• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

Hey, I'm interested in your Jumpluff from HG/SS. I have Spiritomb(s) AR, lmk what we can work out and please CML. I also have Flygon RR.
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!


Flying Pika
Flygon RR


Jumpluff HGSS
RH Luxray GL

RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

Please CML for your

Ultra Ball Playmat

http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

piplup234 said:
piplup234 said:
Well I like DCE and Gengar LV.X. also, do you have any gardy SW?
what about for this stuff

umm..... no gardys and nothing for those two.

PokemonTradeAccount said:
hey, im interested in your donphan prime and ampharos prime (do you have HGSS sleeves?), from your wants i have:
landmin x
and multiple spiritombs (rh and reg)

let me know if we can work something out, CML if you like

srry. nty. :(

RareCandyAwesomeness said:
Hey, I'm interested in your Jumpluff from HG/SS. I have Spiritomb(s) AR, lmk what we can work out and please CML. I also have Flygon RR.

nty. :(

PokeKid Brandon said:
I could do a Flygon for Jumpluff.

nty. have another deal. :(

Brawler said:

Flying Pika
Flygon RR


Jumpluff HGSS
RH Luxray GL


Ummm.... could u add anything else? To me it seems a little lop sided.

the crippler 18 said:
Please CML for your

Ultra Ball Playmat

http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)

How much u willing to give for it?
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

OK, thanks anyways
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

I can add a spiritomb if that's okay.
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

Flying Pikachu for Jumpluff? LMK.
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

I can add a second tomb if need be(to beat out other offers)
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

cml 4 your feraligator

i have a spiritimb (AR) 4 trade
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

Brawler: hmmmm.... can i think about it? I'll PM u ASAP about this. ok? thnx.

Absent & Bullet: Nty. didn't see anything.
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

CML for jumpluff. ill outbid if i have to.....
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

Okay. Please I REALLY need this stuff. Badly. I will outbid richkid.
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

well here goes


for it

brawler: you could let me get it and then trade stuff to me for them :D he knows me in real life so odds are youll get it.
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

srry. bbut i think i'm just gunna keep Jumpluff for now. :(

I'll let u guys know if i get another one in my b-box and then i'll trade it but for now, i'd like to keep my little Jumpluff. :)
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

CML for Donphan PRIME
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

CML for Donphan Prime. I have Flying Pikachu. Thanks.
RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph!

flygon . said:
CML for Donphan PRIME

srry. didn't see anything.

Ray Vin said:
CML for Donphan Prime. I have Flying Pikachu. Thanks.

srry. nothing for me.

Alex(charm)ander said:
qwertyuiop98091 said:
srry. didn't see anything for any of mine. :(

Not even for just Charizard?

Nope. srry. :(
RE: H: Almost Complete HGSS Set & Complete AR Set! W: 4 Specific HGSS Cards!

Hey guys! It's ME! I just finished opening my HGSS Booster NBox and i almost have the full set! CML for Lugia top, Ho-Oh bottom, Hitmontop, and Alph Litho PLZ! Ty! :cool: