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Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)


Avenging Dragons
Hello everybody,
I'm from germany and play masters division. I've got some decks and these is one of them. The Deck is around T-Tar Prime. First I want to go straight on T-Tar, but Donphan and Champ are everywhere ... So I decided to throw in some counters and I like Kingdra Prime. It's low of NRG and has a great attack:

Pokémon (23)
3x T-Tar Prime
2x Pupitar UL #38
3x Larvitar UL #51
2x Kingdra Prime
1x Kingdra UL
2x Seadra UL
3x Horsea UL
2x Mandibuzz BW1
2x Vullaby BW1
1x Dodrio UD
1x Doduo UD
1x Unown 'DARK' UD

T/S/S (21)
2x Pokémon-Collector
2x IQ
1x Judge
2x Seeker
1x Twins
1x FSL
4x Rare Candy
3x Pokémon Communication

NRG's (16)
4x Special Dark
3x DCE
4x Water
5x Dark

T-Tar hit hard for 120 dmg. Kingdra, the "Plus Power every turn" to reach the magical 130 hp and to counter Donphan.

Lack of NRG's sometimes ...

Any Suggestions and maybe some experience for good T-Tar variants would be great!
RE: Masters: Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)

Currently you are massively weak to electric. If you want to help fight against Donphan then run the Crobat prime, and then possibly run a 2 2 Zoroark. Crobat's poison gets around donphan's body and he has fighting resistence. With Donphan's super high retreat cost Crobat is more than a match for him. Zoroark is amazing against Machamp because it allows him to copy the champ buster or crush to get rid of his DCE. Keep in mind that Ttar can tank multiple hits from Donphan. Pluspower might be nice to try to add in for the OHKO on reshiram/zekrom with your 120 hit on Ttar.
RE: Masters: Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)

Thanks a lot. Zoroark is an option, but PP isn't needed 'cause of the Special Dark. =)
RE: Masters: Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)

Well the PP also help with taking down Machamps since hes so tanky. Special dark + PP and your doing 120 damage with champ buster without needing damage on your bench. Since the main deck will be Donchamp you are almost guaranteed that the Machamp will be slightly damage upon becoming active, so the ability to do an extra damage or two can give your Zoroark the chance to OHKO their Machamp or at least revenge KO it.
RE: Masters: Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)

I run a T-tar prime deck too and usually find that there are some situations when plus power might be useful in addition to the special darks (which I would recommend 4 of, if you've got a 4th), though I don't run across the situations often enough to give them a place in my deck. As far as counters to Donphan and Machamp go, my other hard hitter in my deck is Yanmega prime, whose Pokebody allows him to attack for free if you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent (so naturally I've maxed out Copycat and Judge). The nice thing about him is that he has a fighting resistance and so can at least stall for a bit against Donphan, if not beat him in three hits. He's also nice because he doesn't consume the much needed energy that Tyranitar needs, so I can power up my bench while Yanmega is up hitting for free (I have no grass energy in my deck, so his attacks are completely based on his Pokebody). Additionally, he has no retreat cost : ) Another counter to Donphan and Machamp is umbreon (undaunted) which is handy because he takes dark energy (you mentioned earlier that you had too many energy types). His moonlight fang attack will protect him from attacks by Pokemon with Pokebody's and Pokepowers. Umbreon also helps with your Scizor problem (which I assume pertains to his special energy blocking Pokebody), as long as you attach only a basic dark to him so you can actually do damage to Scizor. Though, honestly, I don't think you should be too worried about Scizor. Crobat and Kingdra shouldn't ever have special energy on them and T-tar can cut through Scizor's Pokebody with his Powerclaw attack, which ignores all damage preventing Pokebodies and powers. Yanmega works against him too, seeing as he has no energies on him : ) Also, as much as I like Scizor prime as a card, I don't know how advisable it is to play it until Beartic has been released and the number of fire decks used drops down a little; there's just too many right now. I don't think you should worry too much. Also, I agree about the Zoroark, especially for a dark deck.

Ich hoffe, dass du meine Antwort hilfreich findest und viel Glück! : )
RE: Masters: Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)

Agreed, you have a lot of Stage 2 in your deck. Here is my opinion:

-2-1-2 Crobat Prime (removing a stage 2)
-2-2 Mandibuzz (works GREAT with Kingdra Prime, but you need to concentrate in Tyranitar Prime)
-1 Rainbow (You really don't need it)
-3 Psychic (duh xD)
-1 PETM (just for add another Pokémon Communication)

Total: 13 free spaces

There you have only two types of NRG. Now, which cards you should add?

