Pokemon Ugliest Pokemon

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RE:  Ugliest Pokemon

Typhlosion ex fans said:
Jynx, nosepass, cradily and ludicolo:shy:All ugly!!

Ludicollo is not ugly... it's just *clearing throat*.. a little unusual.
there are 2 really ugly pokemon in my opinion.
Glalie - what the. it is just a big floating head with a huge freaky mouth
Shiftry - this one creeps me out. it is like an evil scarecrow with leaves for hands and a really freaky head.

Maybe jynx was putting on its lipstick while driving and this is why it is so ugly, nothing extreme makeover can't fix
All right, I think that it's been engraved in stone that Jynx is the ugliest Pokemon ever. Now how about we move onto the 2nd ugliest? Snorunt gets my vote.
I used to think Golbat since I found it quite scary when I first started playing, now I think the Regis are worse.
I'd have to agree with the bad artist :p, the regis aren't ugly, they are special, and look cool (especially regice -- cool-ice, get it?, whatever).
and there faces are in Braille, what I still don't understand:p, but it's just nice.
well, ugly, I don't think smoochem is ugly, just her evolution.
they aren't exactly pokemon like, but they do have their own weird style... never really liked seviper, he's all... bleargh.

oh wait, no, masquerin. Is that how it's spelt? oh who cares.
RE:  Ugliest Pokemon

jayh272416 said:
2nd ugliest is Machamp, after Alakazam
You kidding? Machamp isn't ugly!!! He's my main fighting Pokemon man!!! I only wish he was bigger, though... the guy's a midget.
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