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In ancient middle east countries, it was illegal for a boy to be taller than his dad, if he was taller he had to give his father an ox or money.

It is illegal to board a bus less than 4 hours of eating garlic
Here is a new one! Lets say you have a pie and you take half a bite of the pie. You are only left half a pie now eat another half of that and another half and another and another... That pie will last for ever! But is is like a cell after a while. (Very good if you are hungry in the middle of class take half a bite of a tiny strawberry! ;) )
Raspberries also come in the color yellow. 5% of humans still think the world is flat.
(Hopefully it was okay for this too be revived, because I have a good one)
If completely compressed, the entire human race could fit inside a sugar cube—atoms are that empty.
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