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ulimate anti gyarados, gyarados deck (masters cities)

sablelock ftw

Aspiring Trainer
pokemon 21
4-3 gyarados
1-1 staroptor fb
1-1 floatzel gl
2 uxie
1 regice
1 azelf
2 crobat
4 sabaeye
1 promocroak

tar sup sta 34
1 black belt
2 cyrus
1 pokemon rescue
3 junk arm
3 collector
4 poke drawer
2 pokemon com
1 warp point
3 power spray
2 energy gain
2 e belt
3 bts
4 poketurn
3 seeker

energy 5
3 warp
2 {P}
ok..Rescue Energy is amazing in gyarados..take out the 1-1 floatzel line for 2 rescue energy..I could rewrite your whole list but frankly I don't want to invest too much time. also..take a psychic energy out (why are they even in there in the first place, no offense) and put a fourth magikarp in..
@ glaceon basicly the stragey is to get floatzel out and tank with g dos and use power sprays to slow down your oppenet staroptor helps get supports and use promocroak when gyarados is k.o.ed helps with luxchomp match up and t-tar
@ mlouden this deck is suppose to be anti gyarados and luxchomp (the to best decks in the format) the psychic energy r in there for promocrak
Ok, you've only got four means of recovering your gyarados in the event you cannot set up floatzel gl in time, and three of them are junk arm :/

You're asking a lot to be able to draw into the pokemon rescue should this happen, I'd suggest adding in a combee tech

Also you run 3 collectors, but there's 7 basic pokemon you'd be ideally wanting to pull out, being the magikarps, regice, staraptor and floatzel, and this isn't even including important azelf drops and uxies. This is putting a pretty big strain on your basic pokemon drawablilty so I'd suggest making do with either staraptor or floatzel tbh. 6 is doable with collectors but 7 in tangent with wanting to pull out gyarados, and the lvlx cards and you're overall trying to do way to much in the way of techs and detracting from the general speed and power gyarados should inherently have.

I won't go too much into specific changes cos the gyarados i list is unconventional and may bias my opinion

You neeeeed Bebe's search, how else you gonna get your gyarados out consistently?

Also, how does this deck counter luxchomp exactly? Adding a promocroak doesn't make it easy to just say gg luxchomp, which is why I took it out eventually of my builds. Gyarados, if well built can just return the ko on it's own anyway with a belt or crobat drops, and with staraptor and floatzel sitting on the bench, the luxray is almost spoilt for choice as to who he'll bright look out and ohko. Without them on your bench, he'll probs just ohko you anyway so it's best in the matchup to just trade prizes and keep it up until they buckle cos they shouldn't be able to get their luxrays out as quick as you can pull gyarados out
Rescue energy is very helpful in this. Also put in more rescues you will need them. Mew Prime could be good for early on snipe for 120. If you try that have snowpoint temple and ebelt to raise mews hp.
glaceon: 4 pokemon rescues aren't needed, rescue energie provides a quicker and easier alternative, although combee is def a good option

bpalmer: mew really isn't that good as a tech, it would need it's whole deck to be built around it, and even then it's a pretty weak gyarados alternative

sablock: you say you plan to slow down the opponent with power sprays but that requires you to get 3 sp pokemon out, whilst getting four magikarps out. Do you see the problem here? Attempting to slow your opponent is doing more harm than good to your deck

You claim it's anti gyarados but it's not, the opponent gyara will get set up quicker and recover quicker. It's not anti luxchomp either because you will lack the consistency to trade prize for prize with them.

Traditional gyarados is traditional for a reason, i'd stick to it for cities and experiment with strange techs for battle roads etc.
your recovery options are so slim that any G-dos deck will run through you and Luxchomp will laugh at your Promocroak tech and your lack of recovery and troll you to next week. G-Dos was blessed with a multitiude of different recovery options with Triumphant as well as the current recovery options, you would be wise to abuse them as best you can. Floatzel can go in favour of Rescue Energy as Rescue energy won't end up being Garchomp C lvX/Luxray GL lvX bait and Promocroak is a very situational tech for Luxchomp, you would be best dropping it for more recovery to ensure a next turn KO to keep up with Luxchomp, if you want to power lock then add 1 Mesprit LA and 3/4 SSU (but that would require dropping Poke Drawer+).

-1-1 Floatzel GL lvX
-1 PromoCroak
-3 Power Spray
-2 Energy Gain
-2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
-2 {P}

+1 Unown Q (Save those warp energies for Gyarados)
+1 Combee SF
+2 Bebe's Search
+1 Luxury Ball
+2 Pokemon Rescue
+3 Rescue Energy (a 3/3 split or Pokemon Rescue / Energy as well as 3 Warp Energy / 3 Seeker is great recovery)