because reuniclus it is a bench sitter and absol only for starter) you can have at a max about 30 pokemon and stilldo very good.
Oh, wow, I REALLY like the idea of this with Kyurem instead of the other two legendaries (when he comes out, of course). I run Tyranitar but never used the spread method because of the pretty much auto-loss to Donphan (who doesn't take any damage from darkness howl). But with Kyurem to hit Donphan for weakness, this could be really good. Thanks for the idea!
^thanks for the feedback heres the revised look

27 Pokemon
3-2-3 Tyranitar Prime
4 Absol Prime
2 Reshiram
2 Zekrom
2-2 Mandibuzz
2-1-2 Reuniclus
1 - 1 Umbreon UD

20 Trainers
4-Pokemon Communication
3-Pokemon Collector
4-Rare Candy
2-Junk Arm
3-Energy Exchanger
2 - Juniper

13 Energy
4 Darkness Special
5 Darkness
tried it with Sage's training and went on a winning streak against a couple of test decks

I really really like Sage's training for this deck. Ill keep testing might end up keeping these sages in the deck.