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Tyranitar Prime/Dusknoir Lvl X


Aspiring Trainer
I just started playing the card game not too long ago and I decided to try to build a completely customized deck. Here it is..



3-2-3-1 Dusknoir Lvl. X (2 Shadow Command, 1 Spirit Pulse)
2-1-1 Tyranitar Prime
1-1-1 Nidoqueen
1 Azelf, LA-19
1 Uxie, LA-43
1 Unown Q, MD-49
3 Sableye, SF-48

Trainers: 9
2 : Rare Candy, UL-82
2 : Pokemon Communication, GS-98
4 : Poke Drawer +, SF-89
1 : Luxury Ball, SF-86
Supporters: 15
2 : Cyrus's Conspiracy, PL-105
3 : Bebe's Search, RR-89
1 : Team Rocket's Trickery, UD-78
1 : Interviewer's Questions, UL-77
1 : Palmer's Contribution, SV-139
1 : Cynthia's Guidance, SV-136
2 : Professor Oak's New Theory, GS-101
1 : Seeker, TM-88
1 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97
2 : Professor Elm's Training Method, GS-100
Stadiums: 1
1 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104

6 : Darkness Energy, DP-129
6 : Psychic Energy, HP-109

The basic idea is to pull out my Dusknoir Lv.X as quickly as possible to start dealing out some damage and buying time to set up my Tyranitar. Once my Dusknoir goes down and becomes a stadium card I can bomb the opponents active while burning their bench with my dusknoir. The Uxie and Azelf are there for draw power, and spiritomb for slowing down my opponent and evolving my pokemon quickly. Well that's what i am hoping for anyway..

Again, this is a theoretical deck. I want to get opinions before i begin purchasing anything so any suggestions/criticism/edits etc. are welcome.

Just a recomendation, instead of listing:
3 Larvitar UL
2 Pupitar UL
2 Tyranitar SF
1 Tyranitar Prime UL

List it like this:
3-2-2 Tyranitar SF and 1 Tyranitar Prime UL (Larvitar and Pupitar are from UL)

It's an easy way to listing a deck ;)

The deck is fine (and you'll sweep all those gengar decks, lol). I would add:
+1 Uxie
+1 Dusclops Lv. X
+1 Larvitar
(I kinda don't like the idea of a 3-2-3... but well, it just my opinion).
Also, why don't you try it downloading the redshark? It's an useful software when you need to test a deck and you dont have the cards (or just use proxys).

I hope I helped you.
Yeah, sorry about that. Fixed the format a bit after i had posted it :)

Cool, i'll try making those changes. What would you suggest i swap out for those 3 cards? Perhaps -1 Flower shop, -1 Prof oaks, -1 poke communication?
Hmm... Pokémon communication is a great card, I would keep that (Y) but if you think that 3 are too much, I would suggest you to remove:
-1 Prof Oak
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Flower Shop

With 2 candies you can go well because you dont have too much stage 2 in the deck.
Pokemon: 22
3-2-2-1 Tyranitar Prime
3 Spiritomb AR
1-1 Uxie Lv.X LA
1 Azelf LA
3-2-2-1 Dusknoir Lv.X

Trainer/Support: 21
1 Flower Shop Lady
3 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
2 Bebe's Search
3 Expert Belt
1 Prof Oak's New Theory
3 Poke Drawer +
1 Poke Radar
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Super Scoop up

Energy: 16
Special Darkness Energy: 4
Basic Darkness Energy: 4
Psychic Energy: 8

How does that look? I did -1 prof oak, -1 flower shop, -1 poke radar, +1 uxie lv.x, +2 super scoop up

I could probably just do +1 uxie too. Depending on what i can get my hands on :p
I keep editing and editing that post.... lol, I will confuse you xD

It looks pretty good! Good luck testing it. Also, I edit my old post saying that maybe you won't need 3 rare candy's, maybe you can swap 1 and add that missing pupitar, but it's an opinion.

EDIT: I will test it in the redshark, if you dont mind. I want to see how it works
Alright. I was also considering that :)

Thanks for the help. Feel free to try it out, i'm doing the same... still have no idea how to use this program though :)
Your welcome, I'm glad that it was useful my help :D

The program is too very manual, so maybe you will find it a little tedious at the begining. I think that there is a help archive in the program.

EDIT: HEY! You still have space for 2 more cards, you have 20 T/S/S (I've already counted them). Why don't you add another uxie and the missing pupitar?
Speaking from experience, it would be wise to focus on either Dusknoir or Tyranitar. Both are pretty slow to set up and their attack costs don't help much either. It would be alot easier focusing your resources on 1 attacker, as that would free up space for some useful T/S/S and/or techs as well as making the deck much more consistent.
I realize that when I tested it with the redshark... It's almost imposible to build both dusclops and tyranitar... (I used my Miasma Sun deck ( http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=92543 ))
try focusing in one of the attackers, and remove the other one (i would suggest dusknoir lv x) and then add trainers or pokemons (i also suggest poltergeis's mismagius from unleashed)
Yeah... the dusknoir gets out and dies on the few runs i've done. Alrighty i'm going to try to whip something up

[edit] Quick question: do special dark energies stack the +10 atk?

