People, people I would like to present what I think is the best current meta call (standard) that also is somewhat under the radar. Tyrantrum Giratina & Friends. Since the majority of the meta in the standard format. So here is how I am going to organize this thread.
1. Information on the deck.
2. Decklists.
3. Matchups.
So here are the main cards in the deck.
Alright so as you can see the synergy in the deck has Tyrantrum-EX taking out EXs, but unfortunately it cannot one-shot Mega Pokemon, this is why we run Giratina-EX we use it to block out Mega Pokemon and force a switch out. We also play Aegislash-EX to take out decks that have Non-EX attackers like Regice/Vileplume. This deck does have weaknesses though. Like Lysandre when we are blocking with Giratina KO'ing our Tyrantrum-EX That we are powering up with Bronzong. Also Aegislash-EX can be a problem when we run our energy line. Now we move onto the decklist. We also play a single copy of Wailord-EX because we need to soak up damage if we aren't up against a Mega Pokemon deck.
Pokemon: 17
2x Giratina-EX (AOR)
3x Tyrantrum-EX (XY70)
2x Aegislash-EX (PHF)
3x Bronzong (PHF)
3x Bronzor (NXD)
1x Hoopa-EX (AOR)
2x Shaymin-EX (ROS)
Trainers: 31
4x Professor Sycamore
2x Professor Birch's Observations
1x Shauna
1x Skyla
2x Lysandre
1x Pokemon Fanclub
1x AZ
4x VS Seeker
3x Ultra Ball
2x Battle Compressor
1x Escape Rope
4x Float Stone
1x Muscle Band
2x Reserve Ticket
3x Sky Field
Energy: 12
4x DDE
2x DCE
6x Metal Energy
And finally the matchups. I have what I think will be the 5 best decks in standard other than this deck. I will label them with W(win) L(loss) or Tie(I can't decide because I am dumb.) I will also state my reasoning in a single sentence because accuracy.
Vespiquen: W/Aegislash can EASILY take out Vespiquen and render it's attack useless.
M Manectric-EX: W/ Giratina will destroy everything.
M MewtwoY-EX: T/ Combined with enough Lysandres and VS Seekers and just the raw powe M Mewtwo could easily pull through against our 4 energy attack.
Yveltal-EX: W/ A faster version of M MewtwoY-EX would obviously seem like it would result in a loss right? WRONG! Aegislash can wall while I setup a Tyrantrum-EX One Hit Ko'ing the Yveltal.
Primal Groudon-EX: L/ Primal Groudon-EX is just too much of a wall for this deck.
Thanks for reading my thread! ~OvO~
1. Information on the deck.
2. Decklists.
3. Matchups.
So here are the main cards in the deck.

Alright so as you can see the synergy in the deck has Tyrantrum-EX taking out EXs, but unfortunately it cannot one-shot Mega Pokemon, this is why we run Giratina-EX we use it to block out Mega Pokemon and force a switch out. We also play Aegislash-EX to take out decks that have Non-EX attackers like Regice/Vileplume. This deck does have weaknesses though. Like Lysandre when we are blocking with Giratina KO'ing our Tyrantrum-EX That we are powering up with Bronzong. Also Aegislash-EX can be a problem when we run our energy line. Now we move onto the decklist. We also play a single copy of Wailord-EX because we need to soak up damage if we aren't up against a Mega Pokemon deck.
Pokemon: 17
2x Giratina-EX (AOR)
3x Tyrantrum-EX (XY70)
2x Aegislash-EX (PHF)
3x Bronzong (PHF)
3x Bronzor (NXD)
1x Hoopa-EX (AOR)
2x Shaymin-EX (ROS)
Trainers: 31
4x Professor Sycamore
2x Professor Birch's Observations
1x Shauna
1x Skyla
2x Lysandre
1x Pokemon Fanclub
1x AZ
4x VS Seeker
3x Ultra Ball
2x Battle Compressor
1x Escape Rope
4x Float Stone
1x Muscle Band
2x Reserve Ticket
3x Sky Field
Energy: 12
4x DDE
2x DCE
6x Metal Energy
And finally the matchups. I have what I think will be the 5 best decks in standard other than this deck. I will label them with W(win) L(loss) or Tie(I can't decide because I am dumb.) I will also state my reasoning in a single sentence because accuracy.
Vespiquen: W/Aegislash can EASILY take out Vespiquen and render it's attack useless.
M Manectric-EX: W/ Giratina will destroy everything.
M MewtwoY-EX: T/ Combined with enough Lysandres and VS Seekers and just the raw powe M Mewtwo could easily pull through against our 4 energy attack.
Yveltal-EX: W/ A faster version of M MewtwoY-EX would obviously seem like it would result in a loss right? WRONG! Aegislash can wall while I setup a Tyrantrum-EX One Hit Ko'ing the Yveltal.
Primal Groudon-EX: L/ Primal Groudon-EX is just too much of a wall for this deck.
Thanks for reading my thread! ~OvO~
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