Ugh... Going at it again...(Gothitelle)

Chill. I'm not trolling. I made one sarcastic comment, but past that my argument was respectful and valid - much more respectful than yours. If we're talking about contradictions then don't tell me I'm a troll, have terrible testing partners, and that I'm obnoxiously cocky and should leave the game in the same post you tell me to calm down and be more respectful.

And yes, I've seen a couple G/R lists that won battle roads (but winning a battle road means nothing), but none of them were from "pro" players. Reshiboar was not a good deck choice for BRs, but that does NOT by any means mean that it has a bad Gothitelle matchup.

Furthermore, I am a huge fan of Gothitelle and I consider it one of the top 2 decks in the format. That does not mean it has no bad matchups. If you honestly believe it doesn't, you're just lying to yourself. It does not like playing against a deck with badboar, or against anything that can one-shot it. It curls up and dies if RDL gets out too quickly. It obviously hates Mew. Luckily, past Magnezone, none of these cards are popular enough to threaten its success. You and that other guy automatically assumed that because I'm saying it has a bad matchup I don't think it's a viable deck.

And fine, I should have said that the only time it won't get out, barring a dead hand or other random unpredictable circumstance is when (blah blah blah). But it does nothing to invalidate my post.
I've noticed at the recent BR's I've attended at least 1 Gothitelle/Reuniclus deck made the Semifinals, the other didn't do so well. I've been seeing a ton of Reshiphlosion and ZPST though, and some DonChamp at least 1 or 2 popping up here and there. Stage 1 Rush did pretty well too. It was of course running Donphan/Zoroark/Yanmega and it was playing against TyRam, probably the most consistent build I've ever seen.

Eviolite is mostly better for MewPluff than Rocky Helmet is and not every MewPluff deck is going to be running Yanmega but it does help If you can afford a playset. I see it better in MewLock actually granted you're also running Vileplume with Sunflora. I do find it strange that G/R isn't doing so well and that could mean that ZPST and TyRam will be hard to beat with them running Eviolite thus meaning a drop in Zoroark's playability.

Celebi23 said:
If you want to have such heated arguments over children's card games, go over to 'gym.

Or Pojo where you might get better attention from that games' playerbase since 2/3rd's of Pojo's forums consist of Yu-Gi-Oh! players. Check the # of Posts and Threads made there and you'll see what I mean.

Nizolka33 said:
P.S. BTW, Kyurem 2 shots every Mew in play. Running a complete Mew deck would get really tough if Kyurem/Feraligatr, a hyped deck, gets popular. Of course, this is still theorymon, so we shall see...

If that's the case then you can very well expect to see Cobalion NV or Ferrothorn EP teched in MewPluff to get around that. Both {M} Pokemon can do at least 120 damage to Kyurem, slap a PlusPower and that's a garaunteed KO.

Celebi23 said:
Furthermore, I am a huge fan of Gothitelle and I consider it one of the top 2 decks in the format.

Top 4 or 5 is probably what you meant, you still have to consider TyRam, ZPST, BlameTruth, PrimeTime, and Stage 1 Rush (Donphan/Yanmega/Zoroark). Tier 2 bracket would be MewPluff/Mewbox, Gothitelle/Reuniclus, DonChamp, ReshiBoar, MagneBoar, and maybe a few others.

Cinccino Rush with Kingdra Prime is pretty decent, I still have no clue how that deck wins games, Weavile UD for Claw Snag with Catcher's and Cinccino Doing the Wave I guess? It's one of the most random decks I've seen lately next to a hiliarious deck I saw on the Gym called, "Duck, Duck, Goose".
I honestly think only 2 of those deserve mention - one of which is the truth, but by Gothitelle I sort of meant Reuniclus trainer lock variants and the truth would be included in that. ZPST is the other.

Yanmega/Magnezone is very close behind, but it hates to play Reshiram (which is huge) and Donphan, which is also pretty big. Magneboar is definitely higher than Tier 2 - it's not Tier 1 though.