Pokemon U.S.A and Japan keeping us in the dark!?

DO you think that pokemon events should be in other countrys that are really involved in pokemon?

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They should do the same everywhere. Europeans get crappy events whereas we and Japan get good events. Europe only got the Deoxys event but not Lugia and Ho-oh. I think other countries should have the same as everyone else. I don't know why they don't but they should.:)
You know what? Here in Philippines, There are no events, no OFFICIAL tourneys(only Nationals) and no CARE for pokemon, making it so insignificant and childish here that it just makes me shout at everyone(yes...everyone) who doesn't care.
Well I know life isn't the best for people in places like that but it used to be the same way in B.C but we all kept on playing and it got better so hang in there.
P.S you guys get events at all I dont know if B.C has ever had an event but I bet we will with Nats here.
maybe if u keep going to the limited events they have, they will end up bringing more to the countries
Heh, I may live in te U.S, but I live in a part of the U.S where Pokemon is also neglected....the Midwest. We don't really get that many events around here, so we either miss out or have to drive/fly an insane distance just to attend. The only better we get is that we can at least have a chance at participating.

I completely agree with what you all are saying, 110%.

Name: Shaymin
well even in U.S.A we have this happening and its sickening, if they want to keep pokemon one of the grates games and brand in the world they need to support the people that like them or they will lose fans fast.
I'll join because the point of the Pokemon games is to catch them all and unless your American or Japanese.... you can't without cheating

Tons of kids and Pokefans in general were saddened by the fact we didn't get Darkrai. Yes we do have Toys R Us
Also honestly how can you hold a tournament at the tcg worlds for DS that only USA /japan can compete in its just not right. People will be watching you neglecting them right in front of you ....

Seriously gotta love that stupid idea
The Dark Toxicroak
Do you guys think that pokemon will ever start to have events in other places,I know we all want it to but be real,do you think they will.
Maybe those countries can't afford to run event. Those countries are actually pretty poor an they have to do hard labor just to get enough for one day worth of food. It is ridiculously expensive for food in those areas and they only get about 30 cents an hour.:)
I may be missing some things here, but as far as I know, Japan and the USA have the actual HQs of Pokemon, Canada doesn't, pretty sure England and etc. don't either. They are treating the people who are hosting them, this brings us to the issue of Money. It will cost Pokemon more money (Please don't say "But they make so much money anyway, they can afford it" if you do, you don't know how business works) to travel to other countries and set up these events, if you actually pay them to bring these events here, talk to me, if not don't bother complaining.
it really takes a lot of money to cross the border when your in USA and going to Canada?

the thing is events like this actually make them and the stores hosting them money

paying them money for these is ridiculous ....might as well just buy an action replay if your going to do that

even if it did come to paying them 5$ for a Darkrai or something ( i would be fine with that if it went to charity) then at least it'd would be better then flying to USA just to get one legitly
Well U.S.A pays for all the free turnys so dont say it cant be done, and I think that the stores that there in pay pokemon U.S.A because that brings in people to buy things so its not a matter of money it's a matter of cheepness.
The Dark Toxicroak said:
it really takes a lot of money to cross the border when your in USA and going to Canada?

Yeah actually it does.

Okay so you have the money right? Okay then now we have to find a place, Toy's R Us? Sure! Wait what's that you don't want it? Why not? Not many people, well in the US and Japan we get plenty? Okay then!

Wait, you got 7 people there? Okay let's not bother with Canada, the UK or anything other than Japan and the US.

Another matter is space, all the TRUs near me have a problem with their Gaming area. It's ridiculously cramped in there, they have a small free area in the front, it fits about 10 people.

Anythng else you want to throw out there feel free too
xxashxx said:
Maybe those countries can't afford to run event. Those countries are actually pretty poor an they have to do hard labor just to get enough for one day worth of food. It is ridiculously expensive for food in those areas and they only get about 30 cents an hour.:)

which countries, 'cause it sounds like you included Canada and Europe there...
they should atleast make a pokemon HQ in Canada, Europe, austrelia, malaysa, and Mexico, they can at least put a pokemon center in one of those places.
full-cresseliation said:
they should atleast make a pokemon HQ in Canada, Europe, austrelia, malaysa, and Mexico, they can at least put a pokemon center in one of those places.

...y'know, the most likely ones on that list are the first 2... the others will probably never see one...
full-cresseliation said:
they should atleast make a pokemon HQ in Canada, Europe, austrelia, malaysa, and Mexico, they can at least put a pokemon center in one of those places.

That's pointless, let's just have a Pokemon Base everywhere in the world!
Again money comes up, more people to pay, construction etc. etc.
I live in the USA now, but used to live in Germany and Austria (ia, no alia), and I was lucky to make it to a tournament once or twice a year. I won a cities by default; I was the only Senior there. In Germany there were more opperatunities, but not as many.

Sign me up.
burnpsy said:
xxashxx said:
Maybe those countries can't afford to run event. Those countries are actually pretty poor an they have to do hard labor just to get enough for one day worth of food. It is ridiculously expensive for food in those areas and they only get about 30 cents an hour.:)

which countries, 'cause it sounds like you included Canada and Europe there...

I know Europe can't for sure but I am not sure about Canada. I don't think they have a Headquarters there. They have to have someone come up from Japan or U.S.A. to start one. It takes time and a ton of money for it to happen.:)
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