[edit #2] Here is another deck list still centered around tyranitar

Redshark 3.80 Deck List
Date: Tue Feb 1 21:47:06 2011

Name: Quick Demise


4-2-2/1 Tyranitar SF/Prime
2-1-2 Flygon RR
2-1 Uxie Lv.X LA
1 : Azelf, LA-19
3 : Spiritomb, AR-32

3 : Rare Candy
2 : Poke Radar
3 : Pokemon Communication
3 : Poke Drawer +
1 : Switch
3 : Super Scoop Up
1 : Luxury Ball
3 : Expert Belt
2 : Bebe's Search
2 : Flower Shop Lady
2 : Professor Oak's New Theory

4 : Double Colorless Energy
4 : Darkness Energy (sp)
6 : Darkness Energy
That list can work. Try testing it.

Also, if you attach 4 special darkness energy to 1 of your dark type pokemon (because the effect only works on dark type pokemon), attacks will do 40 more damage (it also goes for the special metal energies), if that was what you were asking ;)

My girlfriend is making a deck centered in tyranitar, and the thing is that is slow for building it up (but, if you build it, its almost unstopable... it costed me 1 espeon prime to knock it out) and you can't build anything except tyranitar (always talking about attackers). I think your strategy now is puting spiritomb as active pokemon for trainer-lock, meanwhile you use uxie and its lv x for build 1 tyranitar (2 would be more than great) and 1 flygon (with 1 darkness energy for its free retreat cost), right?
Yeah that's the basic idea. Just to make sure i have the spiritomb effect right, i could have a larvitar out and evolve it straight to tyranitar w/ the effect right?
I'll explain spiritomb's poke power (I'm kinda sleepy, and maybe I'm misunderstanding the questions...):

As long as Spiritomb is your active pokemon, each player can't play trainers from his or her hand.

Spiritomb's first attack let you search an evolution card that evolves from one of your pokemon and put it onto it. That means that if you have a Larvitar and you use Spiritomb's attack, you can search for Pupitar and put it onto Larvitar. Also the attack says that this counts as evolution, so maybe you can't use this attack on a pokemon that was placed into the bench in that turn... try looking out the rulings in the pokebeach site (Y)
Pokemon: 25
3-2-3-1 Tyranitar Prime
4 Sableye SF
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
2-1-1/1-1 Dusknoir Lv.X (SF/SF)
1-0-1 Nidoqueen RR

Trainer/Support: 25
3 Broken Time Space
1 Palmer's Contribution
3 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
2 Bebe's Search
1 Prof Oak's New Theory
4 Poke Drawer +
2 Pokemon Communication
4 Seeker
4 Cyrus' Conspiracy

Energy: 10
Basic Darkness Energy: 6
Psychic Energy: 4

Just some minor infrastructure changes. You really don't need that many energy, and Expert Belts and Dark Energies don't help in a spread/snipe deck. Dusknoir's Pokebody helps spread even more, and Cyrus' helps get energy, as well as set up with more supporters. With Broken Time Space, your deck is even faster, and Palmer's is more versatile than Flower Shop Lady. If you run Rare Candy (And it is a fine choice in a deck where early Dusknoir LV. X's are key and Stage 2's are abundant) then Spiritomb is probably not the best option. Consider Ampharaos PL, it would be a great tech in this deck if you can find room.
@Ahiro: So you can't exactly jump from basic->stage 2 as with a rare candy correct?

@pokemunklys: Wow that's awesome :D Just a question: How does the nidoqueen play in? w/ a rare candy? Also, i may be wrong, but i'm only counting 24 pokemon :X

[edit] i could probably do -1 tyranitar SF, -1 Sableye, -1 uxie and toss in the ampharos?
You don't need any Tyranitar SF. You should have 3 - 2 - 3 Tyranitar Prime. Also, with Spiritomb, it doesn't matter when the Pokemon evolved, but correct, you can't jump to a Stage 2. 1 Uxie might be okay, since you have Dusknoir, which provides additional set up. However, if you did add in an Ampharos, I'm not sure whether it would be 1 - 1 - 1, or 1 - 0 - 1 with another Rare Candy. Probably the first, it is really up to you (Actually, you should probably up your Nidoqueen line a bit since against a Vileplume you'll never bring it out, unless of course you KO the Vileplume with spread/sniping). Nidoqueen diffuses damage from Tyranitar to your bench and increases general survivability.

P. S. Pokemunkulys ^_^

EDIT: Nope, it's 25.
EDIT 2, the Revenge of the EDIT: Yeah, it's 24. More room for Ampharos or Nidorina, I suppose.
Sorry about that :x This deck seems to be holding its own through the simulator... but it's never like the real thing right? zz