Pokemon U.S.A and Japan keeping us in the dark!?

DO you think that pokemon events should be in other countrys that are really involved in pokemon?

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I agree. In my country, Pokemon was the most popular in 2000 to 2002... but it fall 'cause Nintendo and Pokemon left us.

I like join the pedition: Drigo Toes (from Chile).
please let me join this petition, i'm from japan, living in us, but i still think if pokemon was promoted with events it would be more popular

I wish to sign this petition, as we have barely any event in Australia. Atleast near the part I live, anyway.
Name: Kawaii.
Country: Australia.
I agree with you,I'm in Northern Ireland and when I hear that there is an event,I get angrey because only Japan and U.S.A folks get it.

*Has always dreamt of having a Ho-Oh*
ya and then people ished they lived in countrys like canada but we dont get them ether we had a mew event along time ago and never one after.
I think Pokemon needs to have events in other countries besides U.s.a.(where i live) and japan.Be Put me on the petition too!
Riskbreakers said:
I just think that the owners of PUSA and Pokemon Japan are just stingy. Look at the Philippines, we get NOTHING. No PreReleases, no events, no nothing. Except for a Nationals. They can afford supporting the other fans around the world but no, they care more for money than fans, if they keep this up, people will end up quitting pokemon.

PUSA CPOS and stuff dont care about the fans , all they want is the big money, read what i said below
Gooberdued said:
And even in America, the only good events (save Pokemon Across America) seem to be in either New York or LA. So yeah, I'll join.

Only reason they do that b/c is its where the most ppl live , more ppl , more money PUSA makes , its all about bussiness like Po-Po said.
I'll sign I live in London and have this dream of living in Japan where Pokemon is cool and people actually play Yu-Gi-Oh...
but this is one step closer! I remember going to the Pokemon 10th Anniversary tour but all it was was a pokemon download some dolls in a case and the Mystery Dungeon special replaying itself, but anyway I hope something is donbe about it.
well the released pokemon cards back in 99 in other languages and still do, why can't tehy give support for them?

I think a forum petittion in't going to get you far. you need ink and a website. mail some stuff to the headquarters in NY in the u.s. If you can show there's a big group of you I bet they'll get you all in.
Not That petition wont change PUSA mind , It could. But IF I wanted real action i would go to japan's office.
Definately sign me up for this; I want a darkrai :p Its unfair that we never get any events over in the UK.
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