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Umbrelock Deck Idea? Seniors, Cities


RIP Pokemon TCG: 1996 - 2011.
Hello Pokebeach community, today I wanted to talk about my deck and your opinions. When I went to City Championships, I went 2-1 (Not many Seniors) by locking up many infamous decks.

4x Celebi Prime
4x Eevee UD
4x Umbreon UD
3x Spiritomb (No more!)
2x Uxie (All I got)

Trainers and Supporters-27
4x Bebes
3x Underground Expedition (Gonna Change)
3x Rare Candies (Donk)
3x Expert Belt
3x Black Belt
3x Switches
3x Energy Exchangers
3x Super Scoop-ups
2x Duel Ball

Energys- 16
3 Rainbow
4 Physic
5 Grass
4 Special Darkness Energies.

Bascially, I lost a game because I had Celebi with an expert belt locking up a Gyarados and accidently playing down a basic, causing me to lose because they Regi-moved me and killed my benched, breaking my lock and took the last prize. My deck is used to basically lock all attacks by any stage 1 or stage 2 and block any pokemon with poke-powers or poke-bodies. Ussually, I can get either Celebi and or Umbreon lock out first turn, hitting up to 50-100 right away. It can easily block Donphan, block Garchomp(despite bench, I would play just Umbreon out), block LuxChomp, block Kingdra, block Gyarados, block VileGar, etc.... Tell me your opinions!
It is called Celebi and I can set up SO much faster

I can 1 hit luxray with umbreon easy and lock up. I also can suicide to hit 40 extra. I also run spiritomb and can wreck luxchomp in speed and power and lock. It called playing no bench and stalling the game.
No offence dude, but this doesn't seem like it will do any good in the current format.
Just a question...what the heck is Celebi doing in there? Just like samurai83x said, Uxie X can OHKO it.
How can you ALWAYS get Celebi or Umbreon out first? If you get out Umbreon first, you're going to need an Eevee, which is very feeble by itself. And chances are, you're not going to get out both Umbreon AND Eevee on your first, so that tactic is gone. Same goes for Celebi.
BUT, what's good about Eevee is Call for Family, which allows you get a basic. So, before I get on to the Takes and Adds, let me critique some more.
Spiritomb Trianer-Locks you and your oponent, and your deck relies on Trianers basically (thus, if it relies on Trainers, not good against DialgaChomp). Plus, you really don't need Darkness Grace for what I'm about to help you with.
This also will not do well against snipes, for as your bench will be weak, and if Umbreon is put to sleep or something, it's game.
Also, where are your healing Trainers and such? I can see the Belts, but that's it? So you're saying Umbreon is just going to last the whole game with 90HP? I don't think so.
Well, here goes with the adds and takes:
-3 Underground Expedition
-3 Rare Candy (why were these even in here in the first place....)
-2 Dual Ball (You got Eevee for this)
-3 Rainbow (who are you expecting to attach these to? They'll just add more damage...)
-3 Sprititomb (sorry, really not needed)
-1 Black Belt

+3 PETM (To get your evolutions out faster. I'd add these instead of Spiritomb because you won't be wasting an attack)
+2 PONT (to always refresh your hand)
+4 Life Herb (you really need the heal)
+2-2 Manectric PL (to defend your bench)
+2 Electric Energy (incase you need to attack with Manectric)

I really do hope this helped.
I mix Celebi and Umbreon together cause if I was playing an uxie x, I would not get celebi but instead lock with Umbreon. Case in point, I rare candy, forest breath, uxie, and expert belt quick blow for up to 90 t1. Have you noticed how universal I could block, it just depends who I get out first. But I do agree with card changes, thanks
Yeah, I really apologize if I sounded a tad harsh.
I must say, though, this deck has much potential :)
Its ok, id rather take critism to improve my game, but I love the Manertric idea to block Garchomp but at Citys, it was all Gyarados so gotta watch the Regi-move. Thanks though
I would rather run Mightyena LA instead of Umbreon because they can just Deafeon Lock or Trash Bolt your Umbreon because they will not have poke powers/pokebodies, with Mightyena you have the basics and the Stage 1s and Stage 2s covered.
Trash bolt from Luxray GL LVX has a pokepower, sorry. Also, I dont mind trainer locks that bad if I can lock.

But I like the Idea, thanks!

Sorry my mistake, but I can still 1 hit basic luxray but loves da mightyana
your weak point is jumpluff. it dont has pokepower or pokebodý and some jumpluff decks have vileplume so your hand wil be stuck.
+ditto LA for copy jumpluff mass attack and you already run the grass energy's
you can lock it but it many versions play luxray lv.X so they drag bench out. and to use black belt you must to stand back 1 prize card. and some jumpluf decks play trainer lock.
I thnik you your only big weakness is your bench,if someone warp points or hits your bench you might want to think about that
I run jump-lock, 3 cherrim ar on bench, vileplume, and 1 vespiqueen ud. send jumpluff up, belt, use leaf gaurd and block 60 damge. I will use mass attack for the OHKO
Really, how about you read my decklist about trying to be the smart one.
1). I can block Jumpluff easily
2). By the time you get those pokemon up, I will be ahead Turn 1-2. Good luck
In conclusion, I can outspeed you and wreck you T1 or T2 hitting up to 60-90 and even more later with lockdown.

Should I run 2 Mespirits along with a 2-2-2 Line of Vileplume then?

Very good points, should I run 2-2-2 Line of Vileplume and 2-3 Mespirits
Okay, well I know an amazing card for your deck. You want to lock? Mewtwo Lv.X. No question.

-3 Underground Expedition (You said it was going to change, so...)
-1 Black Belt (not that great of a card, and only 2 are needed)

+2-2 Mewtwo Lv.X (For the extra staller, and can hit a pretty sum of damage if needed)

Another card to check out would be Shedinja SV, but only 1-1 max, because Umbreon is doing a better job at what Shedinja does. But you never know when Spike Wound might come in handy...

Otherwise, I like the deck. I've always liked locking decks, I may have to try this one out as some point.