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TyramiBuzz & krookodile deck

I would take out 2 Rocky Helmet. 4 is just not-needed. Having 2 Rocky Helmets in your hand can jus kill your consistancy.
Yes I agree. So I'll take out 2 Rocky Helmet to put 2 tornadus.

My deck seems MUCH better now :) Thanks for the helpers! (if you have any more suggestions I would like to know)

*Deck Edit*

I think I still need some recovery cards (all I have is 1 Flower Shop lady)
No. In my opinion there is no need for anymore recovery cards. When one is knocked out, there will usually be one to replace it or you can setup another one. I think that there should be some virizion to help set up by drawing cards and for those fighting types who have a weakness to grass types, though I do not think it is necessary. I also do not really think that there should be a tornadus in there because it does not really help with setting up in my opinion. I also do not think liepard would be a good card because Tyranitar already has a attack better than liepard's and manidbuzz does too. I also thought that you would like a kyurem in this deck list because of one of your previous posts. Did you decide against that or something?
I do think kyurem will be kind of good in this deck but I don't think it would be great because of the energy type of the deck. And I do think I can add some drawing cards (any suggestions?) maybe instead of Liepard line.

I would like if you tell me what you think I should take out/add
I think that maybe you should add Sage's Training to get what you need or Juniper to draw more cards. Since you might want to add virizion (previously discussed why) and maybe some other techs, you should also run some Rainbows. Just some for virizion or some other tech that may be needed. I cannot think of any right now though. Kyurem would be good against Donphan because of its weakness to water types.
I can't run counters for EVERY KIND of pokemon in one deck. I don't think Virizion would be necessary. I think of getting out Zoroark line ('cause I didn't really think it could help in this deck) to add some drawing cards (I'm having doubts between Cheren and Bianka) or maybe a good teck.
I do not think that Cheren or Bianca are necessary or good because they do not help as much than PONT, Sage's, or Juniper. One of the most common decks played right now that are fighting type are Donphan types. You might not need the virizion but I think kyurem is good to counter Donphan and maybe to spread because it has better spreading power than Tyrannitar does.
So what do you suggest to take out for Kyurem and the energy he needs?
And how about some more drawing power?
Sage's Training and Juniper are good drawing powers (reasons in one of my previous posts here), and I think that since liepard is not that good because of its attacking power, I think that that is probably what you might want to take out.
Liepard and Mandibuzz need to be dropped for some much needed draw power as this deck will not survive on just 3 PONT, and either choose Kyurem or Tornadus as your {F} counter. Virizion is horrible; if you only manage to use 1 leaf wallop, it's only going to deal 80 damage or even 60 with Eviolite. Plus it requires you to play grass energy just to supplement it. The only good thing it does outside of the Terrakion match-up is provide mediorce early game draw power at the cost of and energy. Honestly i would go with Kyurem as it benefits from the Darkness Howl and it's useful against a variety of match-ups and runs off your DCE.

With the space freed up from the Liepard and Mandibuzz add

4 Sage's Training
2 Juniper
2 *insert useful card here*

You may have lost the ability to snipe your opponents bench, but now you can focus your resources on mainly T-tar. So your main game plan now is just to get some early spreading with Darkness Howl and just finish off your opponents field with Megaton Tail/Power Claw.
I've been saying the same thing the entire time, everything but TTar and the Donphan counter is seen as a liability. They are squishy and don't do much for the deck. Focus on the heart of the deck, which is clearly TTar and forget the rest, its not worth it.
JimboJumbo said:
I've been saying the same thing the entire time, everything but TTar and the Donphan counter is seen as a liability. They are squishy and don't do much for the deck. Focus on the heart of the deck, which is clearly TTar and forget the rest, its not worth it.

As a T-Tar player, I can tell you he needs a Terrakion counter. I run T-Tar/Serperior, so I just throw in rainbow and Pluspower for Serp's attack.

I haven't seen a Donphan since my first Cities.