TyRam - For both Pros and Noobs Alike! - Discussion Thread.

PUAthelas said:
What Im telling you is that during the game you may draw into a quilava and if you add petn to your list you have more outs and if you hit petm is a 100% guaranteed quilava assuming none is prized.
Im just telling you to consider running one petm over a communication in that list, because if your opponent went first and gets the t2 vileplume you re screwed holding a communication in hand.

Communication is too good to not run 4.
PETM is too bad to not run 0.
Really, if your opponent manages to get T2 Vileplume, and a Quilava is prized, and your draw card supporters fail, then just attack with Reshiram, even Outraging when necessary until you draw into that.
I think what you're forgetting is that the chances of drawing into quilava under trainer lock are the same as drawing into PETM. Only difference is that quilava doesn't waste your supporter for the turn. If you can show me a few good lists running PETM, I will believe you.
I don t care if you believe me or not. I know it works cause as I have told you I have won several tournaments thanks to that. I was just trying to give you advice but if you have prejudices against a certain card I can do nothing.
PUAthelas said:
I don t care if you believe me or not. I know it works cause as I have told you I have won several tournaments thanks to that. I was just trying to give you advice but if you have prejudices against a certain card I can do nothing.
coughcoughluckcoughcough Maybe you have won several tournaments with it, but did the worlds winning list run it? No. Do any other lists run it? No. Maybe we're just prejudice against PETM, maybe you're just biased for it. Seriously, just listen to reasoning. You keep saying that it's a 100% chance to get quilava if you draw into a PETM, but if you just add another quilava, you have a 100% chance of getting one if you draw into a quilava itself, and you haven't wasted your supporter for the turn.
Reshiphlosion is dead now. People will keep trying to play it, but it's dead. It can't keep up now, and if people try to play it with the Reshiram EX, it will fail even harder.
pokemonjoe said:
coughcoughluckcoughcough Maybe you have won several tournaments with it, but did the worlds winning list run it? No. Do any other lists run it? No. Maybe we're just prejudice against PETM, maybe you're just biased for it. Seriously, just listen to reasoning. You keep saying that it's a 100% chance to get quilava if you draw into a PETM, but if you just add another quilava, you have a 100% chance of getting one if you draw into a quilava itself, and you haven't wasted your supporter for the turn.

Actually the worlds winning list did run PETM, lol. PETM is personal opinion if you want to run it.
helter_skelter said:
is cilan,energy retrieval or cheren good for this deck?
Cilan: Waste of supporter. You can easily get energy into the discard pile
Energy retrieval: Counter productive. Energy in the discard= good
Cheren: Not bad, but outclassed by sage's training.
Energy Retrieval and Cheren are pretty good in here. Energy Retrieval usually gets cut in favor of consistency or Super Rod, but it's a great 1-of to get energy for Roasting, getting Junk Arm fodder, getting manual attachments, or whatever.

Cheren is outclassed by Sage's, but I've seen both in some lists that opt not to run Ninetales.
helter_skelter said:
how many energy retrieval is good in this deck?

I say 0-1 because most people run 0 and are fine with energy all the time, but some people like to have one for very late game (These people usually go for more Catchers and PlusPowers than Typhlosions).
helter_skelter said:
alright alright. is this deck still legit?especially when you add reshi ex??

I personally think this deck is still Legit. It can 2 shot EXs, but to be legit it would need to be super fast and run revives and stuff. I don't think Reshiram EX is good in this deck because it is to easily OHKOed and that puts you too far behind.
helter_skelter said:
so instead of putting reshi ex it would be wiser if i put mewtwo ex???
Yeah, just about every deck needs at least one Mewtwo EX to counter other Mewtwo EX's.
pokemonjoe said:
Yeah, just about every deck needs at least one Mewtwo EX to counter other Mewtwo EX's.

That's not totally true. It depends on the deck and how badly it gets damaged by Mewtwo. If it doesn't lose to Mewtwo, like Reshiphlosion, it can live without Mewtwo EX.
helter_skelter said:
how many energy retrieval is good in this deck?

You don't need Energy Retrieval at all. The entire point of this deck is to get energies discarded, not back into your deck!
iisnumber12 said:
That's not totally true. It depends on the deck and how badly it gets damaged by Mewtwo. If it doesn't lose to Mewtwo, like Reshiphlosion, it can live without Mewtwo EX.
Hence why I said just about every deck.