Ultra Stall (Spinarak Vileplume)


Aspiring Trainer


The aim of the deck is to get them to bring out a cleffa. After they do this, you use spider web over and over to lock it in place. Use Vileplume to stop them from switching. Pokemon reversal to pull up their cleffas.

Apart from spinarak and vileplume. you would run any of serperior, yanmega, RDL, etc; something that benefits from a long time for you to set up.

The strategy is to continue to lock your opponent for the whole game. When time is called, you wait until three turns pass. After the third turn ends, you can simply promote any pokemon you want and kill the cleffa, allowing you to take the first prize and win. This deck works well with Reversal, allowing you to pull up cleffa.

This deck is MAINLY Vileplume/Yanmega! the difference is the inclusion of 2 Spinarak. If you want, you can include an araidos (GC for 30 - to kill cleffa).

This isn't going to win you nationals. It will, however, be awesome.

EDIT: Going to simplify.

You play the game, and wait until time is called. After time is called, 3 more turns get taken (often referred to 30+3 or 45+3).

After the 3 turns, if both players are on equal prizes, the first player to get a knock out wins.

You stall with Spinarak until time is called, and the turns pass, then attack cleffa for 30 damage, knocking it out. You take a prize, you win.

Spinarak is also good with just vileplume and stuff, and not in a gimmick deck.
This is very clever, and I can see it being a good stall early on. Make sure you set up Vileplume fast though.
This is hysterical. :) Remember, not all decks run Cleffa, and if you get Vileplume up, you can't bring use Pokemon Reversal to get Cleffa out. You'd have to Seeker it, which could get annoying.
Haha I rarely say this, but I LOVE this idea. This is just so great I'm tempted to play this at the LCQ just for laughs cos I know I probably won't get in anyway.

But seriously, this could actually work given that it would be so darn unexpected. However, if they know the strategy (which people eventually would) you need to play Pokemon Reversal right before Vileplume gets out. Also, I'd suggest Slowking HGSS in case they don't run non-attacking techs that way you control what they draw and don't let them draw energy to attack with what you force up.
This is hilarius this idea is histerical not in a bad way either! The only thing i can think of is that its not only switch your worried about it is super scoop up also. I would say warp energy would foil this completely but ROTATED! Good Idea!
Wow, very good find. Great surprise tech, but could be tricky to use considering that you may have to Reversal/Catcher to get a Baby active. But I might wanna test this.
Seeker won't be that hard to play late-game. Also, with Catcher...*shudders* Or even play Reversal early game too. That could work...

That being said, this is a SIMPLY AMAZING COMBO. I must try this no matter how bad my build turns out to be just for fun. This just sounds too good _not_ to try out for myself.

dmaster out.
^ Dratini would KO the Cleffa which you are trying to keep active
tyrannitar trainer said:
New idea instead of taking the prize after time is called why not run kingdra prime to slowly kill a benched pokemon.

I actually had the same idea. Once you get one or two Kingdras out you can just kill stuff off the bench while they sit there doing nothing. *Goes to build deck*

I absolutely love this idea :D As said before, combined with Kingdra Prime and put into a Yanmega deck, this could be somewhat effective. Gah I wish I had the cards to make this.
Jahikoi said:


The aim of the deck is to get them to bring out a cleffa. After they do this, you use spider web over and over to lock it in place. Use Vileplume to stop them from switching. Pokemon reversal to pull up their cleffas.

Apart from spinarak and vileplume. you would run any of serperior, yanmega, RDL, etc; something that benefits from a long time for you to set up.

The strategy is to continue to lock your opponent for the whole game. When time is called, you wait until three turns pass. After the third turn ends, you can simply promote any pokemon you want and kill the cleffa, allowing you to take the first prize and win. This deck works well with Reversal, allowing you to pull up cleffa.

This deck is MAINLY Vileplume/Yanmega! the difference is the inclusion of 2 Spinarak. If you want, you can include an araidos (GC for 30 - to kill cleffa).

This isn't going to win you nationals. It will, however, be awesome.

and now everyone knows. >_>

are you even going to nationals man?
This is what i am thinking for this deck looks pretty good i really need to try this.

4 Spinarak
3-1-2 Vileplume
2-2-2 Kingdra Prime
2-2 Mismagius UD (polgeriest to counter machamp)

4 Seeker
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Juniper (discard the unusable trainers)
1 Revive (In Case)

4 Pokemon Reversal
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy

10 grass energy
5 psychic energy
...Is there a "like" button any where on this thread?

I see no water energy for Kindra's attack, you dont need that many grass energy if all you're gonna use is Spider Web. I would put at least 1 Ariados so that just if they break it you still can do some heal+damage. Someone said Slowking, and that's a GREAT idea. The purpose of this is Lock, right?

And Revive is a Trainer.
piplup234 said:
Sorry to ruin your thunder guys, but Fighting Tag gets out of it :/

Exactly. This deck will never work (for example, you can NOT bench your Cleffa), we should all just forget about this, because ots inconsistant and will never work. I've tried it, so trust me.