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Tyranitar and friends

Darkness howl is huge for Tyranitar, it softens up the big targets and makes them easier to ko, it is nice when you can use power claw with a Sp Dark for 70 a ko, without using megaton tail and discarding 3 cards. I have played multiple games where I used a couple of Tyranitars and used Darkness Howl so many times that I started knocking out things like Ninetales and such. Trust me though, you NEED another attacker, that is why I run Zekrom, Zoroark, and Basculin. You just don't understand how many times the dang fish saved my bacon. He has ko'd so many Donphans, it is unreal just how important he is. And I already have plans for evolving this deck after Noble Victories, this deck will only get much, much better. :)
rowsdower24 said:
Darkness howl is huge for Tyranitar, it softens up the big targets and makes them easier to ko, it is nice when you can use power claw with a Sp Dark for 70 a ko, without using megaton tail and discarding 3 cards. I have played multiple games where I used a couple of Tyranitars and used Darkness Howl so many times that I started knocking out things like Ninetales and such. Trust me though, you NEED another attacker, that is why I run Zekrom, Zoroark, and Basculin. You just don't understand how many times the dang fish saved my bacon. He has ko'd so many Donphans, it is unreal just how important he is. And I already have plans for evolving this deck after Noble Victories, this deck will only get much, much better. :)

Darkness howl is usually just used if you are running mandibuzz. It allows you to go up and pop off their bench while they are still setting up. Other than that it shouldnt be used all that much if you are running other pokemon that aren't dark.

Also, basculin does look like a unique tech. Ill try it during these upcoming battleroads around here.
No, that's the beauty of it! That's what zekrom is for, you get 3 Darkness Howl to 60 to get on all thier Pokemon, meanwhile, Zekrom has 60 damage on it. Now, you have Zekrom hitting for 80, or an ohko on Yanmega, Samurott, etc. Last night I played 2 games against Vileplume/Reuniclus/Zekrom/Tornadus. Went 2-0, First game I decked him out, it was odd game, but a W. Next game, disaster struck. Started with a Larvitar, and got locked turn 3 with no Ttar. As the game progressed, Larvitar was ko'd, but it gave me time to build a Ttar, but he wad ko'd due to a misplay. I had 3 prizes left, and 2 of them were my remaining Larvitar!! Used that Zekrom and Zoroark to squeak out a prize and got my Larvitar, kept moving around trying to buy time to get Tyranitar, and used darkness howl 3 times. Even with Reuniclus, it was more than he could handle, and I ko'd a Gloom and Vileplume with, guess what? Darkness Howl for 2 prizes and game. Darkness Howl is the key, especially against lock decks with Reuniclus.
rowsdower24 said:
No, that's the beauty of it! That's what zekrom is for, you get 3 Darkness Howl to 60 to get on all thier Pokemon, meanwhile, Zekrom has 60 damage on it. Now, you have Zekrom hitting for 80, or an ohko on Yanmega, Samurott, etc. Last night I played 2 games against Vileplume/Reuniclus/Zekrom/Tornadus. Went 2-0, First game I decked him out, it was odd game, but a W. Next game, disaster struck. Started with a Larvitar, and got locked turn 3 with no Ttar. As the game progressed, Larvitar was ko'd, but it gave me time to build a Ttar, but he wad ko'd due to a misplay. I had 3 prizes left, and 2 of them were my remaining Larvitar!! Used that Zekrom and Zoroark to squeak out a prize and got my Larvitar, kept moving around trying to buy time to get Tyranitar, and used darkness howl 3 times. Even with Reuniclus, it was more than he could handle, and I ko'd a Gloom and Vileplume with, guess what? Darkness Howl for 2 prizes and game. Darkness Howl is the key, especially against lock decks with Reuniclus.
To tell the truth you let them get to set up, you have looked at my deck list, if you play it correctly you should a t-tar t2 and powered fully by t3. From there they are out of luck. And darkness howl is just fun to use. It takes to long and is to slow, when im bored i just darkness howl their bench to death :D. But hey, if it works for you, then your playing it perfectly fine.