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TyranChamp Fan (in test mode)


Aspiring Trainer
Tyranitar/Machamp/Donphan Primes deck that I'm having trouble figuring out which trainers/supporters to put in it. *-I can't afford to buy another of each prime(yay failing economy), but you can suggest some more if I really need it.-* Otherwise, suggest other primes or rares.

Pretty much wanted a two type deck that can snipe and prepare my bench with attacks that get stronger with the more damage they take. Trying too hard lol.Anyway, main point of this deck is to use attacks that no matter which side of the bench it hurts, it's all beneficial for me. The reason there is a MooMoo Milk is so that these guys won't get knock out. If they just have one counter on, a few of them do more damage with just that one (except for Sharpedo). And I want to keep the primes alive as long as possible.

[-Edit 8/21 (thank you so much for the much needed feedback <3); changes are in purple-]

T R A I N E R S (14)
x1 Prof. Oak's New Theory
x2 x1 Prof. Elm's Training Method
x1 Fisherman
x1 Moomoo Milk x1 Copycat
x1 Pokemon Communications
x2 x1 Switch
x2 Interviewer's Questions
x1 x2 Junk Arm
x2 Rare Candy
x2 Defenders x2 Pokemon Collector

F I G H T I N G (15)
x2 Larvitar (UL)
x1 Larvitar (UL - Mountain Eater)
x2 Pupitar (UL - PokeBody one)
x3 Machop ( TM)
x2 Machoke ( TM)
x1 Machamp ( TM)
x1 Machamp Prime ( TM)
x2 Phanpy (HGSS - Flail)
x1 Donphan Prime

D A R K (6)
x1 Tyranitar Prime (UL)
x2 Vullaby (BW) x2 Vullaby (EP)
x2 Mandibuzz (BW)
x2 Carvanha ( TM)
x1 Sharpedo ( TM)

x1 Absol Prime

C O L OR L E S S (3)
x2 Teddiursa (HGSS - Take Down)
x1 Ursaring Prime (HGSS)

F I R E (2)
x2 Reshiram (BW - Only using for Outrage)

E N E R G I E S (20)
x1 Rescue Energy x2 Rainbow Energy
x3 Double Colorless
x2 Dark Energy (Special)
x6x4 Dark Energy
x11 x9 Fighting Energy
RE: TyranChamp Fan

Cuthbert said:
Donphan can hurt both benches giving all of my pokemon a way to attack.
Tyranitar can hurt all benches except dark pokemon, so my Mandibuzz will be ok.
Machamp relies on how many pokemon I have on my bench that has counters, thus these first two are helpful for that.

Pokemon that attack more for counters on them:
Ursaring Prime
Machamp Prime

Pokemon that do more when counters are on the opponents:

Pokemon that help do this widespread damage:
Donphan Prime
Tyranitar Prime

I'm not too sure if I'm picking the right trainer cards for this deck, and how flawful it is, so that's why I'm getting second opinions.
RE: TyranChamp Fan (Advice PLEASE)

I definitely need help on this. :c I lost a lot yesterday. Mainly just bad hands, I'm thinking about putting rare candies in it and replacing the defenders. Can anyone else suggest anything? Like do I have too much going on, or could better trainers be put in?
RE: TyranChamp Fan (Advice PLEASE)

You have WAY too much going on, I'd say to focus on one or two stage 2 pokemon lines and make them 3-1-3 or 4-2-4, instead of the three thin lines you have going on right now. Also, the 2-1 stage one lines have to go, run either 3-3 or 2-2 for the stage ones. Also, your trainers should be a little less than half of your deck on average, cards like pokemon collector, pokemon communication, Professor Oak's New Theory, and Rare Candies are the way to go (just to get you started) you also run WAY too many energy. your energy count should be somewhere between 10-14 in the current format. Hope this gave you a few Ideas

RE: TyranChamp Fan (Advice PLEASE)

I agree with Ukulele here, you have a circus on your hands, that's why you're getting bad hands. I would suggest you simplify big time.

I'm guessing you are trying to wedge all of the good cards you have into one deck which isn't going to work. Pick one main strategy and build the pokemon you use around that. For example, spread damage with T-tar and sniping with mandibuzz you would beef up those lines and dump the pokemon that don't help. Also, you have no cards to add draw support. Things like Professor Oak's New Theory or Professor Juniper will let you ditch the poor hand you have for six or seven other cards. That way you don't have to live or die on top decking, which is pretty much just die.

Basically the goal is to choose a few pokemon that will work well together (T-tar/mandibuzz OR Donphan/Machamp primes based on your list Ursaring could fit into either I suppose) and build the rest of your deck around getting them to do their thing as quickly and consistantly as possible. Thicken the lines of the ones that you choose and include candies if you pick stage 2s. Things like moo-moo, defenders, junk arms, and switches are cards you should only add in after you have enough trainers to consistantly get your pokemon up and running quickly. They're kind of like the sprinkles on a sundae you add them last after testing your deck for reliability.

Also, with more hand refresh you can cut back on your energy count, it's pretty high. Trust me, you'll clog your hand with energy with a count that high way more often than you would think. I see now what you're trying to do with the pokemon but the lines really need to change and I would go one way or the other and dump sharpedo. Donphan would need to roll six or eight earthquakes to power up sharpedo to be hitting hard enough to count and that's just not going to happen. Anyway, good luck bro.
RE: TyranChamp Fan (Advice PLEASE)

WOW! Does this deck works for you?? If it works, ur the luckiest guy on world. How many Pokémon lines u have in that deck? U should either focus on Donphan and Machamp or Tyranitar and Mandibuzz, but Donphan and Machamp is the best option TBH. A tip is to not fill ur deck with unuseful cards... Too many techs will just ruin ur deck and probsbly wont be needed. U should focus on consistency. When I got more time i will tell u much of the changes u have to do. For now, just try to learn with comments and do ur own changes.
RE: TyranChamp Fan (Advice PLEASE)

Thank you all for the feedback! I guess I really can't do much with this deck, unless I get at least another prime of one of these. @__@ Not too sure how to make it into a two type deck, unless would Tyranitar/Kingdra/Mandibuzz one work? Thought about Tyran/Dragons, but I would need another Tyranitar Prime probably, right?

Made a good few changes. Testing how Absol Prime is going to work in this deck. Probably going to end up taking out Absol and Mandibuzz all together..but I'm curious how the new Vullaby will do (my problem with the BW version was that it could never attack; so many tails xP).

I have a feeling the new trainer adding suggestions will help a lot. Yes this deck is crazy, but I'm so curious if this massive could work at all. xD;; If this fails then oh well, it was fun to see the limit of combo deck shoving.