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TyRam(with kingdra) help


Aspiring Trainer
Hello , I'm new in this site.
I need help with my deck
4 Reshiram
4-2-4 Typhlosion
2-1-2 Kingdra
1 Tyogue

2 Pokemon Collector
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Professor Juniper
2 Sage's training
4 PlusPower
2 Engineer's Adjustments
3 Pokemon Communication
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Revive
1 Junk arm

10 {R}
2 {C} Rescue

Strategy:Hit with Reshiram and charge with Typhlosion,I play with kingdra for not depend of Pluspower(The truth,google,vileplume,etc) and i don't like ninetales

Thanks :)
Why do you still play 4 pluspower when you have kingdra, and you say that you dont need to depends on pluspowers?
-1 Tyrogue
+1 Cleffa
Nobdies using Tyrogue anymore and cleffa is a consistancy booster
-4 Pluspower
+2 Pokemon Collector
+1 Junk Arm
+1 Pokemon Communication
Boosts Consistancy and you dont need pluspowers anymore.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Why do you still play 4 pluspower when you have kingdra, and you say that you don't need to depends on pluspowers?
-1 Tyrogue
+1 Cleffa
Nobdies using Tyrogue anymore and cleffa is a consistancy booster
-4 Pluspower
+2 Pokemon Collector
+1 Junk Arm
+1 Pokemon Communication
Boosts Consistancy and you don't need pluspowers anymore.
Thanks,I try that idea tomorrow