+2-2 Umbreon UD (for counter Scizor Prime)
+1 Special Energy (120 goes to 160, if you have time to build it)
+4 Pluspower (there you can OHKO almost everything. Sorry, I mean everything)
+4 Junk Arm/Good Rod (to reuse Pluspowers) or anything that you want (maybe a 2-2 Zoroark line... I agree Odium, Verche and LLamajones24, Zoroark is very useful as an attacker)
+1 Pokémon Communication

With that, you'll have a lower pokémon line, with a counter to Scizor and Donchamp. Just an opinion, hope it helped :)
RE: Masters: Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)

Very nice ideas I've read here. Thanks!
Ahiro: PP is a good idea and the 3rd Communication is also now in there. Umbreon Ud is also nice, but the new abilities makes a bit trouble with, 'cause Umbreon don't negate Pokémon attack dmg from ability Pokémon. But still thanks.

Also Verche: Thank u for the PP idea.

LLamajones24: Yanmega was also my thought, but what schould I remove for a 2-2 Yanmega? Or would a 3-3 line be better? Also: Schould I keep also a 2nd stage 2 and which one schould I prefer? But also thanks a lot!

Du hast mir geholfen und schön, dass es hier auch jemanden gibt, der meine Heimatsprache versteht/kann. =)
In deutschen Boards kann man ja meist keine vernünftige Kritik für T2 und drunter erwarten. =/
RE: Masters: Tyrant-Dra (HGSS-On)

Honestly, I don't think you need either especially. Kingdra is nice on the occasion when you play Donphan, but he can also be a bit of a liability against the now very common fire decks, since Kingdra is (to my knowledge) the only water Pokemon who hits for less against fire Pokemon. His power can be very useful, though; almost like a free plus power every turn : ) Crobat is nice too, with its poison and also puts Donphan users in a bind: retreat or automatic knock out on their next turn. They both work so well against Donphan, I can't really decide between them. Ahiro is right, though: you don't need two. I think Crobat works a bit better against Machamp, though. However, I really think T-tar is all you need for stage two Pokemon. The advantages of running only one type of basic energy in your deck outweigh the benefits of keeping both of your Crobat and Kingdra in the deck, namely more room for other cards and not having to stress about drawing the right kind of energy. Also, I've found that you need to have a strategy in mind for T-tar: either damage spread or hitting hard. The one you pick should affect whether you use Mandibuzz at all. I used to run Mandibuzz in mine but found that damage spread wasn't for me, so took them out for Yanmega, who would be hurt by darkness howl anyway. Yanmega is way too good a starter to risk not getting at the beginning of the game. I think 3-3 would be better to improve the odds of this. In my opinion, you should take out both the Crobat and Kingdra lines (or at least one) to add the Yanmegas and Zoroarks (a 2-2 line is best for the latter). If you do add Yanmegas, you will need to run 4 copycats and 4 Judge. I don't run PONT in my deck because of that. If you knock your stage 2 line down to just T-tar, you can probably lower the rare candy number to 2. By the way, what does FSL stand for? You may or may not want to run the IQ with Yanmega in your deck either, seeing as Yanmega takes no energies and the constant hand refreshing with Judge and Copycat will hopefully run you into the dark energies you need eventually. Also, if you choose to run Yanmega, rescue energies are very useful, seeing as Yanmega requires no set up once you plop him back down on the bench.

Es freut mich auch, einen deutschen Pokemonspieler zu finden. Mein Hauptfach ist Deutsch (und Mathematik) und hoffentlich werde ich nach Deutschland für den Sommersemester fliegen. Vielleicht sollen wir uns treffen und ein bisschen Pokemon spielen : )
I choose Kingdra. With a 3-2-3 line. 1 is "normal" Kingdra and 2 are Primes. I tested Zoroark and I don't like it at all. It's luck based cause of the right oppenent Pokémon. That's the point about Yanmega. It's good so far, but you have to change the supporters heavy. I update the new decklist.
FSL = Flower Shop Lady =)

Warum eigentlich nicht. Wenn du irgendwo in meiner Nähe in deinem Sommersemester bist, könnte man das tun. Wenn du genau weißt, in welcher Stadt du zum Sommersemester bist, schreib mir, ich würde mich freuen. =)