Hello all i'm a returning player,but don't know anything about the current meta. So I wanted to build a ttar deck for awhile now and tried to bui;d ones from older sets, but couldn't make them efficient enough. I have looked at ttar gx and ppl have been saying it needs an efficient way to put energy's on and found that Rayquaza from guardians rising comes close to mitigate that a bit. so this is what i came up with when looking at cards to make a deck with. Any help in improving this deck is appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
- 3 larvitar(LT 114)
- 2 pupitar(LT 116)
- 3 tyranitar-gx
- 3 Rayquaza(GR 10)
- 2Alolan Vulpix(GR 21)
- 1 Alolan Ninetales-gx(LT 132)
- 2 lele-gx
- 2 greninja & zoroark-gx(tag team)
- 3 cynthia
- 2 elm's lecture
- 2 guzma
- 2 tate & liza
- 2 mars
- 3 rare candy
- 3 ultra ball
- 3 energy switch
- 3 wishful baton
- black market prism(dark order)
- 2 alter of the moone
- 2 olivia
- 9 dark
- 4 dce
- super boost energy prism
-1 rayquaza
-2 darkrai-gx
-1 drakrai prism
+2 alolan vulpix
+1 alolan ninetales
+1 rare candy
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