Umbreon UD

Inigo Montoya

Hatman/Imakuni?/Not Not-TDL
I know this card has made itself a tech in many decks, but what is the best card to combo it with? My 2 cards that I think work are Espeon MD and Umbreon MD. But since most players only have room to tech one, which one is better? Espeon or Umbreon? Also, if you have any other good techs to go with Umbreon, please list them!

(Also mods, if this is the wrong place for the thread, please move)

EDIT: Just thought that I'd mention that I need a helper for an Umbreon UD deck, and I need it for cities in a few weeks. I don't have room for both of them, and it'd be clunky if I had both anyways.
Run Umbreon with Machamp.
I've seen that work.

Isn't Umbreon just a tech?
I'd say Umbreon MD. Umbreon UD has problemswith fighting-type counters, so that would help the most. The 0 retreat cost helps a whole ton too.
i run it with donphan prime
it can counter lots of things that umbreon has trouble with

does nothing to help gyarados
I actually have a deck currently arround Umbreon UD and Jirachi UL. Devolve Pokémon in play, have galactic HQ in play, and next turn bring up Umbreon UD to either Quick Blow for at the most 60 (and x2 for any dark weaknesses!) or if they have a PokeBody or PokePower, than use Moonlight Fang to lock your opponent from attacking your active Umbreon; with Manectric PL benched, than your opponent is COMPLETELY blocked from damaging any of your Pokémon during that turn.
For example, if Ursaring Prime UL was your opponent's Active Pokémon with 8 damage counters on it, and your Active Pokémon was Umbreon UD, and it's your turn, you could retreat Umbreon for the cost of 1 colorless energy, bring up Jirachi UL and use Time Hallow and devolve Ursaring back to Teddiursa UL for an auto-KO. ~JS
Jirachi seems iffy with Umbreon because of the threat of Machamp SF's Take Out unless you time it right and de-evolve Machamp back to Machoke or Machop with Time Hollow. Because Machamp SF has no Poke-Powers or Bodies and it could hit Umbreon for Fighting Weakness that might put you at a disadvantage.
Yeah, that's true. But with Umbreon left with 10 HP, you STILL can retreat for 1 colorless energy and bring up Jirachi. After bringing up Jirachi, use Seeker to pick up damaged Umbreon, and then devolve to machop. This would be best if BTS isn't in and rather Galactic HQ, as if my opponent decided to evolve back, it would do 20 damage onto the board! ~JS
Use Umbreon with ERL. If you want me to, I can post my brother's decklist. It came second in Junior's out of eight.
E&R LEGEND/Umbreon deck? That's very intresting...I'll like to see the decklist for that. Pm me the link for it. ~JS
I play it with T-Tar Prime, If i didn't have it I would have done as good as I did at cities.