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TyRam (Typhlosion/Reshiram)


Dragonite Tamer
Pokemon: 17

4 Reshiram
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime (HGSS Cyndaquil)
2-2 Ninetales (UL Vulpix / HGSS Ninetales)
1 Cleffa

T/S/S: 29

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Professor Juniper
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 PlusPower
2 Switch
1 Revive

Energy: 14

12 Fire
2 Rescue

Strategy: Turn 1, hopefully draw into a collector to search out a Cyndaquil, Vulpix, and Reshiram. Turn 2, you want to have a reshiram with 1-2 energy attached. By Turn 3, you want a Typhlosion, Ninetales, and start to set up a second Reshiram. After your all set up, start hitting hard with Reshiram, and possibly Typhlosion for energy disruption. This is my favorite deck in format, and once it's set up most decks will have problems with it. All advice is appreciated, thanks.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion)

I think you should use something like my build, it always sets everything at T2 or atleast at T3 (Reshiram doesn't always get enough energy for Blue flare until T3). I alrdy use proxyed catchers, so does many others in here Finland.

But in truth, all i can say is PETM is must in this deck. Defenders are waste of space, also DCE. You should use 4-2-4 Typhlo line with one of typhlos being rare one for alternate attacking.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

Defenders are crucial to typhlosion against the reshiboar matchup, If you put the one damage counter on typhlosion and your opponent has a fully setup reshiram and blue flares you with a pluspower, it's game over. And petm isn't really needed since I have maxed out poke coms. And the other typhlosion really isn't needed since it does the same thing as reshiram and it's a stage 2 all while taking up space. Thanks for the help but I respectfully disagree, sorry.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

It's the same list as on http://google.com/: http://www.http://google.com/.com/tournament-reports/nationals-90-roller-coaster/

That person made top 128 so I would say the list is pretty tight as it is. But you could change one or two things for your own play style, but you would need to test with it to figure out what you like.

Edit: You don't need to start with cleffa turn 1, it's just there to get you out of bad hands, thus why he only put one in. If it was the starter, it would have more than 1.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

Cyber King said:
It's the same list as on http://google.com/: http://www.http://google.com/.com/tournament-reports/nationals-90-roller-coaster/

That person made top 128 so I would say the list is pretty tight as it is. But you could change one or two things for your own play style, but you would need to test with it to figure out what you like.

Edit: You don't need to start with cleffa turn 1, it's just there to get you out of bad hands, thus why he only put one in. If it was the starter, it would have more than 1.

I know I really liked that list, and wanted to know what variations anybody had to offer.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

PokeCollect0r94 said:
Defenders are crucial to typhlosion against the reshiboar matchup, If you put the one damage counter on typhlosion and your opponent has a fully setup reshiram and blue flares you with a pluspower, it's game over. And petm isn't really needed since I have maxed out poke coms. And the other typhlosion really isn't needed since it does the same thing as reshiram and it's a stage 2 all while taking up space. Thanks for the help but I respectfully disagree, sorry.

My list is bit modified from finnish/japanese metagame deck list of TyphloRam. Atleast in Finland many know Japanese/Finnish players being better by average than USA players.
Also that original finnish/japanese TyphloRam list didn't have defenders either.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

Zhaituki said:
PokeCollect0r94 said:
Defenders are crucial to typhlosion against the reshiboar matchup, If you put the one damage counter on typhlosion and your opponent has a fully setup reshiram and blue flares you with a pluspower, it's game over. And petm isn't really needed since I have maxed out poke coms. And the other typhlosion really isn't needed since it does the same thing as reshiram and it's a stage 2 all while taking up space. Thanks for the help but I respectfully disagree, sorry.

My list is bit modified from finnish/japanese metagame deck list of TyphloRam. Atleast in Finland many know Japanese/Finnish players being better by average than USA players.
Also that original finnish/japanese TyphloRam list didn't have defenders either.

I really don't care about the Finnish matagame, this is not the thread to proclaim your deck is best, like you have done in many other threads, if your so great go play at worlds and prove it. But I don't want this thread closed for arguing so I will end it here. I am sorry we don't agree
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

I'd say that 4 collectors is too much, as im guessing you would be using cleffa or tyrouge as a start and stall while you search and power up at the begining, and not so much later on in the game, so three would be able to still get everything you need. while i would add maybe a rescue energy or two. idk what else i would take out besides that. but other then that, great deck. :)

hope i helped.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

pokemaster563 said:
I'd say that 4 collectors is too much, as im guessing you would be using cleffa or tyrouge as a start and stall while you search and power up at the begining, and not so much later on in the game, so three would be able to still get everything you need. while i would add maybe a rescue energy or two. idk what else i would take out besides that. but other then that, great deck. :)

hope i helped.

