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Umbreon donk/lock BR or City's (Seniors)


Aspiring Trainer
3 Umbreon (UD)
3 Eevee
1 Uxie lv.X
2 Uxie (LA)
3 Sableye (SF)
3 Crobat G
1 Chatot G
1 Mespirt (LA)
1 Azelf (LA)
1 Girantina (Let Loose)
1 Unown Q
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
2 Judge
2 Cyrus's Initiative
1 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Palmer's Contrubution

4 Super Scoop Up
4 Poke Turn
3 Expert Belt
3 Plus Power
2 Pokedex
2 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball

3 Broken Time-Space
4 {D} Special
2 {D}

The Strategy of this deck is similar to Sablelock. You try and get Sableye out and donk with a Special dark energy. Or try to disrupt your opponent by using Mespirt or Girintina/Judge also with Chatot G. Umbreon is kinda an Sp counter that can hit 60 for one Special dark energy and an Expert Belt. I really appreciate comments and any help you can give :) .
your not going to run an espeon md to increase umbreon's hp to 130? and as an idea put in a dce for uxie lv. X, it's better then wasting your dark energy's on an attack and help's you if you need to donk a mewtwo Lv. X uber fast. cya
im not running espion cuz it just takes up more bench space and i was thinking about running double couless for Uxie lv.X but and how would it donk Mewtwo lv.X? Cuz Uxie lv.X is still considered a basic pokemon and i dont think Dialga G lv.X will help. :p
Very great deck. I like how you are creating a deck around UD Umbreon. this card saw great play in the Undaunted theme deck challenge near me. Though I have some suggestions.
-2 Dex
+1 BTS
+1 Belt

Enough said.
thats a good idea but almost no one plays Machamp any more so no point in it also you would have to put in other energy