For a pre-release ("Limited") meta, these are all pretty decent.
4. Persian will let you not need to worry about energy, the issue is that you need to pull Cat Day Pokemon to make use of it.
3. Provided your opponent isn't running a Fire deck or one of those cheap GX + 39 Energy/Trainer decks, and you pull a decent amount of Metal type Pokemon (I don't remember how many are in this grossly huge set), you can wall your opponent forever with the healing.
2. Stakataka will be a massive 200HP wall after you lose a single Pokemon, again, if you can keep Weakness at bay. Also the milling is nice if you can get rid of a good card your opponent only pulled one of.
1. Volcanion can accelerate Energy then hit 110 for 2, but tops the list for synergy with the other Fire types and support.
Granted, TTGXes have likely destroyed this meta and everyone will be running GX decks, but a guy can dream...