Thanks, I'll have to think about what to take out for the rescue energy. Currently the deck is very tight in space, but rescue energy could really help.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

I think with Ninetales you can get rid of the Engineer's Adjustments and replace them with a Rare Candy and a Reversal. Even with only 1 stage 2 line I still think 3 rare candy's is necessary for speed.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

Dark Void said:
I think with Ninetales you can get rid of the Engineer's Adjustments and replace them with a Rare Candy and a Reversal. Even with only 1 stage 2 line I still think 3 rare candy's is necessary for speed.

that sounds like a great idea, ill do that.
RE: Typhloram (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

+ Candy
+ 2 Fire Energy

- Junk Arm
- 2 DCE (it is never needed, because deck attaches enough energies, even to Outrage)

Not too much changes, but it's gonna be more useful.
RE: ReshiPhlosion (Reshiram/Typhlosion) w/ Kingdra Tech

your list is very similar to a list i use at the moment, but instead of Kingdra i use a Samurott 1-0-1, since i don't have the Kingdra prime.
It pretty much does the job of Defender, and can use the Double Colourless energy to full effect attacking with only 2 energy, or if you get lucky with getting 3 Typhlosions out you can attack first turn you use it.
plus, Great Reshiram Counter.

i'm still not 100% with Juniper, though i do run 1 only, for that just in case emergency.
RE: ReshiPhlosion (Reshiram/Typhlosion) w/ Kingdra Tech

PokeCollect0r94 said:
This morning I was watching j-wittz's world championships report, and I heard of a reshiphlosion deck with kingdra Prime tech in it. So I thought about trying it out in my deck. Basically kingdra takes the place of pluspower putting a damage counter on one of your opponents pokemon every turn, which helps reshiram ko high hp pokemon like zekrom, donphan, and magnezone. Now I have not taken out all pluspower's in the deck due to the inconsistency of a 1-0-1 line, so on to the decklist.

Pokemon: 19

4 Reshiram
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Ninetales (Hgss/Col Vulpix, Hgss/Col Ninetales)
1-0-1 Kingdra Prime
1 Manaphy

T/S/S: 27

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Professor Juniper
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 PlusPower
1 Revive

Energy: 14

2 Rescue
12 Fire

I'd try to find room for a Max Potion in here if you can. This will go a long way in saving your Reshirams, and by extension, further keep your opponent from taking prize cards. The only time you'd plausibly use it is to heal Reshiram after you've attacked and been attacked, so losing one energy to fully heal your Pokemon is a pretty good tradeoff. I also think you should ditch the Revive for another Rescue Energy. The Pokemon you're most inclined to attach it to is Reshiram, which is also the Pokemon you'll use Revive on. In this scenario, Rescue Energy does the same thing as Revive, but gives you another energy to attach. Also a fan of Sage in this deck, lets you dump Fire Energy in the discard pile very effortlessly. Obviously not something you need on a regular basis, but when you're setting up, it might help to pull out a Rare Candy, and anything else you might need at the moment for that matter, and get some Junk Arm bait, which is always good in a deck that always keeps a massive hand like this one. I'd also like to see a Switch in case they use Catcher and bring out a Typhlosion. If they get you at the wrong time with a Catcher, you'll be set back for multiple turns trying to get back in position to go on offense, since ReshiPhlosion isn't the energy machine Reshiboar is.

-1 Juniper
-1 Revive
-1 Quilava
-1 Pokemon Collector

+1 Sage's Training
+1 Rescue Energy
+1 Max Potion
+2 Switch

I don't know what you'd take out for the 2nd Switch, but I recommend 2 Switch. I'd also look into either adding a Cleffa or taking out Manaphy for it. I'm not as high on Manaphy as Cleffa because you can use Cleffa if you don't start with Cleffa, but it's very hard to use Manaphy if you don't start with Manaphy. That, plus retreating into Cleffa prevents donks and lets you get energy in the discard pile if you don't open with Resh.