Pokemon U.S.A and Japan keeping us in the dark!?

DO you think that pokemon events should be in other countrys that are really involved in pokemon?

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No i dont liek mudkipz!
Well I know that many of you have felt the same way as I do so I think something should be done.
We people that live in countrys outside of U.S.A and Japan have alwease been disiponted when we see a very good event happening with pokemon but then see its only U.S.A and Japan only. This means the Darkria event and the Battle showdown
This really makes me mad because some countrys that are very into pokemon and make all these rich pokemon brand owners very rich are missing out on things.
I mean look at all the countrys that play pokemon so much and buy all the products,Canada,Germany,England,Australia and many many more.
We have played pokemon and the pokemon games for years and they cant give us some events.We have made pokemon such a big thing that it's the secound most populer TCG in the world too magic but in Japan and soon Germany the most populer. Its the biggest overall toy/games/Movie/show company in the world and the richest so why can they give us some events!

I am making a petition that shows how much people think pokemon events and things should be in other countrys
it dosn't matter what country your from you can join.
Furroshi Man
Water Mewtwo
The Dark Toxicroak
Chatot Brains

We also talk about it here,I hope that out of this that something will be done but if not I at least want people to be more aware of it.
I want to join the petition because the only reason Pokemon is Dying in other countries because of neglect.

Name: Ho-Oh_master
I also want to join the petition because the only reason Pokemon is Dying in other countries because of neglect.

Name: LV (From Australia)
Can I join the Petition?
i know im from the U.S., but I agree with what youre saying

if you let me,
name: Furroshi Man
Light Venusaur said:
I also want to join the petition because the only reason Pokemon is Dying in other countries because of neglect.

Name: LV (From Australia)

Uhh you do know you copied what I said. :p
I totally agree becaue I live in a county that hardly ever gets touched by ninend events and stuff

Name: Gamefreak734
Yes, I agree, I've always gotten annoyed because accesibility is horrible in a place that has Nats as it's best Pokemon event :( Someone should bring this up to Nintendo...

EDIT: Accesibility of event Pokemon in the videogames, I mean.
I agree with everything you are saying. Pokemon has lost alot of popularity due to neglection.

i would like to join, but its true its not fair for other countries, most of the younger kids get to miss out on all the cool stuff.

name: F-c
And from what i have read and heard. International countries only receive 2% of POP's budget. So i am in.

Name: R_B
all of the other countries are just as special as japan and us, if it wasnt for most of the countries like canada and malaysa they wouldn't even have the money they have right now to run all of these events
*Mind you, I live in Australia & the only events that I've to are:
TRU/JB HI-FI Manaphy & (hopefuly) the TRU/JB Hi-Fi Darkrai.

Other then that, I had to trade to get the JAA Dogs.
If you are taking this seriously, count me in, I live in mexico and the unique event thing I have got is a Mysticticket, my darkrai and shaymin are from glitches I hate that pokemon only focuses on Japan and U.S. the people from other countries also exist!

Name: Light Manaphy
I might be american, but I have many non-american friends to fight for.

Name: z(omg)-man
well sorry for not being able to come on earlyer but my computer isn't working so Im back and thanks for all the support.
P.S Well with the new deoxys event there is hope that its in other countrys but it also could show people even more of this happening.
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