I vote for Nosepass!
And saying that Jynx is ugly is kind of... racist, if you know what I mean!
And saying that Jynx is ugly is kind of... racist, if you know what I mean!
Take that back! >_<antares said:sudowoodo is to ugly to look at
what, butterfree, the ugliest Pokémon, no way, have you ever even looked at it.Garion the Bonsly said:Butterfree. God it is hidious! Not meaning to offend anyone, but my eyes hurt looking at it 8/10
Beedrill. Uh, just looks weird and ugly. 7/10
Buetifly looks disgusting as well. 8/10
Golbat 9/10
Smoochum and Jynx. Jeez they are definently the ugliest pokemon. Honest to God, my friend threw up when he first saw Jynx! 10/10
Regis: 8/10 [No description] besides 'just plain ugly'
Muk: 7/10
I totally agree, no Matter how much dry food a feebas gets, it can't become beautiful, this card proves itTomokazu Komiya said:Are you kidding? Milotic is disgustingly ugly. How can that Pokemon claim that that beast is beautiful? Lies, I tell you!! LIES!!!!
Look at those antennae.... (shivers)
why is muk ugly, it's my mother's favorite pokémon.(TYranitarFReak) said:well, i think grimer and muk are more uglier!
yeah, especially when it's one by Tomokazu KomiyaGODZILLA said:Tyrogue is pretty ugly too:/
*takes giant knife*Venusaur said: